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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersCocoa butter instigates you to salivate because who doesn’t love chocolates, right? Especially if its white chocolate, isn’t it? But, would you have ever thought of cocoa butter for skin lightening because apparently, it does work.
The tales of cocoa butter for skin doesn’t require any kind of separate introduction as several of the products and creams available in the market have cocoa butter as one of the primary ingredients.
By the end of this article, you will have a fair share of knowledge regarding the usage of cocoa butter for skin whitening.
Is Cocoa Butter Good For Skin Lightening?

Before we jump into it or not it is good enough, it is important you know what cocoa butter is.
Cocoa butter is a natural plant based butter which is derived from the whole cocoa beans. It is the cocoa nibs which contain around 50-60% of the cocoa butter that we often rave about. It is predominantly native to South and Central America.
Now, coming on to the question of the hour.
Cocoa butter is often predominantly used in the beauty industry because of the amazing properties and impacts that it has on the screen.
The main reason why it is a good option for the skin lightening is because of the fact that the cocoa butter is loaded with saturated fats along with monosaturated oleic acid.
Not just that, the presence of the effective antioxidant as well as the emollient properties in the cocoa butter further helps in managing the signs and symptoms associated with hyperpigmentation or other skin issues.
How to Use Cocoa Butter For Skin Whitening?
If you want to opt for the easy way, the over the counter topical creams enriched with cocoa butter can be an amazing option to opt for. If that is something you don’t want to indulge in and want to go all natural with the process, there is a DIY method that we are going to be sharing with you.
DIY Cocoa Butter Cream
In here, we are going to share an easy “recipe” that you can opt for right at your home itself.
What you will need?
- Cocoa butter
- Coconut oil
- Jojoba Essential Oil
- Lavender Oil
How to make?
- Prepare a double boiler and throw in the cocoa butter into it
- Melt it completely and then add 2 tbsp of coconut oil to it
- Melt everything together and take it off the double boiler
- Pop the bowl into the freezer for 15-20 minutes and let it solidify a bit
- Using a hand blender, blend it all together to form a creamy and fluffy texture
- Once done, add 10 drops of jojoba oil and 5 drops of lavender oil into it
- Mix everything together
- Pour out everything into a tightly sealed container
- Use it for moisturisation and to lighten the appearance of your skin
Precaution: Make sure to not go ham with the essential oils and be very cautious of how much you are pouring out. If required, ensure that you put just the mentioned amount to avoid further side effects.
More Benefits Of Cocoa Butter For Skin
Cocoa butter has also been found to have beneficial impacts in moisturizing, rehydrating and making the skin look more plump and glowing.
Some of the other benefits of cocoa butter for skin include:
- Owing to the rich presence of fatty acids in it, cocoa butter is often considered as one of the best options for hydrating, moisturizing as well as helping in enhancing the elasticity of the skin.
- The presence of phytochemicals in the cocoa butter helps in boosting the overall blood flow and circulation to the skin, thus helping in protecting the skin against any kind of ageing process unnecessarily. It has also been found to have beneficial impacts in protecting the skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun.
- Smoothens out the skin and has been touted to be a good option in getting rid of the scar marks or even wrinkles by enhancing the elasticity of the skin.
- The amazing moisturizing properties of the cocoa butter have been found to have beneficial impacts in helping out with skin diseases like dermatitis and eczema.
Cocoa butter for skin lightening is not necessarily a myth. Owing to the fact that it helps in boosting the overall skin health, the same also helps prevent hyperpigmentation and thus reduces the appearance of dark spots on the skin. If you have been struggling with uneven skin tone and need to opt for a much more traditional way to get the problem fixed, this is a good enough option.