10 Fantastic Ways To Have A Good Relationship With Your Boyfriend – Be A Nice Girl Friend!


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Isn’t it cool to be in a relationship with a guy you connect with? When the two of you step ahead and build a house of love, care and respect where the two of you reside, does it feel like all the angels from heaven have landed on earth to sway around with their enchanting beauty? Must be like living the life you both would have dreamed of. The question is how good do you want to make your relationship?

When two hearts are meant to be drawn to each other mentally, physically and emotionally who can stop the two from making that love grow. No one other than the two can make or break the bond. Every boy and girl at a certain age do have their romantic fantasies which is natural.

Having said, is it just about being in love or is it about going that long mile to make the lovey-dovey fantasy in the relationship always stay alive?

Love is a stomach tickling feeling of everlasting joy provided your guy and you take care of the relationship collectively to make it a good one. Here is an article to give out great ideas to all the Juliet’s in love to make their relationship with their boyfriend a memorable and a great one.

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Tips To Maintain A Good Relationship With Your Boy Friend!

A girl can exhibit her charm to keep the relationship good with her boyfriend. The charm here not just refers to physical attraction. The striking aspects such as intelligence, beauty and maturity in a woman that can just attract a man. Having said, see the ways you can be in a good relationship with your boyfriend. Do not miss on these tips because you want to be a good girlfriend, don’t you?

Tip No 1 – Express Express And Express!

ImageSource: lovepanky.com

Expressing love is one of the secrets in keeping up to the spice in a relationship and making the love feel like a new one no matter how old the two would have been in a relationship. When you express to your boyfriend how much you love him often he will be assured that you are always there for him and when he finds it easier to count on you that’s when he will never want to let you go.

Expressing love does not always mean saying ‘I love you’ 24*7. In fact, it is how you prove through actions that you love him and those actions can be having fun together and showering love and care to him. Do not just say you love him, but make him feel in the way you express that he really is special for you.

Tip No 2 – Be His Bro And His Babe


For any relationship to go well, the basic elements, to begin with, is the friendship between the two. Being physically attracted is natural but it is not all. When there is friendship in a relationship there are chances of the relation to the last longer because you are a step ahead of just being attracted, you connect, you sort your difference in opinions and you always find a reason to stick around.

At times your boyfriend would want you to accompany him with his gaming passion or he may find it cool when you become a tomboy with him wherein he can talk about anything under the sun just like how he would talk to a guy. That is the coolest thing for any guy! You should be his babe in times when he needs your love, pampering and pillar-like support.

Therefore, do not be a typical girlfriend. Know when and how to swap roles of a babe and bro and you see how happy and good he will feel in the relationship, if he is happy you are happy and if you are happy, he is happy. You then become a happy couple.

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Tip No 3 – Be There To Wipe His Tears

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When you learn how to be his source of motivation and support and if he gets the surety that he gets your shoulder to cry on then he is definitely going to feel great in the relationship.

It is not enough to just have the hots in a relationship. Yes, it is certainly a part of a relationship though. Apart from this, whether it is a guy or a girl either of them are looking for moral support and when one can feel secure in the company of the other it is just a brownie point that adds to your relationship.

If you want to keep the relationship good with him just be by him to hear him out and let him vent out when he feels the need to. It is necessary to do so because only then can the two of you grow in a relationship and have a good one when you help each other.

Tip No 4 – Pat His Back To Rock Together


When you feel like a loser for some reason and there is someone to cheer you up saying “ Hey! You are a winner and I know that” How would it feel? If you did something amazing and someone says “Wow! You are awesome” How does it feel? Don’t these kinds of expressions a reactions make one feel motivated?

Thus, for a relationship to be going well you should appreciate your guy for his achievements even if that is a simple one and pat his back if he just needs a little push to achieve what he is dreaming for. Appreciation in a relationship, will pump up the spirits of your guy and he would always be delighted to come and tell you about everything.

