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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersEvery woman is fascinated with the idea of pampering her lips and why not it is one of the most subtle and fragile features among all the facial features. Are you an eager-beaver when it comes to knowing the different types of lips and more about what is your shape?
It is nice to know details about the shape and types of lips because it is after all a part of your identity and it adds to the beauty of your smile. Therefore, being curious about the shape of your lips is all your right as you own it. Interestingly, psychology makes its place everywhere from what’s expressed to what’s not expressed. This applies to our lips as well. You would be able to know what is your personality like based on the shape of your lips.
In this article, you will get information about your winsome lips. Probably you have the facts already, even then let’s go ahead and see what is the shape of your lip? what is the talking the movement with types of lips do in answering questions about a little of you.
Read: Home Remedies To Get Natural Pink Lips in a Week Permanently
8 Different Types Of Lips In Women – See What It Talks About You!

Whether the shape of your lips is as plummy as plum or as fragile as rose petals, does not matter much, what matters is how well are you taking care of your pink lips.
Take care of them well and know what’s your kind of lips among the list. Again, be happy with whatever shape it is that’s because it makes you quirky in your way and you must happily take pride in it. Here is a list of the different types of lips.
Large and Complete Lips – 1
If your lower lip and upper lip are thick and they look complete in width displaying a basic natural shape with no much of difference in the thickness of the lower and upper lip, these lips are known to be large and complete lips. They are not thin, they look full. In short, the lips that look even on the upper lip, as well as lower lip, are also called large fat lips.
What does this lip shape talk about you?
Your large and complete lips say that you are an ever-giving and a selfless human being who thinks of how to serve the other. Women with large and complete lips live life with displaying emotions of care and affection and are known to be really motherly. Adding to this, it is believed that women with large and complete lips are really good partners.
Small And Complete Lips – 2
If your upper lip and lower lips are thick and they look complete with not too much width then these lips are known as small and complete lips. They look perfect when you pout or perhaps the lips look like tweety’s lips. They are tiny and completely cute. In short, these lips are also called small fat lips or heart shaped lips.
What does this lip shape talk about you?
Women with this shape of lips usually know how to strike that balance in giving with a big heart and at the same time know how to satisfy what they wish for as well. In other words, I sounds like they are selfish. In reality, they are not technically selfish but they give as well as keep. When they give, it is said that they give with all their heart and are totally concerned about the people they care for. At the same time, they make sure that they have set aside what they need to be comfortable as well.
Concave Lips – 3
When your upper and lower lips both are in the right proportion in terms of width. However, there is a tiny difference in the upper lip being slightly thinner than that of the lower lip. These lips are also known as bow-shaped lips, just as good as a bow.
What does this lip shape talk about you?
If you have this kind of lips you are known for being an emotional and kind-hearted person. It is believed that people who have concave-shaped lips cannot see anyone in trouble and they are ever ready to lend a helping hand to the ones to anyone. One of their purpose in life is to do good for the people.
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Far-Reaching Lips – 4
When your lips get stretched and extend wide when you smile, it is termed as extended or far-reaching lips. Far-reaching lips are pretty because your lips look all even in terms of thickness and width. This is an example of a perfect shape because your lips are neither too fat nor too wide, just apt and gracefully extending.
What does this lip shape talk about you?
If someone has extended lisp they are known to be the most reliable people in terms of commitment at work and in personal life. They would not out-rightly say a not to anything even though it is tough. They will put in their best to work on their plans and they strive really hard to stay by their word even if it means to harm them they will not take a back step. In other words, they are known to be the best problem solvers.
Skinny Lips – 5
Skinny lips are also known as thin lips where the lower and upper lip are thin in terms of the thickness and the width depends, for some women the lips are wide while for some of them it is not totally wide. When women apply lipstick or lip gloss on thin lips they look like thin colored lines. This lip shape is rare and attractive in its own way although it seems fragile.
What does this lip shape talk about you?
People with thin lips are said to be the ones who love and enjoy their own company. A lot of us find it a tough task to be alone whereas people with thin lips are happy about being that way because they are love being left alone irrespective of going for a trip, spending time at home, or even in a crowd. They know how to make peace with their own company and they have an amazing way of valuing other people.
Thick Lower Lip and Thin Upper Lip – 6
When the lower and upper lip is not proportionate in terms of thickness. One being thin while one being fat does not look bad, it presents a lovely shape altogether. Feel happy about having this shape because it is not odd, it is just too hot and adorable.
What does this lip shape talk about you?
Women with this shape of lips are said to be energetic in terms of looking at a bigger picture in life and they have a charm of attracting people and keeping them engaged in their company. This is a mesmerizing quality about them that they are meant to be warm in how they converse with people and in the end they are exciting people to be around.
Read: Top 10 Best Lip Stains To Try This Season
Thick Upper Lip and Thin Lower Lip – 7
This shape of the upper and lower lip does not blend in appropriately, the upper lip is full and the lower lip is thin and fragile. The shape is not bad at all, although the upper lip is humongous. The best part is even though the upper lip is huge, you can accentuate it well.
What does this lip shape talk about you?
People with thick upper lips and thin lower lips are said to be the center of attraction in terms of the way they carry themselves, the way they talk, and they are considered the most romantic when it comes to their love life. Not just for others but they find themselves equally attractive and they have that spark in them to get all the attention. In their love life, it is believed that they initiate lovemaking and they are more love givers than receivers.
V-Shaped Lips – 8
When there is a formation of V on the upper lips and the lower lips are mediocre in terms of thickness, it is known as v-shaped lips. The v-shape on the upper lip is peculiar and that high spots the charm of your lips. The V is so fine and well-shaped.
What does this lip shape talk about you?
This lip shape implies that the person is artistic in nature and has an amazing charm of remembering names and faces. The people who have this kind of lip shape are often extroverts and they have this quality of connecting with everyone they know. It is often believed that they get into creative fields and they have a great way of expressing themselves.
Every lip shape has done the talking and now you know a lot about what is the types of lips say about you. It is fun that the shape of lips talk about certain personality traits. Be proud about the shape of your lips, hope you had fun reading this article.