30 Super- Foods That Boosts Collagen – Worth Consuming!


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30 Super- Foods That Boosts Collagen

Aim For Healthier Skin!

If you want your skin to have the right kind of elasticity and look healthy, you need foods that boost collagen on your skin.

Every woman is more than pleased to have perfect skin. Collagen caters to the texture and structure of the skin. Health experts claim that the more we grow, the lesser our collagen gets, so we need to live and eat healthy to keep up with health collagen on our skin.

Here is an article giving you insights on collagen, its importance, benefits, and a list of foods that boost collagen in your skin.

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What is Collagen in Skin

What is Collagen in Skin

Collagen is a powerhouse that protects and improves the quality of the skin. For some reason, if collagen decreases it fails to save the skin from damage.

  1. Take a look at the features of collagen in your skin
  2. Collagen is present in muscles, bones, and tissues
  3. Natural collagen is named endogenous collagen
  4. Synthetic collagen is named exogenous collagen
  5. Collage is an insoluble fiber
  6. Collagen is circled like molecular structures, the structures together are known as fibrils
  7. It is known to be a source of protein that helps with keeping your skin soft and flexible
  8. It is a barrier that stands against every huddle your skin gets to witness
  9. You need to be consistent in taking steps to boost collagen in your skin
  10. Collagen needs care like any other part of your body
  11. It is medically believed that certain collagen fiber is stronger than steel
  12. Collagen contributes to producing new skin cells
  13. Collagen is hampered either because of aging, exposure of the UV rays and with the consumption of nicotine

Role Of Collagen On The Skin

Role Of Collagen On The Skin

The connective tissue cells secrete collagen. Collagen is found in the extracellular matrix.

The main function of collagen is to administer the formation of new skin cells and flush out the rest of the dead skin cells.

Why is Collagen Good for Skin

Why is Collagen Good for Skin

Collagen is good because without it the skin would be droopy and unhealthy. You wouldn’t want that to happen to your skin, would you? That said, collagen internally takes good care of your skin, provides it with everything it needs to sustain.

Benefits of Collagen For Skin

Benefits of Collagen For Skin

By now you must have guessed that collagen is the life of your skin. Your skin is complete only when collagen is sufficiently produced. Take a look at the benefits of collagen for skin

  1. Improves elasticity
  2. Keeps your skin fresh
  3. Provides strength to bones and tissues
  4. Adds glow on the skin
  5. Renews dead skin cells
  6. Collagen helps in forming new skin cells
  7. It enhances your beauty

Therefore, you won’t look old and get wrinkled quickly, your skin will be super-hydrated and the chances of having dehydrated and dead skin will be the least.

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Having gone through the benefits of collagen on your skin, are you ready to eat all the super-foods that can pump up the amount of collagen in your body?

Best Collagen Boosting Foods

Best Collagen Boosting Foods

For doing good to any part of the body, one needs to consume more or less all the nutrients.

However, each nutrient works effectively for a specific purpose, and here are the essential nutrients and foods that can boost the collagen in your skin.

You will love to notice a positive difference in your skin. Here is everything you need to know about the nutritional value and benefits of foods that boost collagen.

These foods would not just target your skin but your bones, muscles, and tissues as well.

No 1 – Chicken


  • Antioxidants
  • Proteins
  • Iron
  • Selenium
  • Vitamins


a) Eating chicken is a food that boosts collagen and helps strengthen your bones. Apart from this, it relieves pain in the back, neck, and joints.

b) Rejuvenates muscles and bones.

c) Improves the metabolic rate in your body.

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No 2 – Eggs


  • Vitamins
  • Protein
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorous
  • Selenium


a) The presence of glycine and proline comprises of collagen in eggs, the two ingredients are rich amino acids. This is one of those protein foods that boost collagen and is healthy bones, muscles, and tissues.

b) Improves eye health.

c) Best for weight loss.

d) Improves blood pressure.

