Benefits Of Egg For Hair Growth And Nourishment


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benefits of egg for hair

Sulphur, folate and many other minerals present in egg promote hair growth and make the hair follicles stronger. Have you heard the benefits of egg for hair growth and nourishment yet? Who doesn’t want the tresses like Rapunzel’s, and it is of equally important concern to have strong hair too. Both consuming eggs and applying it externally are equally beneficial for hair growth and nourishment. Eggs are best for treating dry and damaged hair too; they help regain the lost strength and shine.

Let us first understand the benefits of egg for hair

1- Eggs strengthen the hair roots and prevent hair fall or hair breakage
2- For hair, which is damaged by the use of excessive chemicals, eggs offer great nourishment.
3- Egg not only prevents hair fall but also prevents split ends
4- Egg makes hair silky smooth and shiny, thus it is a great conditioner
5- Eggs are suitable for all kinds of hair. Some more ingredients can be added to make dry or oily hair regain their luster

Using egg for hair growth: Olive Oil or castor oil egg mask:

Olive Oil or castor oil

Take two eggs and beat them till they become consistent. Now add 8 oz of castor oil or 8 oz of olive oil to the paste. Now mix it well. Now using a soft brush or with your hands apply this on your hair including scalp. Cover it then with a shower cap. Let it stay for 45 minutes. Now shampoo your hair and leave them without conditioning as they were pre-conditioned using egg. This will make hair smooth and shiny. Using it time and gain will make your hair grow fast.

Using egg for dry and damaged hair:

dry and damaged hair

  • Banana, Egg and Milk mask:

Banana, Egg and Milk mask

Take one ripe banana and mash it to make a smooth paste. Beat it in blender for good consistency. Now add 8 oz milk and two egg whites to the paste and blend it again. If you have extremely dry hair you can add a few drops of coconut oil or almond oil too. Now using a brush, apply this paste and put a shower cap. Let it rest for 45 minutes. Then shampoo your hair. Banana offers great nourishment, it makes the hair rich and with the egg it will become radiant again.

  • Mayonnaise egg mask:

Mayonnaise egg mask

Add 2 egg yolks in a blender and put 4 oz of vinegar to it. Now add 1 oz extra virgin olive oil to the mixture and blend it nicely. Now apply on your hair and cover it with a shower cap. Leave it for an hour and shampoo. This also enriches the hair and brings back the lost shine and strength.

  • Using egg for oily hair: Gram Flour, egg and Yogurt

Gram Flour, egg and Yogurt

Beat whole egg and add 2 teaspoons of gram flower to it. Now add 4 oz plain yogurt and mix it well. Add few drops of vinegar and apply on your hair. Leave it for 45 minutes and shampoo then. This is for oily hair to drain off the excess oils without dehydrating the hair.

  • Using egg for Dandruff treatment: Egg and Honey

Egg and Honey

Eggs can be used to treat dry scalp and dandruff too. Beat 2 eggs and add 2 oz honey to it. Now make a smooth paste with a whisk. Now add castor oil to it and mix well. Apply to the hair and cover for 30 minutes. Now shampoo it well. Castor oil is great for hair growth too. This helps in curing dry scalp and dandruff issue. And also make hair long and rich.

  • Using egg for hair enrichment and color: Egg and Henna

Egg and Henna

Make a paste of henna with water. Now add 2 eggs and mix it well. Apply this paste on your hair and cover with shower cap. You can leave the same for 2-4 hours, depending on how much color you want. As henna is a natural dye adding reddish brown color to hair. After 2-4 hours just rinse wash, do not add shampoo as it may lose the effects of henna color.

Benefits of egg in your diet:

egg in your diet

  • Eggs are high quality proteins
  • They are rich in almost all vitamins and minerals
  • Eggs are good cholesterols as they raise HDL or high density lipoprotein
  • Egg contains extremely rare Vitamin B called choline , which helps in building cell membranes.
  • Egg consumption reduces the risk of heart diseases and also heart stroke
  • Eggs have lutein which is good for eyes.
  • Eggs keep you fuller for long thus help in losing weight
  • Eggs help in growth and nourishment

Thus Eggs are the Natures best foods and all inclusive in terms they help the growth and nourishment despite eaten or applied externally on hair. The above compilation, have you heard the benefits of egg for hair growth and nourishment is based on learning and experiences. Before including in your diet check for allergies and effects on your skin and body.

Minu Manisha