Gain An Understanding On Beach Day Skin Care Routine


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While you enjoy getting a buzz in the beach, you have to ensure taking measures to protect your skin from tanning on the beach, these tans would leave no scope to get onto your skin and you need to be certain of this.

Beach skincare routine is all about taking precautions with your skin in regards to how would you protect your skin from the sunlight during your vacation in the beach. No doubt you would get all unstoppable in the beach, be who you want to be but not at the cost of letting your skin gets damaged.

This article will teach you about the sure ways to take care of your skin before you get on to the beach with refreshing ways to revive your skin after a fun beach visit. Get total awareness and make the most of what you know in keeping your skin protected.

Natural Ways To Take Care Of Skin On The Beach

You have to make sure to prevent your skin from getting burnt or damaged before you go to make the most of your day. When your skin is exposed to sunlight and it happens to be sensitive skin, it is sure to get tanned or you would either feel those burns.

Why do you want to compromise with your skin while you have it all to keep it great! Take a look at interesting ways for a good skincare routine at the beach!

Way No 1 – Get A “Clean-Cleanse”

Is your face going to be clean all the time? Given the exposure, it gets to the polluted air. Having said, while you are preparing yourself to say hello to the sunlight that kisses the beach it will be great if you do a good face cleansing before you go there.

One cleanse would remove all the toxins and harsh pollutants settled on your skin that is happy on your skin for the last 24 hours. Go clean!

Way No 2 – Saturate Your Skin


Remember the CTM routine? It talks about cleansing, toning and moisturizing your skin. You need a similar remedy for your skin as well. You got to moisturize your skin right after you have washed it as your skin does need sufficient moisture to fight dryness and keep your skin protected. The sunscreen is going to come into the picture any which ways. Even then, you need to do moisturize your skin.

Way No 3 – Skin Screams For A Sun Screen


Knowing how important it is to apply sunscreen just as you step out of home, can you imagine how important is it to apply a sunscreen before you get exposed to the scorching heat in a beach?

That said, your skin needs a shield of the sunscreen because it is prone to have a probable risk of having skin cancer and you might end up having trouble in saving your skin from aging quick. Sunscreen and you have to go hand in hand when you go to the beach.

Talking of a good sunscreen you should pick a cream whose SPF is more than 15 because this is supposed to constructively protect your skin from sunlight.

Way No 4 – Shield Your Eyes Before It Feels The Prick


Do you want your eyes to water in the beach or do you want to enjoy the view of the waves? It is after all your choice.

Keep your eyes protected from the harmful rays by wearing on sunglasses and a hat when you visit a beach in the summer season. Do not trouble let the sunlight trouble your eyes. You would look extremely cool with shades, do not forget that.

Way No 5 – Pink Lips To Pout And Pose!


When you are at the beach you would surely get clicked, won’t you? What if your lips look flaked, dead and white. That would end up disappointing you isn’t it?

Thus, good lip care is a must when you are at the beach because it will keep your lips hydrated and worth a pout. Thoroughly apply a pink lip balm all over your lips, feel your smooth lips and finally get set for a good picture wherein our lips look sparkling and shining.

Way No 6 – Go Natural! Stay Make Up Deprived

Running on the soft sand or rolling across it, lying down and chilling in your shack or pushing your feet in the beach water, do you really think you will find the need to have makeup on while you will be indulged with nature and fun. Not at all!

Therefore, go without makeup, be natural and simple, you would anyway have your moisturizer and sunscreen to safeguard your skin, you need nothing else to tag along to the beach.

[Read More about ‘No Makeup’ Makeup Tips]

Way No 7 – Pull Off The Heat With The Right Attire

How would you feel comfortable in the beach if you wear clothes that make you feel sultry and suffocated. What you wear plays a vital role in keeping you safe, making you feel energized and active to run around the beach.

Wear clothes that keep your skin protected, which means you can be in full sleeves t-shirts and your lowers fully covering your legs or you wear on your sexy bikini after you have ensured to give your skin a good sunscreen pampering.

Way No 8 – Protect Your Skin In Water


If water sports is something you enjoy and you would love swimming in the beach but it bothers you about how will you scrap through with your sensitive skin then you should wear a rash guard that will keep your skin protected from seawater. Swim without any fear and make the most of the rush guard

All in all, having understood various ways to prevent your skin from getting damaged in the sun, you should as well be smart in making a visit to the beach at a suitable time.

Avoid going during peak hours, especially in the noon when the sun is shining bright. You do not want to get baked in the sun, do you? You got to be really sensible while you choose a time to visit the beach.

