Know Some Baby Bedtime Mistakes To Avoid


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baby bedtime mistakes to avoid

As incredible journey to parenting begins, there are ample reasons to cherish and fall in love with your little one. Some more thrilling experiences in addition to sleepless nights and restless days. Does a mom need those dark circles in addition to all the internal complications resulting from resilience. For some discomforts we have you covered, “know some baby bedtime mistakes to avoid” and help them reach a healthy sleep routine. Every child needs a peaceful night’s sleep and some power naps during the day for their metabolism and development.

We have some tried and tested methods to help your baby reach their milestone of ‘sleeping through the night’ as early as 2 months. It is more about “do not” than about the do’s as most often we end up making a wrong choice which causes discomfort to our baby and drifts them away from a sleep routine. Let’s begin with some mistakes that often actuate baby tantrums and make them more cranky. This adds up to a mothers stress and anxiety and often leads to serious postpartum blues or postpartum depression (How to identify and treat Postpartum Depression in new moms).

Some Baby Bedtime Mistake to Avoid include:

1- Don’t change your bedtime ritual:

baby bedtime mistakes to avoid

Adopt the most viable bedtime routine as early as a few week old baby, and stick with it no matter what. Baby’s tend to get cranky and uneasy if they find their routine gone for a toss. Being just a few days or week old doesn’t give reason enough for changing rituals every night. There are strong facts and research backings, suggesting, babies begin understanding as early as a few days old. Stick with the bath accessories, music, storybook, timing and also place of nap.

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2-Rocking excessively:

Rocking excessively

A child does not need constant rocking or being held up. It begins with just a form of our affection but causes the babies to adopt it as a habit. Babies just need a little drift and they can console themselves and put themselves to sleep. I DO NOT RECOMMEND CRY IT OUT METHOD, for it has more psychological impacts than forming a routine. But a gentle touch and a good night kiss, to switch off the lights and switch on the lullabies or white noise are sufficient enough for the baby to fall sleep.

3-Too many night time feedings:

Too many night time feedings

Baby’s don’t need many feedings during the night, even at age 1 month they can stay off the latch for at least 5 hours. Do no wake the baby at night to force feed. A dream feed may be done, but remember they must not be awake and form a habit of nighttime feeding. It is not only painful but also causes dental decay due to food in the mouth at night. Also the baby can not stay dry for more part and keeps on waking up for nature calls if feed is given during the night.

4-Keep the lights from low to zilch:

Keep the lights from low to zilch

As soon as the baby wakes at night our reflexes push the switch on, of the light. This makes the baby active and awake. We have to instill a healthy sleeping pattern and if we keep showing light and activity at night the baby will never sleep well.

5-Throw away the baby monitor for the night:

Throw away the baby monitor for the night

Leave the baby monitor for the nights and keep the baby comfy and cozy in her crib or bassinet. Do no run towards the baby at every sigh, the baby may just be making usual noises for play or fun. If the baby finds their parents rushing at every squeak, they will learn to use the baby monitor for their night time recreation.

6-Do not overstuff the baby:

Do not overstuff the baby

You may feel cold or hot, but do not over stuff the baby. An ideal temperature conducive for the baby is 68-72F and you must just keep the baby either in just diaper or with baby suit. Try to keep as light as possible. And beware of the blanket created hazards, use a safe and small blanket which does not invoke any SIDS risk.

7-Don’t make an elaborate bedtime routine:

Don’t make an elaborate bedtime routine

Just adopt a few minutes of story time and bathing, do not elaborate it to the level of making the baby active and ready to indulge. Try to give a relaxing soothing massage just around bedtime. This will make the baby fall asleep quickly.

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8-Over stimulating your baby:

Over stimulating your baby

If the baby is too tired and over stimulated, she would not be able to sleep well. Just remember to stop all major physical activities at least 2 hours prior to sleep and give a 20 minute power nap to your little one, 2-3 hours prior to nighttime sleep. This will make them ease out and night time sleep will be easy and stress free.
Baby bedtime mistakes to avoid

The above compilation on,” Know some Baby bedtime mistakes to avoid” is based on my own experiments with my little one. The journey to parenting is enriching, exciting and interesting, every step is a lifetime lesson and we make more mistakes then ever. But that’s how the fun part is. But at the end, every child grows out of their tantrums and diapers. Just be wise and avoid the above mistake to help your baby sleep rich and well.

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Minu Manisha