4 Best Ways To Get Rid Of Nits And Lice


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get rid of nits and lice

Bringing the below on 4 best ways to get rid of nits and lice, for these are some really big issues at schools. Tiny grey insects which reside on our scalp and cause itchy scratchy sensations are lice and their eggs which stick with hair strands are nits. It is the most common cause of leaves from school after cold, and schools in US are strict on policy with nits and lice in kids. As traumatic it is for the child it is too devastating for the parents too. And its not just the kids, but elders too can catch lice and nits. There is certainly no exact cure and their strands have been mutating with more and more medicines failing to curb them completely.

Head Lice clings to hair, but stays close to scalp where it lays 2-5 eggs (called nits) in a day.On an average a lice gives 200-300 eggs in its lifetime and they are more additions to the head lice. So it is extremely important to curb the nits in addition to removing the lice. Not many people know that lice and nits do not thrive on dirt, rather they abode clean and neat scalp more. So it’s is even more concern for mothers already to keep the hair clean and also put immense efforts in checking for nits and lice every few days. Let us learn the 4 best ways to get rid of nits and lice.

Quick Ways On How To Get Rid Of Nits And Lice include:

1.Detection combing:

Detection combing

This method is the best among the 4 best ways to get rid of nits and lice. It is used to detect and get rid of most nits. It may be little painful but if progressed slowly it helps in removing a large part of nits and lice. Use a thin toothed brush specially designed for lice and nits. It can be done in both wet hair and in dry hair. Under both circumstances be sure to cover the area around properly, it is better to keep sheets of plastic covering the floor.

Just apply shampoo and wet your hair, now bring your hair in front and sit keeping your head down such that the hair are falling down. Use the special comb and start brushing slowly, now keep doing it for at least 20-30 minutes for best results. Be sure to clean the lice and nits falling down. Do not flush of let them washed away as they do not die in water. Put them in a bag and tie it properly to be disposed off well

[Read: Home remedies for skin pores]

2.Suffocating the lice and breaking the nits:

Suffocating the lice and breaking the nits

This is a little tricky as there may be chances the lice and nits in your area have already benefitted with surviving mutant cells within them.

Mayonnaise, petroleum jelly and olive oil are known to be a great help in this method. just apply a generous portion of any of the three on your scalp and entire hair. Keep your hair tied and wrap a shower cap around. Keep it on for at least 8 hours for suffocating the insects and their eggs. Also in addition to this these three magical products will bring nourishment and shine to your hair too. Also the oily greasy additions help in loosening the nits and with a brush or comb they can be taken out after this treatment. This is an easy way among the 4 best ways to get rid of nits and lice.

3.Killing the nits and lice:

Killing the nits and lice

This method must only be used if the above 2 have failed. remember no one method will be sufficing in one attempt. Repeated trials must be done and adopt any of these as a hair care ritual even despite having no lice or nits. Follow this once a month to prevent them in future. Use ACV of apple cider vinegar to kill the lice and loosen the nits and break them. This is effective but the smell of vinegar may cause drowsiness or nausea. Be careful while adopting this for a small child. Just apply ACV using a cotton swab. And keep the shower cap on for at least 2 hours. Now wash with warm water

4.Listerine mouth wash:

Listerine mouth wash may also be used in addition, but beware about its chemicals and effects on your hair. It is considered safe and also pleasant but some specific allergies may occur. Check with your dermatologist before attempting it as it may not be the most natural way of 4 best ways to get rid of nits and lice.

[Read more here]

Listerine mouth wash

The above compilation on 4 best ways to get rid of nits and lice, is based on experiences and learnings from having long hair. The thought of lice and nits is too traumatic so i have been using some of these as precautionary measures from past many years. Be sure to check with your dermatologist before attempting any.

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By Minu Manisha