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No 3 – Fishes


  • Proteins
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Omega-3 fatty acids


a) Fish is a super-food that boosts collagen and prevents free radical damage. Have you heard of people who eat fish have glowing skin?

b) Fish is a great mood booster, helps get over depression and anxiety.

c) It is good for improving strength and shine in your hair.

d) Fish is a great source of keeping your heart health and it improves your memory.

No 4 – Oranges


  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Antioxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Folate
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorous


a. Orange makes the skin glow and it is one of that fresh food that boosts collagen and improves elasticity.

b. Oranges help with boosting your immune system.

c. Oranges make the best fruit to help keep the blood sugar levels and cholesterol in control.

Read: Know These Cholesterol Lowering Foods

No 5 – Berries


  • Vitamins
  • Folate
  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber
  • Calcium
  • Iron


a) Berries improve the collagen in your skin and saves you from looking old and wrinkled. If you don’t eat berries, quickly grab on this food that boosts collagen.

b) It helps with keeping cholesterol levels in control.

c) A nutrient named ellagic acid helps in saving you from cancer.

d) It is a healthy fruit that is known to take good care of the arteries. It saves the heart from blockages.

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No 6 – Kiwi


  • Vitamins
  • Calcium
  • Protein
  • Fiber


a) Kiwi is an excellent food that boosts collagen. You should know that it helps with saving your skin from UV rays, pollution, and the age factor. It is known to keep your skin active and glowing.

b) Kiwi is the best fruit that helps in better digestion.

c) The presence of potassium helps with reducing the risk of having kidney stones.

d) It keeps your blood pressure in control and keeps your body safe from heart diseases.

No 7 – Pineapple


  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamine
  • Vitamins
  • Fiber
  • Sodium
  • Iron


a) As it is a source of Vitamin C, it helps with improving your complexion and is considered one of the best food to boost collagen.

b) Pineapple helps with keeping intestinal worms away from your body.

c) It is the best fruit to make you feel better in case you are feeling nausea.

d) It helps you get rid of acne.

No 8 – Guava


  • Magnesium
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Calcium


a) Guava is a tasty food that boosts collagen. It has the ability to fight with any kind of damage on your skin.

b) Guava helps with boosting your immunity

c) It is an effective fruit with regards to saving your body from getting diabetic, the reason it can do so is because of its glycaemic index and fiber.

d) It is known to keep your nerves relaxed.

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No 9 – Spinach


  • Folate
  • Vitamins
  • Iron
  • Copper


a) Spinach is an effective greens vegetable that helps with getting rid of dark circles.

b) Spinach helps with adding glow on your skin.

c) If you want healthy and young-looking skin, you should eat a few spinach leaves every alternate day.

d) As it is a vegetable packed with nutrients and one of the healthy foods that boost collagen, by default it improves hair growth.

Read: Top 10 Health Benefits Of Spinach

No 10 – Garlic


  • Vitamins
  • Niacin
  • Protein
  • Fiber


a) Garlic has a strong smell, medicinal properties that help with keeping your skin healthy, and it is yet another food that boosts collagen because it protects the skin from free radical damage.

b) Osteoporosis and arthritis can be prevented and treated by eating garlic.

c) Garlic has the ability to reduce oxidative stress on the skin.

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No 11 – Beans


  • Zinc
  • Fiber
  • Folate
  • Copper
  • Magnesium


a) Beans have nutritious fiber content that keeps your stomach full and away from cravings.

b) Beans help with improving strength the glucose levels in the body helps in preventing diabetes.

c) Beans is a collagen-boosting food because of the presence of amino acids and protein.

d) Beans help in fighting against bacterial infections. Thus, it is known to improve gut health.

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No 12 – Cashews


  • Copper
  • Minerals
  • Protein


a. Cashews are healthy fatty acids and they help in reducing high cholesterol levels.

b. Cashews are helpful to the kidney because they help in clearing gall bladder stones.

c. These nuts have properties to fight against all the oxidative stress in your body and skin.

d. The presence of copper in cashew helps with improving the collagen levels in the body and in turn, strengthens bones.

