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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersA girl in her twenties has hopped into a fresh phase after living a baffling teenager. Having said, every girl must be on a lookout on how to make youth fun and at the same time pave the way to start crawling towards self-development personally and professionally, how about making books being your guide? What’s your interest young lady? Do you want to get inspired? Motivated? Get a clue on how to understand complicated men ? or get crazy ideas on living your twenties well, make your choice and get on a ‘flip a page mode’ to get enlightened by books every girl should read through in her twenties.
This article is swiveling around all the books every girl should read in her twenties. Its time to glue your eyes and be ready for excitement, learning, deep empowering thoughts, and some action time. Scroll through this article and pick on a book that can be a great company to you.
List Of Books Every Girl Should Read In Her Twenty’s – Choose One!
Here is a list of books you should look at in your twenty’s and pick on the one that catches your interest. Here you go!
Book No 1 – A Thousand Splendid Suns
The gist of the book :
A Thousand Splendid Suns are written by Khalid Hosseini, this book will flood you into emotions that your misty eyes will talk of the depth in the book. If you are looking out to learn and deep dive into reading something to do with family, friendship, faith, and peace in love. This book lists in the New York Times Bestseller
About the book :
A Thousand Splendid Suns are going to touch your heart because you will get to know the intensity in the emotions of love, sacrifice, and how painful it is to deal with a tragedy. The story is based on how two different worlds (in terms of their experiences in life)named Mariam and Laila come together because of fate while both are broken in their ways, together they reside n the streets of Kabul and struggling through their ironical situation for the sake of family, how they make love win.
Why should you read it :
You should read this book to know that your problems are mere fishes when you look around the whale-like problems other people have, how hope is the only means for survival, and the power of love in making you a heroic character you won’t even know of.
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Book No 2 – PS I Love You
The gist of the book :
PS I Love You is a great love story written by Cecilia Ahern. For the ones who believe there are angels in heaven who are always watching over us and protecting us through our hard and good times. It is about two lovers named Holly and Gerry who have been committed to each other since childhood and how their love story had different plans.
About the book :
PS I Love You is a happy and a sad romantic novel that portrays how it feels to have a soulmate who can not just relate to you but also understands you like they reside in you and can predict every action of yours. Likewise, this is a story of Holly and Gerry who are an ideal made for each other pair and because of a tragedy Gerry loses his life and that shatters Holly. Before Gerry leaves the world he leaves love notes for his princess after her 30th birthday. Every month she gets them all concluding it with PS – I Love You. She had a hope that he was still with here even after death and that was a good enough reason for her to become a happier person in life again.
Why should you read it :
At the age of 20, it is nice to read a love story that gives out a message to all of us that love is not about a person being there physically, it is also about how they are still with us even if death comes by. Having said, losing someone you love is not the end of the world. One would be heartbroken for a while, but it is important to get over the heartbreak and live the life you have been made for.
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Book No 3 – Girl, Wash your face
The gist of the book :
Girl, Wash your face is a book written by Rachel Hollis, the name says it all that this is the right book for every girl who has entered youth and just started living. This book stresses on being brave in life and being who you want to be. The author is No 1 in the New York Times and one of the best-selling authors n the USA.
About the book :
In this book, you get to overcome every roadblock that makes you think that you do not know what you want from life and this book proves it wrong. This book revolves around the lies we tell ourselves because of the common wrong notions we have about ourselves that stands as a barrier to us from living our lives with joy and peace. There are humor and true facts in this book. The writer has written about how she was in a false assumption about her self worth and how she got over those mental blocks and learned how to bring about joy and quality in her living by going that extra mile and being brave. She talks about certain ways of getting over this phase by giving you all a reality check. Read through to know who you are meant to be as well.
Why should you read it :
Every woman should read this book in her twenty’s because that is a phase where you start to mold yourself and know of the wrong assumptions that you could possibly have about yourself and work on getting over them at an early stage.
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Book No 4: Becoming

The gist of the book :
Becoming is a book written by Michelle Obama, she intends to tell the readers about her learning’s from childhood to how she balanced her professional as well as personal life. She talks of all the best and worst times and how she managed to live life on her own.
About the book :
This story is based on Michelle Obama’s incredible experiences to learn a lot from in today’s times. Michelle Obama was an advocate who brought in significant changes with an intention to promote a better and healthy lifestyle for the people, she raised up her daughters alongside while she was drawn to her career. She mentions of her experiences in the way she had been criticized as well as appreciated in public.
Why should you read it :
Every girl should read this book to take inspiration from Michelle Obama and lead a balanced professional as well as personal life. It is an inspirational story to learn to be wise and warm in life.
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Book No 5: Healing the soul of a woman: How to overcome your emotional wounds

