Distinctive Eyebrow Shapes For An Oval Face – Go For The Best!


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Distinctive Eyebrow Shapes For An Oval Face

The sister of a round face is an oval face. Both of these shapes are more or less similar and there is a slight difference. Got to go for a party and wondering about how to get your eyebrows shaped for your oval face?

The study of eyebrows and the shape of your face is incomprehensible. At once you will feel it looks nice and the next moment you might just hate having eyebrows. If you don’t want to have that mixed feeling, you need to correctly choose an eyebrow shape for your face.

Read this article and get a clear understanding about what exactly is an oval face and ideas on the best eyebrows for an oval face.

How To Know If You Have An Oval Face?

How To Know If You Have An Oval Face

Most of us are blinded to face shapes. When you meet someone new, would you concentrate on the shape of their face? Not really! But, face shapes vary with slight differences.

That being said, there is a difference in the length and breadth of every face shape. Since we are talking of an oval face, let’s look at points that indicate that you have an oval face so that you don’t make a mistake with shaping your eyebrows.

#No 1 – Length Of An Oval Face

The length of an oval face is long from head to the chin.

#No 2 – Width Of An Oval Face

The width of an oval face is not wide and round. The width is comparatively lesser to that of a round face.

#No 3 – Specific Points Of An Oval Face

Take a look at the specific points of an oval face!

  • The chin of an oval face is smaller
  • The forehead of an oval face is broader
  • The cheeks of an oval face are not wide
  • The lower portion of your face (from the beginning of your nose to the chin) is longer when compared to the upper portion of your face

Oval faces are even known as an oblong face. So, be proud to have an oval face, it looks sweet. Two famous celebrities with an oval face are Cameron Diaz and Charlize Theron.

Related Article: Eyebrow Shape for Square Face

Best Eyebrow Shapes For An Oval Face

Since an oval face is long and wide on the lower portion, you need to look for a perfect eyebrow shape that is suitable to balance the difference in the lower and upper portion of your face. Here are some of the best types of eyebrow shapes for an oval face. Take a look!

#No 1 – Soft Angled Eyebrow Shape For An Oval Face

Soft Angled Eyebrow Shape For An Oval Face

Soft angled eyebrow shapes look well shaped and charismatic. The angles are neither blunt nor sharp, they are just right for an oval face. How you get it shaped is an art. You can keep it thick if you love to make your eyebrows look voluminous and if you want your eyebrows to look slender, keep them thin.

While considering this shape and deciding to make it look thick or thin, see if it looks nice with the width of your face, the size of your forehead and your eyes.

Wink your eyes with these soft and delicate eyebrows if you have an oval face!

Tips to Groom Soft Angled Eyebrows

  • Draw an outline of your eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil
  • Gently shade the inner portion of your eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil
  • In the end, use neat strokes with an eyebrow brush from start to end

#No 2 – High Arched Eyebrow Shape For An Oval Face

High Arched Eyebrow Shape For An Oval Face

High arched eyebrows are sharp and neat on the forehead. It looks clear and bold. Looks even more pretty if you have oval eyes. The fact an oval face has a big forehead makes high arched eyebrows look special.

It is always advisable to get thick arched eyebrows irrespective of how your forehead, the width of your face or eyes look. Thin high arched eyebrows on an oval face cannot highlight your features.

Raise these high arched eyebrows on your oval face!

Tips to Groom High Arched Eyebrows

  • Draw an outline of your eyebrows, highlight the beginning of the brow, the portion where the arch begins and where it ends
  • Use an eyebrow pencil to darken the color of your eyebrows
  • In the end, use more strokes to comb the eyebrows before the arch and then gently sweep through the ends

Eyebrows Tutorial For Oval Face

Now that we know that an oval face has two special eyebrow types, soft angled and high arched. Let’s look at how to creatively makes these shapes and give your oval face a fantastic look.

How To Make Soft Angled Eyebrow Shape

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbPvZpsHFts[/embedyt]

  • Step 1: Draw a basic outline around your eyebrows.
  • Step 2: Use an eyebrow pencil to fill in the gaps in between your eyebrows.
  • Step 3: Tweeze out the eyebrows that are outside the outline and extra in the centre.

How To Make High Arched Eyebrow Shape

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDkpOtm10Zo[/embedyt]

  • Step 1: Get your outline right. Determine the arch you want. Make two parallel lines that go along the brows.
  • Step 2: Tweeze out the extra eyebrows in the center, below and above your eyebrows.

Take Away

Be happy to have an oval face, women with an oval face are intelligent, focused and hard-working. The forehead is not small, cheeks aren’t wide, the chin is slightly pointed and the lower portion of the face looks wide and long.

The best eyebrow Allies for an oval face is the one that’s bold and high arched or the one that’s delicate and perfectly angled. For an oval face, just two of these eyebrow shapes look nice.

To make your eyebrows look super voluminous and pretty, draw an appropriate outline, fill in the gaps with an eyebrow pencil and just tweeze out everything that spoils an arch.

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