Creepy Halloween Food Ideas for Party


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Creepy Halloween Food Ideas
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Halloween is just about a few weeks away and its time to prep up for the exciting and spooky costume party. The pumpkin patch, the trick or treat and the costume tradition continues to fascinate us, and we yearn to bring out our skittish best at each Halloween gathering. So we have the most jittery, the most disgusting and the most creepy Halloween food ideas for party at your place. These foods are too scary and creepy in appearance but sure relishing and delicious for a treating Halloween celebration.

Creepy Halloween Food Ideas for Party:

Creepy Halloween food for adults may contain some addictive stimulants but the Halloween treats for kids must never contain anything toxic. Be sure that the festival fervor doesn’t trick you into trying un-legit stuff for kids. Check out these disgusting Halloween recipe which are sure to bring more thrill to your costume party:

1- Mummy Brie:

Mummy Brie
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The original bakes brie gets mummified and spooky with the brilliant arrangement. This is a spooky appetizer for a Halloween party. Just bake the brie in shape of a mummy and see it scare the audience

2- Blood dripping cup cakes:

Blood dripping cup cakes
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Blood dripping cup cakes by using jelly or red icing in the center to drip all over. Add some more fear and fun with knife shaped sugar crust or glass pieces shaped sugar crust to cut right at the jelly

3- Deadly fingers from banana and nuts or witches finger cookies baked:

Deadly fingers
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Put bananas and almonds such that they form deadly fingers of a monster. Make them more creepy with strawberry jelly on one ends and almonds fixed like nails on other ends of banana. And get set for a spooky Halloween recipe

4- Spookilicious ghost cup cakes:

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Just put a white fondant circle on cup cakes such that they fall like a ghost dress. And add eyes at the top for the scary Halloween treat

5- Slimy and yucky jello treats:

Slimy and yucky jello treat
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Make slimy and yucky shaped Jello treats and put the crawling gummies or fruit worms around to make them even more disgusting and creepy. But a perfect treat for kids at Halloween parties

6- Pork dumplings with chili sesame sauce:

Pork dumplings
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Make the pork dumplings to shape like the brain with red spooky effects. Add sauces to appear like blood roasted brain parts for this creepy and tasty Halloween treat

7- Crunchy doughnut eyeballs:

Crunchy doughnut eyeballs
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Doughnut eye balls are simply the most disgusting Halloween treat for your party. Use small doughnut holes and cover them in white, now put red jelly with a dark m n m in between looking just like an eye

8- Fruit monster:

Fruit monster
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Fruit monsters can be made with any fruit. Just slice and carve the fruit to shape like a monster and the use nuts or marshmallows to add spooky effects to it

9- Apple carved to mummy:

Apple carved to mummy
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Probably the easiest and quickest Halloween treat which creepy and yet healthy. Just peel some areas from an a

apple to show the part covered mouth of a mummy and add choco chips in place of eyes on the mummy.

10- Monster s’mores:

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Pick the marshmallows of your choice and shape them into teeth and eyes for the monster and roast them. These monster marshmallows are more goofy and thrilling than creepy for Halloween.

11- Graveyard cake:

 Graveyard cake
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Use a chocolate cake and lots of chocolate shavings and choco chips to make a graveyard kind of look on the cake. Now add few limbs of a person or ghosts to make it spooky using marshmallows or fondant shapes


The above compilation on Creepy Halloween food ideas for party with some of the most disgusting Halloween recipes is to cheer you up for the upcoming Halloween celebration in the spookiest ways possible. Use generous amounts of marshmallows, red jelly or jello to add creepy and disgusting effects to simple foods for this festival

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Minu Manisha Babel: An MBA by chance, a trainer by passion, a psychologist by interest and a voracious reader by parentage. I enjoy traveling, public speaking, exploring and writing on topics relevant to our well-being and happiness. As a women and a firm believer in the sanctity of being a women, i yearn to contribute my bit through this endeavor. Enjoy reading and sharing!