Fears According to Your Horoscope and How to Counter Them


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Fears according to your horoscope
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these signs represent them all. Astrology as a science may not hold true but some phenomenons are better understood with zodiac signs than with anything else. Understand Fears according to your horoscope. As we already know the positive sides and strengths these zodiac signs bring in, let us now understand the biggest fears too which will help us in balancing them out in a better way.these signs represent them all. Astrology as a science may not hold true but some phenomenons are better understood with zodiac signs than with anything else. Understand Fears according to your horoscope. As we already know the positive sides and strengths these zodiac signs bring in, let us now understand the biggest fears too which will help us in balancing them out in a better way.

Fears according to your horoscope:

Understand these Fears according to your horoscope. These must be carefully studied and worked with, this will help you in getting over with most of them easily.

Check out these popular fears people with similar zodiac signs have:

1- Aries:

Image Source: www.sunsigns.org

Born between March 21 through April 19, Aries have their biggest fear of losing people close to them. They also fear breaking up with their close ones and feeling powerless. Aries are warriors and they don’t want to lose any battle, but if that may end up them losing their friends, this definitely becomes a matter of serious concern for them.

How to counter them:

Aries must try and control their urges, to win each battle in their life. When they learn to let go, things will get easier. Try no one takes advantage of this attribute by keeping your strong desire to win, confined

2- Taurus:

Image Source: cafeastrology.com

Born between April 20 and May 20, Taurus have an intrinsic fear of financial instability or simply instability. Taurus are simple people who enjoy simple pleasure in life. They don’t like debts and if they see their finances dwindling, it makes them afraid and they get worried.

How to counter them:

Keep your finances well managed. Invest, save and don’t get impulsive in letting your money out easily. The more you keep your earnings intact with the above, the easier it will be to get over fears of financial instability.

3- Gemini:

Image Source: cafeastrology.com

Born between May 21 and June 20, Gemini are afraid of standing at their own decisions, rather they are afraid to make decisions in the first place. They may be agile manipulators as they keep changing their stance. They have two distinct sides to their personality. They also fear imperfections and making wrong decisions.

How to counter them:

Gemini must try and work on their decision making skills. The more they learn how to make decisions and the more they make decisions, the easier it will be to get over their fears

4- Cancer:

Image Source: cafeastrology.com

Born between June 21 and July 22, Cancerians have a fear of leaving their safe zone or their home. They feel isolated if they are in a space that’s new. They also fear rejections from their loved ones. They are afraid of showing off their vulnerabilities

How to counter them:

Cancerians must start trusting their beloved, and learn to adopt changes. Its hard at first but eventually they will learn to get over these fears

5- Leo:

Image Source: cafeastrology.com

Born between July 23 and August 22, Leo’s have a fear of being ignored or being unnoticed. They are constantly seeking attention so that others never ignore them. They definitely want everything to be seen and appreciated for a better impact. They fear being forgotten thus draw people through their actions and presence.

How to counter them:

Leos must learn to capture their urge of being the center of attraction. Its difficult to not show off for leos but eventually it comes natural, to feel empowered rather than seeking power from others

6- Virgo:

Image Source: cafeastrology.com

Born between Aug 23 and Sept 22, Virgos have a very strong fear of imperfection and chaos. They are perfectionists and making mistakes often scares them. They hate disorganization and fear their own internal imperfections

How to counter them:

Virgos must try and learn to let go, things which are not important. Be a perfectionist but don’t impose this on others, forget non issues and learn to go past these

7- Libra:

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Born between Sept 23 and Oct 22, Librans are truly passionate and loving people. They are afraid of being alone and would do anything to just keep that feeling off. They are also afraid of hurting others.

How to counter them:

Librans must try and make ample friends. Do not stick with just a few. Also learn to not expect too much from others. Its not always the way you share your emotions, others have their own ways to express love too

8- Scorpio:

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Born between Oct 23 and Nov 21, Scorpions are complex people who fear intimacy and vulnerability. They are extremely sensitive and never show full expressions of their feelings. Abandonment creates in them a fear of intimacy thus they are terrified of losing their individuality in any relationship. They are also afraid of being betrayed by someone dear.

How to counter them:

Try to get over your sensitiveness by not showing it to others. You must be confident about yourself and try to control your thoughts. Its not always that everyone is there to just betray.

9- Sagittarius:

Image Source: cafeastrology.com

Born between Nov 22 and Dec 21, Sagittarians are explorers and they fear enclosed spaces and also losing control. They have a certain degree of claustrophobia and the fear of hindrance to their freedoms sucks them. They fear losing their freedom, always live their life at their own terms rather than by rules.

How to counter them:

Pick a hobby or learn some art, you need to vent out these strong fears. The more your creativity gets expression the easier it is to control your fears.

10- Capricorn:

Image Source: cafeastrology.com

Born between Dec 22 and Jan 19, Capricorns are business minded people. They fear failure and these fears often motivate them to succeed in life. They are also afraid of being misunderstood.

How to counter them:

The fear of failures can only be contained if you start thinking positive. Failure is a part of life, until you understand this; there is no way out. Try and broaden your horizon to understand it quicker

Check more on horoscopes

11- Aquarius:

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Born between Jan 20 and Feb 18, Aquarius have a fear of institutionalization as they dislike any group setting. They also fear being powerless. They are happy to be left to themselves rather than entrapping them in such prisons. Thus they fear being unoriginal.

How to counter them:

You ought to keep your inner self positive. Feel the benefits of being a part of an institution. Try and figure out things that drive you rather than feeling powerless

12- Pisces:

Image Source: cafeastrology.com

Born between Feb 19 and March 20,Pisces live in their own sweet fantasy world. They may have ample wisdom but they are little immature too. They have a fear of responsibility and confrontation. They are also afraid of being rejected.

How to counter them:

You must try to take more and more responsibility. The more you accomplish them successfully the easier it will be to get over your fears. Also this will make you more and more mature and real

So now that you know Fear according to your horoscope signs, its time to work on these and make yourself a better person. These fears just keep you away from your goals, and deviate you from your paths. Thus conquering them, will not just help you be a better version of yourself but prevent others from taking advantage of these fears in you. Use these zodiac sign details to capture your weaknesses and fears Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!