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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersCall it a phase of grooming or practice to stay hygienic, every woman feels that hot wax pulling on the skin to make it supple and hairless in the end. However, does this hot wax suit everyone’s skin?
Well, it is ‘No’ for an answer. Waxing causes bumps and marks because the skin goes through immense pressure while the hair is got out of the skin. One can get rid of these bumps for sure. So, if the bumps on your skin is bumping the stress out of you. Keep calm!
Read this article to learn about causes, useful ways to prevent and get rid of all the scary-bumps after waxing. Everything you read is going to be simple and helpful!
What Causes Bumps After Waxing?

When you logically look at it, you would see no other cause other than your skin experiencing immense pressure of a waxing strip. However, listed below is a detailed explanation to what exactly causes these bumps right after you wax.
Read: 6 Easy Steps To Do Waxing At Home – Remove It Clean!
No 1 – Pimple Rash
After waxing, for some women, their skin gets inflammated. This inflammation increases and gives rise to a pimple rash even known as folliculitis. This happens due to immense pressure on the hair follicles.
At times, when a rash forms after waxing the chest and face, it is tough to understand if it is an acne breakout or folliculitis. In some cases, when the hair follicles are pulled out, it leaves an infection on the skin. On the other hand, due to skin irritation, rashes are formed.
No 2 – Aggrevation Of The Rash
As mentioned, at times, when the folluculitis gets infectious, the rashes get aggrevated. These bumps last for a long time and they become white or fluid bumps.
No 3 – Formation Of Pustules
Sometimes, you will get to see bumps on your skin after a few days of waxing or perhaps an effect of ingrown hair. Folliculitis are also formed when little hair starts to grow back on your skin.
So, these bumps are even known as pustules. These pustules look like acne. The hair might either stand out of the bump or inside.
All in all, for these bump rashes to go away, it will not take more than two days, at the most, it lasts for a week and not more. If this still doesn’t go away from your skin, you will need to make the most of remedies that can soothe your skin.
How to Prevent Bumps After Waxing

Besides the reasons you have seen above, after waxing if you see bumps or rashes on your skin, it is even the other factors that need to be blamed. They are as follows :
- Allergy to hot wax
- Sensitive skin
- Over-fidgeting with your skin right after waxing is done
- Experiencing a burning sensation because of the wax
Well, the good news is that you can be alert in prior and prevent these odd-looking after waxing bumps. Follow these tips!
1. Clean Dead Skin Cells
Why will your pores get clogged or your skin gets affected with an infection if you gently exfoliate it and get rid of all the dead skin cells? This step of exfoliating your skin a few days before waxing can stop the bumps from stressing you out.
Read: 7 Tips On How To Unclog Pores – Cleanse Your Face!
2. Wash! Wash! Wash!
Your end goal should be that of keeping the dirt and impurities away from your skin. If you miss out on exfoliating your skin, it is okay! You can balance it by washing your skin a few hours before waxing.
3. Let Heat Touch Your Skin
Another interesting means to prevent bumps from forming on your skin is by allowing heat to touch your skin. Two good things happen when you try this method, the pores that are prone to get clogged open up and your skin is immune to heat. So, the chances of experiencing irritation on the skin is less.
There are two ways you can adopt, either allow warm steam to touch the area you are going to wax or take a nice warm water shower.
4. Skin Care Tips
- Don’t use products that have harsh chemicals a week before you get waxing done.
- To avoid skin irritation, you must pump up moisture into your skin.
- Don’t take your skin for granted. Always ensure to use a good quality wax on your skin.
- Avoid doing a bikini wax during periods. Your skin is most sensitive during this time.
- Don’t mix two methods. If you want to wax, then keep away from shaving. You should be aware that waxing can be done effectively only if your hair is long enough. In addition to this, waxing is a better option when compared to shaving.
- Keep away from waxing if you are taking medication. The medication can be of any form. During this time your skin is sensitive and this is certainly bad for your skin.
- If you want to save your skin from any damage, you will need to avoid using retinol products a few days before waxing. This combination causes redness and skin discoloration.
- Why take a risk with your skin? For a few hours before waxing, totally avoid applying makeup. When these chemicals mix with hot wax, it does bad to your skin.
- Be gentle with wiping your skin after waxing so that it doesn’t cause bumps.
- Before you go for waxing, avoid applying moisturizers with a blend of powerful fragrances and chemicals.
- As you are done with waxing, don’t have a shower with hot water. If possible, get a cold compress done or have a shower with cold water.
- If your skin is slightly inflammated, immediately apply a cortisone cream. This cream has properties to reduce burning sensation and irritation.
- Don’t stress yourself out too much when you are getting waxed. The lesser you take stress, the better it will remove the hair from your skin.
- Avoid taking a bath or applying any product right after waxing.
- If you want to avoid irritation, don’t wear clothes that are too tight. It is because the fabric will end up causing irritation. For a day or two, wear loose clothes.
- Generally, people tend to use a needle or prick the bumps. Never do that, it could worsen the bumps and lead to infection on your skin.
- Always get waxing done from a professional salon. So that you are assured of the quality of products they use and it works safely on your skin.
- In the end, if you failed taking necessary precautions before waxing and if you see bumps on your skin, immediately pick up some effective home remedies that will make a good difference to your skin.
Further Read: 10 Effective Facial Hair Removal Methods
How to Get Rid of Bumps After Waxing – Home Remedies As Solutions!
To clear bumps after waxing it is a safe and sensible idea to use home remedies. One, you don’t have to run about buying a product or cream. Two, it is always better to be as natural as you can to solve a skin concern, there is less risk of a home remedy spoiling your skin.
Lookup for the home remedies and get rid of all the bumps on your skin!
No 1 – Apple Cider Vinegar for Waxing Bumps
Benefits of this Remedy
Apple cider vinegar is a natural astringent and can reduce the bumps on your skin. A study about whether it is a promising method (R) to treat all the bumps is debatable.
- You will need ACV and water based on how many bumps you have on your skin. If you have a few bumps, then you can take about little less than 1/2 a cup ACV and dilute it with water.
Method to apply
- Once you are done diluting the ACV, use a brush, dip it in this mixture and apply it on all the bumps.
- Leave it on your skin for 15 minutes. Once you notice it has dried, wash the area with water.
- You can use ACV to get rid of bumps every alternate day. Do a patch test on your skin before you regularly begin to use ACV.
No 2 – Aloe Vera for Waxing Bumps
Benefits of this remedy
You can apply aloe vera gel before and after waxing. So, it works well with preventing bumps (R) as well as soothing bumps.
If you apply this gel before waxing, all the dirt and impurities are driven out of your skin. In addition to this, applying it after waxing will help in treating inflammation.
- One aloe vera leaf. If the bumps are too many, you can take 1 and 1/2.
Method to apply
- Slit the sharp sides of the aloe vera leaf
- Gently remove the peel and start to scrap out all the gel
- Use your fingers and apply this gel on the affected areas
- Allow it to remain on your skin overnight or you can wash it after an hour
- You can try this remedy every day.
No 3 – Witch Hazel to Get Rid Bumps After Waxing
Benefits of this remedy
Witch hazel has antiseptic properties that can effectively reduce the inflammation (R) and bumps on your skin. Besides, it can make your skin feel cool and is astringent properties will treat this condition.
- Witch hazel liquid
- Brush
Method to apply
- In a bowl put the necessary witch hazel
- Take a brush, dip it in this mixture and apply it on all the bumps
- You need not wash it from your skin. Let it remain
- You can apply witch hazel once every day.
No 4 – Coconut Oil for Bumps After Waxing
Benefits of this remedy
If you want to get rid of bumps after waxing, with no second thoughts, give yourself a good coconut oil massage before and after waxing.
And If you want to prevent bumps, you can apply coconut oil (R) and improve moisture levels on your skin. Also If your bumps have attacked your skin, you can still use coconut oil. Its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties will secure your skin.
- 1/2 a bowl coconut oil
Method to apply
- Pour all the oil into a bowl
- Use your fingers and apply it on all the bumps
- You can apply coconut oil to get rid of bumps once during the day and before you go to bed.
Read: Amazing Coconut Oil Face Mask Recipes and their Benefits
No 5 – Tea Tree Oil