How to Revive Your Skin After A Beach Visit


It would have been an awesome experience to stay for hours together at the beach after being prepared to say hello and goodbye to the sunlight before you went ahead with your vacation, you would have done the cleansing, moisturizing and sunscreen part. Now its time to learn the revival tips.

You need to do an after beach skincare just like you did pre-beach skincare. Take a look at the steps to make your skin feel good another time to prevent all the unnecessary complication.

Step No 1 – Dust And Wash The Sand From Your Skin


As the fun comes to an end in the beach you need to give your skin good dust and wash all the sand that is settled on your skin. Wash your skin with a good body wash. Clean it up well and make your body fresh.

Apart from the body wash doing good to your skin by cleaning it well, it would as well make you feel fresh in your body.

Step No 2 – Let Your Dead Skin Cells Disappear


You gave your body a good one-time sand wash, get ready to go deep and exfoliate your skin by making all the dead skin cells disappear. Exfoliate your skin with a homemade exfoliating scrub, like the sugar and salt scrub to make your skin feel pampered and nourished.

Step No 3 – Chill With The Chills!


One secret to feeling fresh is when your eyes do not get tired, a beach visit would no doubt make you feel refreshed and at the same time tire your eyes as well. That said, you will need a remedy that will make you feel cool and fresh on your eyes.

As you want to feel the chills, you should store an eye pack in the fridge right before you go to the beach and ensure to wear it on once you are back. Cool yourself down and relax with the eye pack for about 15 minutes to feel calm and chilled.

Step No 4 – Add A Moisturizer To Your Skin


You need to add back all the lost moisture after all the fun you had at the beach. Once you exfoliate and wash yourself it would be great if you add something to nourish your skin.

At any cost, you cannot let your skin stay dry after you have had a good shower and patted it dry. You have to give back all the moisture to your skin and make it feel hydrated another time.

Step No 5 – Pacify Your Skin With A Natural Gel


Talking of a natural gel, it is aloe Vera that will do that task of making you feel nice and cool on your skin, your skin would have witnessed pricks with the sunlight so after you are done with a beach visit, take half a leaf of Aloe Vera, scrap out its gel and apply it on your skin, let it stay for about ten minutes while you sip on some coffee or fresh juice. In a while, you will feel the coolness in your skin which means you can wash it off after it has dried out on your skin.

Step No 6 – Internal Hydration Is Essential


After you have played in the beach on a sunny day you would need to cool your body from within as well. Drink about 8-10 glasses of water so that your body gets energized internally as well. Drinking sufficient water will cleanse your body and do good to your skin as well. You need to add backwater to your body by every means of hydration.

Step No 7 – Cleanse Your Hair

Cleanse Your Hair

The sunlight wouldn’t have spared your hair as well, too much of exposure would have caused minimum damage to your hair strands. Having said, apply oil on your hair, wash it and condition it well after you are back from a beach visit. Just not the sun rays but even the saltwater would get out of your hair. For sure you would want your hair to get all clean.

Step No 8 – Set Up A Manicure and Pedicure


You are quite aware of how the sand on the beach is, yes? It is soft and fine. Although you would have had a good body wash, you would still need to pay extra attention to your nails and clean it up well.

Do a manicure and pedicure at home. Take 4 tubs of warm water, add lemon juice and little shampoo in it, mix these ingredients well. Now put your hands and legs in the tub and stay relaxed. Take out your hands and legs from the tub after ten minutes. Just in case you do not want to put in that extra effort to do it all by yourself. You can get it done outside.

Step No 9 – Apply A Good Tan Mask


Before you go to the beach you can prepare a tan mask with all the natural home remedies. In the end, you would be most satisfied if you applied something to completely take away all the tan on your skin.

Any mask you apply, leave it for about 20 minutes on your skin and wash your body and face with lukewarm water. It would work better in clearing off all the tan from your skin. Some of the best tan masks you can choose are as follows:

  • Oats and curd
  • Rosewater and papaya juice
  • Lemon juice and honey
  • Chic pea flour and milk

All in all, now you can go for a beach vacation without stressing too much about skincare because you have tips to take care of your skin before the beach visit and after the beach visit as well.

It is all about giving a good wash to your skin, moisturizing and hydrating it, giving it a layer of sunscreen that is going to shield your skin from the sun rays and it is about carrying the right accessories such as your shades, umbrella and hat to the beach.

Once you have a ball at the beach your skin needs some attention and pampering by cleaning, exfoliating, moisturizing and soothing it.

Rejoice At The Beach And Take Care of Your Skin!