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No 13 – Tomatoes


  • Lycopene
  • Potassium
  • Folate
  • Vitamins


a) The presence of lycopene helps contribute to healthy skin, it helps you look young and fresh, this is bound to happen because it is a collagen-boosting food.

b) Tomatoes help with improving the way your heart functions

c) It helps in preventing diabetes.

d) Aids better digestion.

e) It is one of the best vegetables in helping you get rid of vision problems.

No 14 – Less Sugar


If you want the collagen to pump up in your skin, you should be sensible and avoid eating sugar or too many sweet foods.

The reason is simple, sugars attack the protein and amino acids in your body and these nutrients are highly essential in terms of building and repairing your skin.

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No 15 – Less Carbohydrate Foods


Whenever there is an increase in some parts of your body that is not healthy, it has a negative outcome on your skin.

That said, the reason carbohydrate foods block collagen production is for a fact that the insulin levels tend to increase resulting in sagging skin as there are certain enzymes that give up on your skin because too much insulin is produced.

Thus, it is best to eat less carbohydrates so that collagen production doesn’t get affected.

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No 16 – Kale


  • Manganese
  • Vitamins
  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium


a) The presence of quercetin and kaempferol keeps your skin away from excessive stress and damage. It is a must collagen food.

b) Kale has effective compounds that help in preventing cancer.

c) Kale helps the blood flow smoothly in the body, it prevents blood clotting.

d) Kale is one of the best leafy vegetable and aids weight loss.

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No 17 – Soy Beans


  • Cholesterol free
  • Lactose-free
  • High in fiber
  • Protein
  • Vitamins


a) Soybeans is a collagen booster because of its anti-oxidant and anti-fatigue properties. It helps with adding moisture to your skin and keeps it healthy.

b) Soybean has phytoestrogens that help with reducing the risk of breast cancer.

c) Soybean helps with strengthening your bones.

d) It is one of the best sources of protein and helps in decreasing all the menopause symptoms.

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No 18 – Tofu


  • Selenium
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Iron


a) Tofu helps boost collagen because of its essential vitamin and mineral properties that help with keeping up to the moisture and softness in your skin

b) Tofu has the ability to save your body from prostate or breast cancer because of the presence of isoflavone.

c) Tofu helps to keep the cholesterol levels in control which in turn helps with keeping your heart healthy.

d) It helps with taking good care of all the brain activities and can save a person from getting Alzheimer’s disease.

e) It helps the liver function better.

No 19 – Kidney beans


  • Nutrients
  • Vitamins
  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Dietary Fats


a) Kidney beans help accelerated your memory power.

b) It has anti-oxidative properties that help with saving your skin from major pollution.

c) It is one form of helping your body get rid of toxins.

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No 20 – Pumpkin


  • Riboflavin
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Vitamins


a) The presence of beta-carotene makes pumpkin an effective food to shield your skin from bacteria and infections

b) Pumpkin is one of the best food for good bladder health

c) This food has the ability to lessen the chances of having prostatic hyperplasia

d) This food is known to improve fertility in men

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No 21 – Peanuts


  • Riboflavin
  • Biotin
  • Thiamine
  • Manganese
  • Selenium


a) Peanuts are an excellent food that boosts collagen as it is packed with several antioxidants. These antioxidants focus on protecting your skin always

b) Peanuts are capable of flushing out the bad cholesterol and they keep the good cholesterol in your body. Further, this helps with saving your body from coronary diseases.

c) Peanuts have nitric oxide and anti-oxidants that cater to keeping your body away from strokes.

d) One can save their body from gall bladder stones by regularly eating peanuts.