The gist of the book :
Healing the soul of a woman is a book written by Joyce Meyer who basically writes inspirational books. This is more or less a book of spirituality that can give one the courage to get healed from the deepest of wounds with the support of God.
About the book :
This book brings out a message that a woman who has been in pain for long can be healed from heart and soul with time doing its task. It is a story that talks about how to overcome betrayal by a man and how can that wound ever be healed with the guidance of God. The book is based on Meyer’s experience in life on these aspects and how it is possible to get over them.
Why should you read it :
If you are someone who has the seeds of spirituality then this is one of the books that teach every woman to know that every pain has healing and how to save yourself from hindrances by having faith in God.
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Book No 6: Nice Girls Do Not Get The Corner Office

The gist of the book :
This is a generic story that women face day in and out at work, it is written by Lois P. Frankel and it emphasizes the common mistakes made by women that become the reason for their destroyed career. This story can help women be aware of these mistakes and stay cautioned.
About the book :
This book is about those 130 common mistakes that women make initially as girls have their counter effects on a career later on. The writer points out at all those possible mistakes that can be made by you and be a barrier in your social as well as professional skills. She intends to give out a message to the girls to stop being a nice girl and fall into the trap of having a disturbing career. For instance, some of the mistakes that she mentions are making a mistake of asking permission. She believes that you do not need permission, you need to be like a matured adult and wait for approval, she mentions one should be bold and confident. Similarly, there are many such mistakes she makes a mention about.
Why should you read it :
It is essential for every girl to know some tips on how to carry yourself at the office when you are in a threshold of having recently started your career. Good to know tips to stay aware and not slip into regretting about your career later.
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Book No 7: The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance-What Women Should Know

The gist of the book :
This book is written by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. If you are persistent and in the quest to find a book to build on your motivation, then you must read this book. In fact, every lady should read this book and discover all about confidence, its relevance, and how every woman should work on developing their confidence.
About the book :
This book talks about how confidence plays a key role in a woman’s life in terms of education and the way she
Why should you read it :
Every woman must read this book in order to boost your confidence by working on your strengths and believing that the spark in you can make your life better.
Read:10 Must Know Tips To Be A Confident Woman
Book No 8: Educated – A memoir

The gist of the book :
This book is written by Tara Westover, if you are dead set on finding inspiration, this is one of those books then… This story is about the writer itself who is brought up in a family that is conventional and does not approve the idea of education but how she manages to do it well with her hard work, determination, and passion.
About the book:
The writer is 17 when she enters the world of education for the first time, she is from Idaho, and all she did until she was 17 was worked for her parents. She worked in her dad’s junkyard and she boiled herbs for her mother. The family was so orthodox that they treated themselves at home even if someone fell sick, the parents never felt the need to get their children educated until her brother broke this isolated thinking. The writer did not receive an education but she managed to learn maths and grammar on her own and got admission to Brigham Young University. Her zeal to get educated took her a long way ahead and she achieved it with an undeniable struggle. Read this book to know all about it and get inspired by her life’s story.
Why should you read it :
This book has a great take away for all women. In short, it teaches us that if we are keen and determined on learning, then no roadblocks can be a reason to stop us, provided one fights for it, and tries and achieves it by any means just like how the writer achieved education because of her interest in getting.
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Book No 9: Graduates in Wonderland

The gist of the book :
This is an ideal book if you want to read through some humor and friendship, an ideal one for girls in their youth. This book is written by Jessica Pan and Rachel Kapelke – Dale. It’s about two women who enter adulthood and their experiences
About the book :
Just like how great friends decide to keep in touch after their education, this story is just like one of those. Two friends name Rachel and Jessica meet in University and they decide to keep in touch through emails every week and they go their ways. Rachel goes to New York and Jess goes to Beijing. Both of them live through their adulthood ad travel to different countries and they keep writing to each other about their experiences. You will find their experiences funny and interesting, read it to know more!
Why should you read it :
This is good for all those girls who can relate to this kind of friendship and enjoy having a light read.
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Book No 10: The Woman In The Window: A Novel

The gist of the book :
This book is written by A. J. Finn, it is an amazing thriller cum a suspense story of what a girl discovers in her neighborhood. The woman in this story is not quite open to be there in the crowd and she feels that she has witnessed crime based on what she sees in the neighborhood. This book will keep your interest vested and you will get to discover more as and when you read the book. The publishing of this book is done in 41 languages.
About the book :
A girl named Anna Fox loves living by herself and prefers living indoors than stepping out and moving in the crowd. While she is chilling with wine, movies, and being happy at home, her eyes happen to go on her neighbors next door and she notices Russells family, there she sees a father, mother, and their son(teenager), and she is consternated with what she sees in there. To get to know more, read through the book.
Why should you read it :
If you love fiction and finding out about the final suspense then this is the book you should go for, this book leaves you with imagination, if you are one of those girls who loves being home alone and being merry all the time and how about you experiencing something spooky around your neighborhood.
The one’s who are used to reading can relate to this wonderful feeling of clinging on to books in your free time as well as to keep dumping your brains with good knowledge. Every woman must read these books at 20 to figure out life in a few aspects.
Its time to expedite the value hid in these books!