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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersResorting to workout as a part of your life you are sure of feeling healthy and good from the inside out. Even better, when you practice a fun workout, you never get bored or feel exhausted with a workout, it always keeps you refreshed. Talking of a fun workout, have you ever tried river rafting? or a workout that requires the same energy that you would need in rowing a boat?
If you are hell-bent on shaping your upper body and gaining overall stamina then you should try exercising on a rowing machine. Well, it would interest you only if it has attractive benefits, isn’t it? For a fact, you can make your analysis on how does a rowing machine do well do your body through the energy that you put in and the areas on your body that would be focused.
In this article, you will get clarity about the benefits of a rowing machine and the different type of rowing machine workouts you can try with ease. Stay tuned for its exciting benefits in transforming your body.
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What Is A Rowing Machine Workout?

A rowing machine workout is all about pulling your body forward and moving backward, this is done to shape up your upper as well as lower body. One can derive benefits from a rowing machine by keeping the body in the right position. What are the positions like?
- You sit on a sliding bench with your legs folded up and your feet placed in a slot wherein your feet do not go off track.
- To get a better grip, you get to hold on two handles in order to pull your body forward and push it back.
- You put energy on your legs and hands and move forward and go backward.
How would these positions prove advantageous to your body?
A. When you push your body backward by applying force on your lower body. Hamstrings, glutes, and quads are toned.
B. When you pull the handle by applying force on your upper body. Shoulders, back, and the arms are toned.
Tips While You Do A Rowing Machine Workout
Tip 1 – Do not keep your head stiff, let the position of your arms and shoulders be straight. Do not bend them at any cost.
Tip 2 – Lean your upper body well when you are ready to pull the string.
Tip 3 – You can lift up your heels when required, either while you are coming forward or moving backward. The choice is yours. The main motto should be your comfort levels.
Tip 4 – Your hands are supposed to move in a straight line position while pulling the string or pushing it down.
All put together, one does not require to apply too much of their brains while doing this workout. It is all about using logic and using the rowing machine well by effectively pulling your body backward and pushing your body frontwards. All that matters is how you use your energy and the way you focus on certain parts of the body.
Watch this video to get a better picture of a rowing machine workout
Benefits Of A Rowing Machine Workout! Be Assured!