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No 22 – Broccoli


  • Choline
  • Betaine
  • Riboflavin
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous


a. The presence of amino acids and folate helps in boosting the collagen in your skin.

b. Broccoli helps in strengthening the bones because of the presence of phosphorous, manganese, zinc, and calcium.

c. Broccoli helps with safeguarding your blood vessels and keeps your body away from heart diseases.

d. The presence of glucobrassicin in broccoli helps with keeping the body away from toxins.

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No 23 – Oysters


  • Vitamins
  • Iron
  • Thiamine
  • Protein


a) The presence of zinc and protein make oyster a collagen-boosting food. It drastically boosts collagen in your skin.

b) Oysters help with improving the metabolism in the body.

c) It is a super-food in keeping the blood pressure in control.

d) Oysters improve your immunity and at the same time, it is one of the best food to heal wounds.

No 24 – Gelatin Smoothie


  • Amino acids
  • Proteins
  • Vitamins
  • Phosphorous
  • Folate


a) The proteins in gelatin help with keeping up to the skin’s elasticity, this, in turn, proves that gelatin smoothie’s help with boosting skin’s elasticity

b) Gelatin smoothie helps with maintaining the blood sugar levels in your body

c) This smoothie strengthens your joints and bones

d) The gelatin smoothie helps one beat insomnia and improves the quality of sleep

e) It caters to weight loss

No 25 – Mushrooms


  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Potassium
  • Vitamins


a) Mushrooms help your body absorb iron better.

b) Apart from mushroom being a collagen-boosting food it helps with keeping your blood sugar levels in check.

c) The presence of Selenium takes care of bone, teeth, and hair health.

d) Mushrooms help in toning your muscles.

e) Mushrooms help with keeping your skin hydrated and keeps it away from any kind of pigmentation. If the skin is hydrated it means that your collagen will be in place as well.

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No 26 – Salmon


  • Astaxanthin – powerful antioxidant
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Potassium
  • Protein
  • Vitamins


a) Salmon improves and boosts the collagen in your skin.

b) Eating Salmon can keep your immunity good. If your immunity is good you can fight against several diseases.

c) It is one of the best in terms of improving cognitive functions and taking care of nerve health.

d) It is known to improve the longevity of your life.

e) It is one of the best foods that keeps your body away from chronic diseases and takes good care of your heart health.

Read: Know These Cholesterol Lowering Foods

No 27 – Avocado


  • Potassium
  • Folate
  • Vitamins


a) Avocado’s boost the collagen in your skin because of the presence of Vitamins.

b) Avocado helps with keeping your gums protected.

c) The presence of anti-bacterial properties in avocado keeps your body away from food poisoning and other stomach related concerns.

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No 28 – Chia Seeds


  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Iron
  • Fiber
  • Calcium


a) Chia seeds are a super collagen-boosting food as it is effective with repairing the damage in your skin, bones, and muscles.

b) Chia seeds help with keeping your weight in control.

c) If you want to lose weight you should try eating chia seeds.

d) Chia seeds help with increasing strength in your bones.

No 29 – Carrot


  • Starch
  • Sugar
  • Proteins
  • Vitamins
  • Calcium
  • Zinc


a) Carrots help in improving the shine and elasticity in your skin which means it keeps up to the collagen as well.

b) This food helps with keeping the blood sugar level in control.

c) It helps in keeping your breath fresh and contributes to making your gums stronger.

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No 30 – Sweet Potato


  • Vitamins
  • Starch
  • Potassium
  • Natural Sugars


a. Sweet potato is a food that boosts collagen and manages to keep your skin youthful.

b. Sweet potatoes are super effective to aid weight loss.

c. Sweet potatoes help with safeguarding your body from problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and chronic diseases.

d. Sweet potatoes improve vision and keep you away from having eye problems.

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If you want your skin to always remain youthful and firm, day and night, you have to eat foods that boost collagen.

While it might be tough for you to keep a track of what you are eating, make a little effort to list down the foods that boost collagen and consistently keep a track of whether you are eating them or not.

Boosted Collagen Combats Signs Of Aging!