12 Worthy Beauty Habits Before Going To Bed – Keep Away Beasts From Your Beauty!


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Blossom into a new you!! Follow The beauty drama to wake up to a beautiful morning!!

Did you know that your skin gets good when you are asleep and before you give it some rest? would you be interested to pamper your skin and get to know about the means to make it look even more gorgeous, shining and fresh when you wake up to the next morning?

Getting accustomed to good beauty habits before going to bed is as good as getting done with half your job of looking beautiful and being naturally well-groomed the next day.

Adopting to beauty habits is more or less taking care of the health of your skin from the inside out. Thus, every lady who loves her skin as much as she loves herself must get habituated to a bedtime beauty routine.

In this article you would get to learn about all the beauty rituals before going to bed and how following every beauty ritual is going to prove beneficial to your looks as well as your skin. Follow every tips, as each of it would have a potential benefit on your skin.

Why Follow Beauty Habits Before Going To Bed?

Needless to say, the time you spend on yourself is always worth it, do you agree?

You first need to understand as to why is it an added advantage to follow beauty habits before going to bed so that it draws you towards religiously following a beauty routine before you go to bed.

You need to follow some beauty rituals before you got to bed because you are directly exposed to the pollutants around, a little skincare is always a great way to make up for all those pollutants that spoil your skin.

Science has its way of working as well, that said, the best hour for your skin to get rejuvenated is in the night because it works on repairing all the dead skin and giving life to new skin. This process happens quicker in the night.

When you follow some bedtime beauty tips just before you are done for the day, it will help your skin combat external toxins.

Beauty Habits To Follow Before Going To Bed

Sacredly follow these beauty tips before going to bed and understand how to follow beauty habits before going to bed. Read through the beauty habits

No 1 – Get Your Beauty Sleep For A Beautiful Look

When you follow a strict pattern in sleeping for 7 hours you are sure to have a healthy skin along with several other health benefits.

Skin and sleep work hand in hand, a night of good sleep will help heal different skin hassles. That said, your skin hormone named melatonin starts to increase a few hours before you go to sleep which majorly portrays how sleep is essential for good skin.

Surprisingly, there is a hormonal activity happening here, the stress hormone named cortisol comes in control at night in order to heal all the damages done to the skin during the day.

Benefits to the Skin After a Good Nights Sleep

Sleeping time is the renewal time for the skin. Here are some of the benefits to the skin with a good nights sleep. Take a look!

  • Increased rate of skin renewal
  • Increased production of melatonin
  • All repairs done to the UV damages on our skin
  • Increased production of collagen

An additional beauty habit before going to bed is to sleep on two silk pillows to rejuvenate the quality of your skin, how?

Two silk pillows help in keeping control of the blood flow and stops it from getting stagnant at your eyes and face, this helps in keeping your face clean and clear. This is an internal trick of how the skin can be kept good.

No 2 – Meticulously Clean Your Face

You should get habituated to wash your face every night because all through the day your face comes in contact with dust, pollution and every kind of dust particle that sticks to your skin even because of the makeup and creams that you apply to your skin.

For a good face cleansing, you should apply a mild face wash that suits your skin type, rub a few drops of rose water on your face to scrub all the dirt and take an ice cube, rub it on your face and pat dry it with a soft towel.

This habit is effective because along with the dirt all the excess oil from your skin will vanish after it is washed well.

Also Read: Night Creams for Oily Skin

No 3 – Rejuvenate The Quality Of Your Skin

Rejuvenating the skin is nothing but applying a good toner on your skin. Having said, it is not enough to just clean your face, you would have to take an additional step to keep the ph balance in control as well as tighten the pores on your skin.

Read through the link to know more about how to tone your skin naturally at home

No 4 – Apply An Eye Cream To Look, Juvenile

Src: goldelements-usa.com

Generally, when someone is unwell it is seen that they are unwell through their eyes. Apart from this, one can identify if someone is old or young when they look below their eyes. Thus, if you want to look fresh and energetic, always apply a good eye cream right before you sleep.

Benefits of applying an eye cream

  • Tightens the skin under your eyes
  • Keeps the fine lines away
  • Makes your eyes look healthier and fresh

Apply an eye cream that is made of natural extracts, theses would work quicker on the skin and completely make all the fine lines disappear.

Also, Read: Best Eye Cream for Dark Circles

No 5 – Mollycoddle Your Palms – Reveal Real Beauty!

Src: cosmeticnews.com

A woman should take special care of her palms because it increases her charm and femininity. The palms tend to get rough and hard after being in the water and working all day, it needs the right pampering and care at the end of the day.

Before you go to bed, take some water in a bowl, slightly heat it up, add a few drops of lemon juice and 1/2 a tsp salt, stir this well and place your palms in this for about 5 minutes After this is done, wash your hands with cold water, use a soft towel to dab it dry. Apply good hand cream to make your palms soft.