If you want to totally strengthen the muscles in your lower and upper body you should look at the interesting benefits of a rowing machine workout
Benefit No 1 – The Fun-Factor Is Alive
It seems more like a strict task when you do not have fun in doing a workout. Do not worry, the first benefit of a rowing machine workout is in the way it will keep you engaged. You are never going to be bored and you would have fun while you do this workout. What’s fun? Get on it to know it!
Benefit No 2 – Fats In The Body Are Chased Away
Only when you get on to an intense workout will those “sticking fats” want to melt and disappear from your body, is it not? That’s how a rowing machine workout is, it will chase away the calories really quick from your body. If calories burn fast you would never put on weight or if you are healthy and want to lose weight, this one’s for you.
If you want to test how does that happen, you need to practice a rowing machine workout and experience it. Even if you do this workout for 15 minutes you get to burn about 400 calories.
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Benefit No 3 – Tones Your Upper Back
If you are planning on wearing a low cut dress and you want your upper back to stay in shape, you should try working out on a rowing machine, the fats residing in your upper back melt.
It is but natural that the way you pull the string partially focuses on your upper back and the fats stored in there melt easily. Unfortunately, the fat is not formed because of a fault in your diet, it is even because of the fluctuation in hormones and other factors that leads to an increase in upper back fat.
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Benefit No 4 – It is Beneficial From Head To Toe
Metaphorically, it is said to be beneficial from head to toe because it takes care of your lower as well as upper body. It is amazing that one workout can do good to your entire body, isn’t it?
It focuses on your arms, biceps, triceps, chest, thighs, calf muscles, and hamstrings. Thus, you would be able to lift heavy weights with ease as well as give up on elevators and you would get comfortable with taking the stairs.
Benefit No 5 – Injects Total Strength In Your Body
To be physically fit and have sufficient resistance to pain, you need to work on it all your life by constantly working on your body. It is not a one-time thing.
A rowing machine is that kind of a workout that will drastically improve the strength in your body and your response to pain will be even better. Notice the difference in how your body is able to bear the pain when you did not workout vs when you started working out.
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Benefit No 6 – Probability Of Having Diseases Is Less
Getting a disease is all got to do with how you take care of your diet, habits, and the way you balance stress. If you keep in touch with a rowing machine workout, the probability of being affected with diseases is the least.
An example of how a rowing machine is good to avoid diseases is the fact that it improves the condition of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases and it is even known to keep you away from chronic diseases.
There is no surety that rowing machine workout would completely heal you from disease but it will reduce the probability of you getting affected by a disease.
Benefit No 7 – Improves The Way Organs Function
When you get used to a rowing machine workout you are not just building your strength, increasing your resistance power, or keeping your body active.
You move a step ahead and your breathing improves, when your breathing improves, your heart and lungs are benefited the most. Your lungs get purified with better oxygen and your heart starts to pump blood better.
Benefit No 8 – Not A Tedious Workout
Unlike so many other workouts, a rowing machine workout is easy and does not pressurize your body much, you would never be afraid to continue doing this workout because it goes easy on your body. If you think you need relief from any kind of pain in your joints, you should try a rowing machine workout. It is a great workout to strengthen your joints as well. Keep practicing it so that your joints never pain.
Benefit No 9 – Builds An Aspect Of Confidence
If you are wondering how would a rowing machine boost your confidence, it is true that it has the charm in doing so because it helps in making your posture better. Body language is a sign in itself when you do not have a good posture it clearly indicates that you feel low in confidence or you are not sure if you feel good about yourself.
On the other hand, if you have a great posture and walk straight, wouldn’t that make you feel good about yourself? This is how a rowing machine works on your posture and your posture works on your confidence levels.
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Benefit No 10 – Substitute To Running
If you do not want to go out running or because of bad weather conditions you cannot go out and you are prompt with exercising then you can choose a rowing machine workout because it is one form of cardio and gives your body the same benefits running would give.
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Benefit No 11 – A Reasonable Indoor Workout
Not everyone likes stepping out for a workout. There are people who are happy about exercising at home. When you have the accessibility to stay home and have affordable equipment that takes care of burning your calories and caters to other needs for your physical wellness, why not have it at home?
That said, you can consider purchasing a rowing machine at home, it would not cost you much and it is a lovely indoor activity. You would love to get on it and exercise every day.
Read: (R)
In a nutshell, what are you going to get with a rowing machine workout? good strength in your entire body, flexibility, and a good posture, ease of working out indoors, fun while exercising, relief from pain and diseases. All of these factors are more than sufficient for you to be physically fit.
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Types Of Rowing Workouts

Basically, there isn’t too much depth in types of rowing workouts. There are just variations in a rowing workout. Yet, take a look at different types of rowing workouts.
Type No 1 – FlyWheel Rowing Exercise
This rowing machine workout works in such a way that only when one applies pressure and pulls the strings there is a fan that rotates inside. The more the supply of air the better the machine works.
How To Do This Workout
Type No 2 – Hydraulic Rowing Workout
If you do not have enough space at home and you want a compact rowing machine then the Hydraulic rowing machine should work a way for you. This is more or less a full-motion arm workout. In this form of rowing machine workout, you would not be able to maintain a disciplined in keeping your arms in one line.
How To Do This Workout
Type No 3 – Water Rower Workout
The very name “water-rowing” says it all. Unlike the rowing machine workout in air, this is a water rowing machine, and the force that you would need to apply while doing this workout would be similar to that of really rowing a boat in the water. This is one of the best types of a rowing workout, it is good in drastically increasing strength in your arms and legs.
How To Do This Workout
Overall, if you see every type of rowing workout the only difference is you would apply a different force in different rowing machines and altogether the way every type of rowing machine works is a little different from the other.
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Take Away
- The benefits of a rowing machine workout are not specific to just one portion of your body as it focuses on different aspects of your body.
- It is a good stretching workout. Perfect for losing weight on your stomach and back.
- Do this workout for ten minutes, to begin with. However, let it not extend to an hour.
- You can maintain a frequency of doing this workout thrice a week. It should serve the purpose.
- Rowing machine workout stresses on melting down the fats in your body. It is similar to running or walking.
- Does good to the upper and lower body.
In conclusion, keep your body fit and tone up your muscles. Pick rowing machine as the best workout for strength, flexibility, posture, and a shaped up body.
Get ready to be Amazed By The Vanishing Fats After A Great Rowing Machine Workout!