Bio Oil Review for Face and Beauty Read this Before you Buy


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Bio oil review

Ever heard of bio oil, in the context of beauty and face, well most of us haven’t yet. It is a very recent invention in the world of skin care and since its launch in 2002 it has been applauded for amazing benefits and has been winning topmost skincare awards. Let us first learn about the bio oil reviews and then see how this miracle oil is getting so popular.

Reviews on bio oil suggest it is the topmost selling product with magical benefits for minimizing stretch marks and facial scars. Though the beauty specialists have been using it immensely but its domestic consumption is sometimes questioned. For will the bio oil serve beauty and skin care uses? and how can such a small bottle cure stretch marks, facial scars and other skin issues.

What is Bio Oil?

Bio oil is a special chemical formula, as stated by its manufacturer. The ingredients are uber useful for skin and beauty. It includes some of the most enriching oils which are not only rejuvenating and curing but also preventive and nourishing too. Bio oil may not be a treatment for severe issues but it cures the moderate skin deformities with utmost finesse.

Bio oil is believed to be helpful in anti aging, stretch marks, pigmentation and scars, discoloration of the skin, sun tan and dry spots on the skin. Bio oil provides the skin with necessary nutrients and chemicals which help in repairing the damage and look radiant and nourished.

Bio oil is a specialist skincare product with breakthrough ingredient PurCellin oil. PurCellin oil is a specialist for treating aging signs and dehydrated skin, in addition to making the bio oil dilute to be easily absorbed by the skin.

Bio Oil Ingredients:

Bio Oil Ingredients

Ingredients in Bio Oil are from far too many. All of which have some exceptional benefits for skin and nourishment. This may also be the reason for Bio Oil not being a specialist oil for one ailment but, rather it is a magic potion for some or all of its ingredients would have enriching and nourishing effects on the skin.

Key ingredients in Bio Oil are:

1- Chamomile oil:

Chamomile oil has anti-inflammatory properties and healing effects. It also leaves soothing and calming impacts so this happens to be an ingredient in many beauty care products. This helps in relaxing and calming the body in addition to reducing skin inflammations and balancing pigmentation issues.

2- Rosemary oil:

Rosemary oil has rich anti-microbial properties. It helps in reducing infection-causing bacteria and viruses. It also helps in reducing skin inflammations and promotes healing of micro wounds. This adds up to the elasticity of skin and makes it more resilient and healthier.

3- Lavender Oil:

Lavender oil has a legacy of being used in skin care from past centuries. It has immense properties to destroy bacteria and fungi. Its soothing and calming sensations are amazing. And the most pleasing odor for any skin care ingredient. Also, lavender oil carries antioxidants which reduce skin damage.

4- Vitamin A:

Bio oil also contains Vitamin A or retinol which regulates skin’s shedding process. It provides some amazing benefits in pore cleansing and improving skin pigmentation issues.

5- Vitamin E:

Bio oil contains Vitamin E which helps with its rich antioxidant properties. Also, maintains the benefits of Bio oil as Vitamin E is a natural preservative and keeps the solvent nourishing for long.

6- Calendula Oil:

Bio oil contains Calendula oil which has some wonderful hydrating properties. It helps in keeping skin moisturized and healing dry and flaky skin.

7- PurCellin Oil:

PurCellin oil is a breakthrough ingredient in Bio oil which is a replica of that oil which ducks produce to keep their feathers waterproof.

Bio Oil results on skin:

Bio Oil results on skin

Benefits of bio oil on the skin are simply miraculous and amazing. It is a wonderful facial moisturizer. It is believed to be the marks and scars remedy for all skin ailments. It helps in healing the discolored skin scars due to acne. It even acts as makeup enricher with its properties of makeup primer.

Bio Oil also helps in relieving off the sun tan. And acts as a befitting massage oil. Its soft and calming properties help in its usage as pre shave remedy, hair frizz fighter, sun soother and cosmetic enricher with its moisturizing properties. Bio oil also works as a healing potion for cracked heels and feet. It helps in curing stretch marks.

How does bio oil work on scars:

Is bio oil good for scars, well Bio oil works amazingly on acne scars. It helps in improving the appearance of scars. Vitamin A and E from its unique formulation help in promoting skin regeneration. Also treating acne scars. The Vitamin E in Bio oil improves the moisture content of the skin around scars thus helps in reduces the texture and tone of scars and makes it lighter.

Ever wondered does bio oil for on skin? Yes, it works perfectly. Bio oil is non-comedogenic, thus it can be used for spot scar treatment or lightening scars left by acne or pimples and being nongreasy it helps in keeping skin moisturized without getting dirty. It also prevents excessive dryness and irritation due to acne products.

Bio oil for acne:

Bio oil for acne

Since bio oil is made from some of the most natural and amazing skin care ingredients, it does not clog pores. Bio oil provides great hydration and moisturizes skin for long. Acne is a result of greasy oily skin. Acne scars are ugly blemishes either raised or depressed pits, caused from these greasy and oily patches on the skin.

Bio oil hydrates these inflamed patches. It may not treat the acne but it does provide scar lightening and heals the skin by keeping it moisturized. It is more of a spot treatment oil, which lightens the skin areas with scars and thus making them more blended with natural skin tone. And preventing discolored patches to steal the facial glow.

[Read: essential oils for beauty and skin care]

Bio Oil before and After effects:

There have been many people with some amazing before and after effects of using bio oil. Some such include fading of some scars and marks on the skin within a few weeks of usage, Reducing the stretch marks and making them look better, it has some nice effects as a night oil as it gets easily absorbed in the skin and keeps the face clean from oily patches.

Bio oil lightens the burn marks, soothes the skin, works as a cuticle oil and cracked feet oil. It can also be mixed for makeup enrichment and exfoliation in facial scrubs.

Where to buy bio oil:

Bio oil is so popular that most of the stores carry it. Retail giants like Walmart, target, ULTA, Kroger have it over the counter and even Amazon or eBay sell it online. It is simply wonderful product and stays as is, for long.

Pros of Bio Oil:

Bio Oil as stated above has some miraculous benefits and western world is going all out about it. Some of the many pros of Bio oil include:

– Bio oil is a rich moisturizing oil
– Bio oil contains some wonderful skin care ingredients, the formulation of which is supremely beneficial for skin
– Bio oil absorbs quickly in skin
– Bio oil is comparatively inexpensive
– Bio oil has soothing and pleasant fragrance
– It works wonders for moderate skin ailments
– Bio oil is amazing as a moisturizer for bath and makeup
– Bio oil works wonders for nails, lips, and hair too

Cons of Bio Oil:

Though there aren’t much side effects of bio oil but recommendations stay for patch test before proceeding further. There maybe potential allergies and reactions on your skin so better take dermatologist approval before proceeding.

– Bio oil may contain a few ingredients which are harmful during pregnancy
– Bio oil does not contain one single supreme ingredient so does not offer one specialist remedy, rather it cures ample moderate to mild skin issues.
– Bio oil may make your hair greasy so beware if you have oily hair
– Prevent Bio Oil from reaching near eyes as it may cause burns and allergies
– One ingredient in Bio Oil called retinyl palmitate is linked with side effects like itching, burning sensation, scaling and redness.
– Botanical extracts may also cause skin irritation in some sensitive skins

face and beauty

The above compilation on Bio oil review for face and beauty is based on readings and learnings about this famous and miraculous product. As much appealing and amazing as it sounds, we must ensure a patch test and recommendation from the dermatologist before applying on skin.

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Minu Manisha