Brazilian Butt Lift Workout For Toning And Augmentation


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Brazilian butt lift workout

Brazilians are shaped at right places. All of us love the curves that Brazilians have. Brazilian butt lift workout is a high intensity strength based workout aimed to lift, shape and firm the booty. All the exercises under BBL workout is focussed on building up a perky masterpiece butt. It has combined Brazilian dance moves, cardio and a signature style lower body sculpting to bring about Brazilian Butt lift workout. Most of the workouts under BBL are of moderate difficulty and if proceeded gently they guarantee butt lift and body toning.

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Brazilian butt lift workout for toning and augmentation include:

1- Brazilian Butt Lift Touchdown:

Brazilian Butt Lift Touchdown

– Stand with feet shoulder width apart
– Toes pointed forward, now squat down
– Bend your knees to 90 degree and hold
– Now step the left leg backwards into a deep reverse
– Place right hand along the outside of right thigh
– Raise the left hand in front of your face and palms facing out
– Now go back to start and repeat for other side
– Continue for 3-5 minutes

2- Brazilian butt lift plie:

Brazilian butt lift plie

– Stand with feet wider than shoulder width apart
– Put arms on sides and toes turned out
– Tuck tailbone under and contract glutes
– Now lower your body into a plie
– Try and squat as low as you can, without allowing knees to creep past toes
– Now raise arms to shoulder height in front of your body
– Hold and return back to start
– Now proceed again for 15-20 times

3- Brazilian butt lift lateral sliding squat:

– Stand with feet together, toes pointed forward and arms at sides and right foot on top of a small folded towel.
– Now shifting weight to left leg bend knee 45-90 degrees while sliding right leg and towel slowly out to the sides as far as comfortable.
– Now draw right leg back to start, gently
– Meanwhile straighten the left leg
– Repeat for a minute and switch sides

4- Brazilian butt lift explosive lunge:

Brazilian butt lift explosive lunge

– Stand and lunge forward with left leg until knee is bent 90 degrees, directly over ankle
– Let the right knee point towards the floor
– Jump up, pushing off the floor with both feet.
– Switch legs mid-air, landing with right foot forward in a lunge
– Repeat alternating sides

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5- Brazilian but lift squat with kick back

Brazilian but lift squat with kick back

– Stand upright with legs shoulder width apart and arms on the sides
– Sit back into a squat keeping weight on heels
– Now lift right leg straight behind keeping hips pointing forward meanwhile extending your arms
– Return back to start and begin again by switching sides

6- Brazilian butt lift Heel sky rise:

Brazilian butt lift Heel sky rise

– Start by bending on your knees and elbows, such that all body weight lies on knees and elbows
– Now put one leg out and flex your foot.
– And focus on lifting this leg from butt such that leg must stay straight
– Now slowly raise your leg from the ground.
– Repeat again

7- Brazilian butt lift single leg ballet kicks:

Brazilian butt lift single leg ballet kicks

– Stand upright and draw your belly into your spine
– Keep the head straight ahead by looking at something in front
– Keep chest up and shoulders at back Bring one hand down to touch the opposite toe
– Keep perfect alignment and lift back leg straight as high as possible
– Repeat for other side

8- Brazilian butt lift lower half lunge:

Brazilian butt lift lower half lunge

– Sit in lunge position with back knee on ground and front feet on ground
– Keep chest up and torso straight and look ahead
– Belly must be pinned into the spine
– Bring the knee off the ground until you are half way up
– Then go back to start and switch sides to repeat

[Read: Zumba for beginners]

9- Brazilian butt lift bottle:

– Lie down flat on floor with stomach touching the ground, in upside down position
– Place hands on ground under your chin
– Put feet flexed together
– Use one leg at a time and imagine having a bottle on the outside of your foot
– Try to stretch and get your foot over the bottle
– Come back to start and repeat

10- Brazilian butt lift pelvic tilts:

Brazilian butt lift pelvic tilts

– Lie down with knees up and toes pointing upwards, leg resting on heels
– Stretch hands out and palm down on the ground
– Now slowly raise your hips off the ground to make the pelvis form a bridge
– Hold for a few seconds and now squeeze your glutes up and belly down
– Raise again and repeat

11- Brazilian standing donkey kick:

Brazilian standing donkey kick

– Lower into a one leg squat
– Now place weight into your right heel and keep knees side by side
– Lift your left heel off the ground
– Now extend leg behind
– Pull back your leg into starting position
– Now keeping it off the ground, hold for some time
– Repeat with other side

Benefits of Brazilian butt lift workouts:

Brazilian butt lift workouts

1- High intensity strength training exercises
2- They help in toning and lifting the butt
3- They also give balance and flexibility to the body
4- They are great calorie burners
5- Whole body workout with utmost fitness benefits

The above compilation on Brazilian butt lift workout for toning and augmentation, is based on readings and learnings overtime. There are ample benefits of practicing Brazilian butt lift workout and they help in total body toning and strength. Be sure to not stretch too much, and gently take the moves. Check with your trainer before attempting at home.

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Minu Manisha