Benefits of this remedy
If you instantly want to get rid of the bumps on your skin, apply a few drops of tea tree oil and make it happen. This is a super-boosting remedy on your skin, it has anti microbial, anti-viral, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties.
It soothes dry, oily and itchy skin. However, it is essential to do a skin patch test to be sure that its properties will not cause any harm to your skin as a few people have sensitive skin.
- 2 tsp olive oil
- 4 tsp tea tree oil
- Brush
Method to apply
- In a bowl mix olive and tea tree oil
- Take a brush, dip it in this mixture and apply it on all the bumps
- Leave it on your skin for overnight or let it stay for an hour and then rinse it
- You can apply tea tree oil and olive oil every day and instantly get rid of the bumps on your skin.
Read: 10 Best Tea Tree Oil Soaps For Better Skin – The Organic Investment!
No 6 – Green Tea For Bumps After Waxing
Benefits of this remedy
The anti-inflammatory properties in green tea (R) effectively clear all the bumps on your skin. When you spray this green tea liquid on the bumps, it sets right all the inflammation caused due to waxing.
- Water
- 3-4 tsp green tea leaves or 1 green tea bag
- Spray bottle
Method to apply
- Take some water in a pan and let it boil well
- Dip the green tea bag into the water or add green tea leaves
- Let it remain in water for a minute or two. Allow it to cool down
- Transfer this water into a spray bottle
- Now spray the green tea mix on all your bumps
- Let it remain on your skin overnight
- You can spray the green tea mix on your bumps every alternate day.
No 7 – Rose Water To Clear Bumps

Benefits of this remedy
The fact that rose water (R) has powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties helps with eliminating all the bumps that form on your skin after waxing. Rose water has soothing properties that reduces all the irritation on your skin.
- Rose water
- Cotton
Method to apply
- Take a piece of cotton
- Dip it in rose water
- Dap that cotton piece on all the bumps on your skin
- Don’t wash your skin, allow the rose water to naturally dry
- You can use rose water two times a day to get rid of all the bumpd on your skin.
No 8 – Oatmeal To Reduce Bumps After Waxing
Benefits of this remedy
Oatmeal (R) contains zinc and anti-inflammatory properties that clears bacterial infection on your skin. This way all the rashes and irritation subsides.
- 2 tsp oatmeal
- 2 tsp milk
Method to apply
- In a bowl mix oat meal and milk. Let it become soft.
- Use your fingers and apply it on the bumps.
- Leave it on your skin for about 30 minutes and rinse it.
- You can apply an oatmeal mixture every alternate day to get rid of all the bumps on your skin.
Read: Top 20 Homemade Oatmeal Mask
The odd and scary-looking bumps on the skin can never be friends to women. It causes pain, irritation and diminishes the value of beautiful skin.
To stay secure and not let waxing cause bumps on the skin, it is important to exfoliate, moisturize, cleanse and keep the skin away from chemicals and products that could cause an infection or aggrevate the bumps.
Thankfully, if the skin gets out of control, there are remedies such as aloe vera, coconut oil, olive oil, tea tree oil and witch hazel that have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties to reduce the bumps on your skin.