The reason you apply a hand cream is to get rid off cracks on your fingers and make your palms soft for the next day.

No 6 – Face Steaming

Face Steaming

Steaming paves way for all the dirt to get out of the pores. Having said, you must steam your face once in a week, you can make this a bedtime beauty ritual because you are free at the end of the day and before you get on to cleansing you can get done with steaming.

You could either use a face steamer or heat up the water in a big vessel and position your face close to the vessel by keeping your face covered with a towel. Steaming would even help you feel relaxed after a tried day. Consider steaming as a beauty habit before hitting the bed.

No 7 – Care For Your Foot

Care For Your Foot

It is quintessential that your foot needs considerable attention because that part of your body is more prone to coming in contact with dirt.

Every night before you go to bed, wash your feet with warm water. If you follow this beaut habit before going to sleep, not just the hygiene part but you are going to get good sleep too.

Once you wash your feet, you can either apply a good foot cream or massage your foot with essential oil. Petroleum Jelly is proved to be the best and you should apply it on your foot and massage for a minute or two.

If you want your foot to be clean, always wear socks and footwear indoors as well to keep your feet and sole covered. This way you are taking care of the hygiene as well as keeping your foot covered as well.

No 8 – Keep Away From Every Decayed Tooth


After you are done eating delicious food all through the day, your teeth call for some care and cleanliness just like any other part of your body would ask for it. Although your teeth is within, it needs most of the hygiene care. Having said, if you want to follow all the beauty habits before going to bed then cleaning your teeth is one of them as well.

Gargle your mouth after every meal and brush your teeth with baking soda right before you go to bed. In the morning you will see white teeth as well as feel fresh in your mouth all night. Do not miss following this beauty habit! More than a beauty habit it is a basic hygiene habit.

No 9 – Touch Your Skin With A Moisturizer – Glossy Skin!

Touch Your Skin

The moisture on your skin must be retained throughout whether you are awake or asleep. Once you are done cleaning and toning your face, you should definitely moisturize it.

A good moisturizer helps in keeping your skin fresh and healthy, if there is any dullness at any layer on the skin, it gets covered if it is moisturized well.

Moisturizing your skin at the end of the day is the best because you are finally protecting it. Use a mild moisturizer that suits your skin or use natural home remedies to keep your skin moisturized.

Also Read: Best Moisturizer for Oily Skin

No 10 – Sweep Down The Knots In Your Hair


Taking good care of your hair is a beauty habit before going to bed. It is proved that tying your hair into a braid is one way of keeping your hair well maintained in terms of saving it from getting haphazard and falling as well as making it look nice and voluminous the next day.

Make sure to comb your hair really slow and do not tie it too tight, let there be a smooth blood circulation in your head. If you do not comb your hair twice a day, it will have accumulated knots and it will get shabbier for the next day.

No 11 – Nourish Your Pretty Lips

Nourish Your Pretty Lips

A woman should have pretty and healthy lips. For women, lips is one of the beauty spots that enhance her existing beauty.

Your lips need care every day and following lip care, as a beauty ritual, every night is one way of keeping it going.

Once you are done brushing your teeth and you have cleaned your mouth, apply a lip scrub, massage the scrub on your lips for a minute or two and then wash your lips. Now you need to moisturize your lips, apply a lip balm and go to sleep.

Applying a lip scrub and a lip balm is one way of exfoliating the dead skin on your lips and moisturizing your lips before going to bed. Follow this beauty tip before you go to bed every night.

No 12 – Get Internally Hydrated


Drink two glasses of water before you hit the bed, it is a great way of refreshing your skin. If your body is hydrated only then will your skin remain fresh and clean. Water is one of the significant beauty habits to follow before going to bed.

On the other hand, it is said that drinking water before going to bed can increase your probability to urinate and this can disturb your sleep pattern. However, do not drink water while you are about to fall asleep, drink water half an hour before you sleep.

In conclusion, getting your body used to few beauty habits before going to bed can help you take good care of your skin, hair, teeth, lips, hands and legs.

Bedtime beauty rituals is all about cleaning, toning and moisturizing your skin, it focuses on making your eyes look bright and fresh, nourishes the quality of your lips, helps in keeping your fingers and toes clean, your hair is not more a mess and your teeth remain to stay sparkling and fresh. When you can do so much to make yourself look good and feel fresh, then why not do it?

Bed time routines would need about 20-30 minutes of yours, if you can afford giving that time to yourself to look fresh and youthful, nothing like it! Beauty rituals before going to bed need not be followed every day if it is going against your convenience. Try and follow it every two days a week or every alternate day.

Stay Clean, Chic And Creative!