10 Anger Management Techniques for Teens


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anger management techniques for teens

Anger is only one letter short of danger, this sums up for the evils and impacts of teenage anger. Teenage is a time when hormonal changes and growth spurts trigger even more anger issues. Anger management techniques for teens must be adopted as being a parent of a teenager is a challenging task. But a few tips can help in streamlining teenage emotions into more constructive ways than their anger or impulse. Feeling emotions intensely and losing control is very prominent for teenagers.

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Signs that teenager has anger management issues:

  1. Signs that teenager has anger management issuesUnable to explain the feeling and stay upset or drawn away
  2. Doesn’t care about the feelings of others
  3. Tantrums and outbursts all the time
  4. Trouble in calming down
  5. Blames others for everything
  6. Even adopt physical aggression methods like kicking, hitting, boxing, spitting and shouting
  7. Needs reprimands or time-outs for controlling anger
  8. Acts without thinking.
  9. Bullies and acts badly with others
  10. Is difficult to deal with even for parents

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10 Anger Management Techniques for Teens include:

1. Be their friend and listen to them:

Be their friend and listen to them

Most teenagers are filled with angst and are unsure of what they are looking for. While they blurt out, still their own thoughts are twined and complex. As a mother we must try and be their friend. Stop shouting back or judging them. Its ok for their age, and they are not misbehaving or acting rude. They are going through a very vulnerable phase of their life. When you listen peacefully most of their anger will go. They will start at least listening to what you have to say.

2. Adopt some pounding techniques:

Adopt some pounding techniques

Pound clay, shoot a basket or hit the pillow or anything that helps them to take out their physical form of frustration. This helps in calming them down and even draws some positive energy for them. A more easier way is to put your child into daily activities involving such pounding turns. Sports and art are two best ways for pounding techniques.

3. Stress ball:

Stress ball

A stress ball can be kept at every place in home, this is probably the easiest way to control the momentary anger. Even being adults we use stress ball to vent it out and gain concentration from it. Teenagers must adopt using stress balls every time they feel the angst or maybe as a routine for a few minutes a day.

4. Tear your anger:

Tear your anger

Some psychological methods work wonders when it comes to dealing with anger. Just ask your child to write what he is upset about. And shut the paper, now ask them to tear and throw it away. Also tell them as soon as they tear and throw it their anger is also leaving them and going away. We have loved using the flush your anger method. Just flush the paper and see yyour anger go away in the drain.

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5. Count to ten:

Count to ten

This was the technique i learnt as a teenager. Whenever i would feel the angst or temper issues, i was asked to do this. Just close your eyes at that instant and count till ten. And then open your eyes to a lower degree of anger. It takes a few chances and then as a psychological method it breaks the continuity and makes it easy to switch off from anger.

6. Make a calming spot at home:

Make a calming spot at home

A place which is away and quiet can be set up with interests and hobbies your child loves, just ask your child to go there and spend some time when they feel angry. Set up music, colors, clay, toys, books and other stuff your child might love to do. This will help in creatively utilizing their passion and aggression.

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7. Take a bath:

Take a bath

Whenever the teenager feels angry just make them take a cool bath. Use some aromatic calming oils and make them sit for a few minutes to soothe and calm them.

8. Dragon breaths:

Dragon breaths

Teach your teenager how to take dragon breathes. Thats how the teenager must do when they feel the anger. Take deep breaths like a dragon and repeat 10-15 times, every time they exhale they must think of their anger coming out of their body.

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9. Draw or write your anger:

Draw or write your anger

Let your teenagers draw or write how they feel it. This may help in venting their temper issues and also involving them in describing how they feel. Sometime they will even come out with amazing works of art as anger and love are the two emotions from which masterpieces are made.

10. Yoga and meditation:

Yoga and meditation

Yoga is an excellent way to calm your senses. Adopt good breathing exercise too and help your teenager practice them a few minutes daily. This not only helps in calming down, but rejuvenates and refreshes too. Best would be to have a calm and soothing instrumental music in the background while they practice their daily yoga. Enjoy improving their self control and fitness too.

10 Anger Management

The above compilation on 10 Anger Management Techniques for Teens, is based on my own experiences and learnings over time. Anger and emotional outbursts have never been anyones strength. They hurt others and bring a wrong word about you. It is better to keep trying with the ways above and help your teenager in finding peace and comfort. For some serious issues check with your healthcare provider and use some therapy sessions. They will help in keeping your teenager away from its severe impacts like drugs, alcohol abuse, and even suicides.

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By Minu Manisha