Tip No 5 – Empathize And Understand


It is rare to find people who will understand us in all times. At times, we all get a feeling that no one other than our own selves can understand us. Try and be like his mirror and understand him when he needs it the most. It is pretty natural that the two of you might have a difference in opinions and may not agree.

For a fact, you should understand that be it the difference in opinion, it is essential that you understand what your guy has to say and if you are not the sort of convinced. Instead of retaliating, try to calm down and get clarity about his way of looking at the situation and accordingly say what you want to. Empathizing in times when he needs you is the best way for his faith in you to get better.

Tip No 6 – Give Him The Time He Deserves

ImageSource: grownandflown.com

It is not that the two of you have to spend hours together. However, giving him few minutes of yours just shows that he is a priority in life and that is healthy for a relationship to keep it good. Even overdoing things can spoil things and is not good for the two of you personally too, because you never know of what could happen the next moment.

Make a call or send him at least one message in a day. If possible talk to him for some time. Meeting up once a week is the best way of investing time for each other. Make time to talk, have fun and discuss your hearts out.

Tip No 7 – Bitter Times Are To Let Go! Happy Times Are To Stay!


You will know if your relationship is strong or not only when you have had a fight and how you cope up with the fight is the biggest test. The more you are going to hold on to the bitterness, the worse it is going to be for the two of you. Learn to forget and forgive what happened the previous day and start fresh without holding on to any bitterness.

One of the ways to bring happiness in the relationship is by recalling the best moments of the two of you. Each of you can talk about how you both felt back then and can sit down and think of how can the two of you make merrier times to keep the relationship good.

Say goodbye to all the bitter times and say welcome to all the happy times!

Tip No 8 – Be Upfront And Confront!

ImageSource: nicknotas.com

Guys like things being told directly than beating around the bush. Your guy will appreciate it if you are upfront and say whatever comes to your mind than expecting him to understand your silence. Given a situation when you do not like something just be upfront and tell him.

Misunderstanding will be a part of your relationship and they will come by at times. When you are in doubt about something rather than letting that doubt creep into your mind and building it up for too long. The best thing you should do is to confront those doubts with your guy and together talk them out.

Confronting, solves half the problems and being upfront helps the opposite person easily understand your problem and they get to know if they further need to work on themselves.

Tip No 9 – Respect His Interests

ImageSource: lovepanky.com

Being respected is one bit of the story, while being respected with our likes and dislikes is another part of the story. As respect is one of the major aspects of a relationship. Be good enough with your guy to respect whatever he likes and you see how elated that would make him feel.

Be a part of what interests him. If it is movies that he loves then why not watch a movie with him and if having a cup of coffee makes him feel relaxed, then why not accompany him? He would love it that you are getting involved with him in his hobbies just because you respect what he loves. You won’t realize it but this small gesture of yours will make him respect what you love too.

Tip No 10 – Lower Your Expectations

ImageSource: psychside.com

It would be superficial to say not to expect at all from your partner. When you are close to your guy, it is natural that you will expect his love, care and time. What you should know is to draw a line and not over expect out of him.

If he is not able to reach to your expectations you need not punish him or be mad at him. Being upset is natural, you getting over sensitive about it is not good for your relationship because it will make you sad and then it gets awkward.

What you can take for a solution here is to talk it out and have your expectations set right with him. Let him know what you expect and know from him about what he expects from you. When you have this set right, you will know in prior on what to expect and what to and what not to expect.

Relationships get truly complicated when the two people in it are either not able to keep each other happy or there is something going wrong with them in terms of their compatibility or unfulfilled expectations.

For a woman to have a good relationship with her boyfriend she has to understand what is his nature, what can make him happy, what puts him off and what takes him on cloud 9 and accordingly see if she can get along with it all.

Remember! No woman should compromise on changing who she is to be able to fit in with a guy to keep a relationship good. No relationship is worth it if you have to change your whole self to make it good.

For all the ladies in a relationship, enjoy your dating phase or a committed relationship and have a good relationship with your boyfriend. What’s important is where the two of you stand, what is it that both of you want from each other and what is your goal in taking the relationship ahead.