Top 11 Causes of Dark Circles under our Eyes


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causes of dark circles

Most of us suffer from dark circles under our eyes, and it may not be easy to remove them without knowing the exact reason. There maybe mild to serious causes, and we must ensure finding and curing them to de-root the dark circles. Let us know the top 11 causes of dark circles under our eyes and also some more insights to cure them effectively. Infact, not all dark circles are the same in color, some are more black, some purple and some are blue in color. All of them signify different reasons. These prevent our eyes from looking their best, or rather looking healthy in the first place.

There are always cosmetic make-overs which temporarily minimize or hide dark circles. But they are not permanent and may also cause more harm because of their harsh chemicals. So we have some home remedies for dark circles and some medical correction of dark circles for effective dark circles treatment.

Causes of Dark Circles under Eyes:

1. Not Getting Enough Sleep:

Not getting enough sleep

The first and foremost cause is improper sleep and stress. A very easy blame but may not necessarily be the sole cause. Getting 8 hours of sleep a day is essential, and one or two power naps would add on to your daily energy level. Stress and insomnia are the most prominent causes for dark circles under our eyes. Lack of sleep makes your skin pale, and eyes become puffy and swollen too. Which makes the dark circles even more prominent.

2. Improper Lifestyle:

Improper lifestyle

Too much caffeine and alcohol in addition to cigarette smoking and drugs are the worst reasons for dark circles and many other severe ailments. As important as health is, we must ensure occasional and controlled indulgence into the above and if possible keep away from them for few days in a week, this helps in controlling and balancing the occasional intake. Also regular late night parties and oversleeping during the day may add up to the above lifestyle causes which trigger dark circles

3. Genes and heredity:

Genes and heredity

Lot of time the skin deformities and paleness passes from generations further. There are increasing chances for you to have dark circles or pigmentation if your parents or grandparents had it. Mostly prominent in people with mediterranean roots, but these can also be cured with laser treatments only after dermatologist consultaion.

4. Allergies:


There are allergies which infect the skin around eyes and cause them to discolor. Allergies trigger histamines in our body under eyes specially. This causes blood vessels to dilate. And the skin under our eyes is the most vulnerable and thinnest, it makes the swollen blood vessels to darken. You need to identify and treat the allergies to get rid of these dark circles.

5. Improper Makeup Remover:

Improper makeup remover

If you do not remove your strong chemical based make up properly, it causes pigmentation and discoloration. This is severe for skin health and nourishment. Using mascara, eye shadow, eye liner and lashes which bug your eyes and skin around can be disturbing and moreover harmful for eye health. The itchy and scratchy impacts of eye irritation from makeup can worsen the situation. So be sure to use a proper make remover and use as organic and natural as possible.

6. Sun tan:

Sun tan

Sunscreens are always forgotten over eye and under eye area, while applying. And This causes severe damage to skin around eyes. This skin is extremely thin and sensitive so sun damage shows up quickly and prominently. Be sure to use an adequate sun screen for around the eyes and wear sunglasses when you head out in the sun for effective skin care.

7. Veins may also give blue color:

Veins may also give blue color

Blue veins under our eyes may look darker for some, and they may turn into prominent dark circles for your eyes. There is not much which can be done, but regular massage with coconut oil before sleeping, can help in increasing blood circulation and reducing dark color.

8. Your face structure is only such:

Your face structure is only such

Some people have deeper rooted eyes and more protruding cheeks or forehead. This causes the shadows and indentation to take up dark color. They may not actually be so dark, but the depth causes them to appear darker. Nothing much can be done except a few exercises to enrich the facial muscles and bones.

9. People wearing glasses:

People wearing glasses

When the eye sight gets weak and people start wearing glasses, it becomes usual for their skin around the eyes to darken. Due to reflection-refraction of light from around or when going out, the dark patches become more deep in color and appear bad. Try using contacts for daytime and use glasses while on Laptop or TV or reading.

10. Aging:


Aging is also related to causing dark circles. More and more people are facing premature aging due to unhealthy lifestyle and improper skin care, which makes the problem even worse. Be sure to check your lifestyle and adopt healthy options.

11. Ailments like eczema and other skin deformities:

eczema and other skin deformities

Skin deformities like eczema and others cause a lot of itchy and scratchy sensations. This results in more deeper dark circles. Be sure to check with your health care provider for severe dark circles and medical correction of dark circles.

The above compilation on Top 11 Causes of dark circles under our eyes, is based on experiences and learnings over time. There have been ample other reasons which worsen the dark circles, thus it is better to treat the causes before cosmetic implants or surgical correction dark circles. Laser surgeries and other skin treatments may or may not be effective, so check with your dermatologist before opting for any. Home remedies for dark circles are comparatively easy and safe. For any severe condition check with your health care provider and proceed with prescriptions. Adopt a healthier lifestyle and take proper sleep, this will reduce 50% of the dark circles and ensure better skincare.

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