How to talk about Body Odor at workplace


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Body Odor at workplace

As icky as it may sound, body odor at workplace is extremely unpleasant and embarrassing. We all have been through such situations, and feel embarrassed if we are the cause. It is a vulnerable topic and extremely sensitive to convey. There must be proper protocols for communicating issues of such nature. With current trends in social media and internet technologies, it is even more critical as they may hamper the stature of the company. Bad body odor not only causes discomfort for other employees but also makes one uncomfortable. Even managers or peers may not be equipped, well enough to convey it further. There must be HR intervention and a proper procedure must be followed.

Body Odor at workplace may be caused by multiple reasons and it may be a symptom of a bigger ailment. Sweat and bacterial infections are the most critical reason. Immediate and proper care must be taken to prevent hygienic or health hazards.

Common causes of body odor are:

1. Secretions of apocrine glands mix with bacteria on the skin near armpits and groin areas and cause unpleasant odor.
2. Poor hygiene and dirty clothes
3. Hormonal imbalance
4. Antibiotics
5. Improper use of body wash or body spray
6. Medical condition

Talk About Body Odor At Workplace

How to talk about body odor at workplace and convey without offending as this may cause serious discrimination issues. To talk to the employee below process must be followed:

Odor At Workplace

  • Discuss the matter with your manager: First convey the matter to your manager before directly approaching the concerned. This is also critical as you must have done your proper research about the body odor issues.
  • Check with peers: You may look for informal interactions with peers taking their opinion on the issue. Beware not to hurt the person sufferin.
  • The manager must check the urgency of the matter: Look out for situations when body odor cause work disruption or inconvenience to others. Manager should spend time with the person to check the strength of the issu.
  • Do not offend the employee by directly conveying in front of many people. Rather, there must be more considerate ways for the same. Convey to HR about the issue before proceeding yourself.


  • HR may check the suitability and find causes for the body odor. The hygiene or medical condition may have caused bad odor. Or his food habits in addition to poor body spray. HR must weigh in all the aspects before proceeding further.
  • Chose a private area for the communication: The manager and HR must be present for if the situation is extremely critical and involves chances of labelled discriminatory. Else it is better to talk one to one in a healthy and open way. Be sure to make the meeting confidential and un-embarrasing.
  • Try to first frame the conversation:

first frame the conversation

  • Before final interaction try and formulate what and how will you as a manager proceed. Do not initiate when the employee is not in a best mood.
  • Use simple and un-offensive language: Structure the interaction, such that it does not look offensive. Do not use strong words which may cause unnecessary psychological lows.
  • Be a friend and convey: Try and share your own such stories and help the employee learn from it. Do not embarrass him by sharing other employees discomfort from this issue.

employees discomfort from this issue

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  • Give an explanation: Share how body odor was affecting the employees likability and work. At important client meetings, body odor may have kept him from being chosen further. If this issue is untreated, it may cause career impacts in future too
  • Ask employee to share his story for the same: The employee may himself be aware and working on improving it already. So it is of utmost importance to find the reasons. If the employee is unaware the try to help him with suggestions and health checkup.
  • Make it a usual discussion: Do not pinpoint it as a major issue. Just as any usual interaction, and do convey these things are normal and just a little caution can help cure it.
  • Be as specific as possible: Do not stretch the issue, just a simple straightforward statement. Do not highlight instances when things were ugly, but more realistic examples stating everyone has been through this at some point. Just that for some the strength is milk to low and for others it may get little high.
  • Do no blame other: Let the issue be stated first by you. Do no share the names of other employees who may have conveyed the same
  • Become a role model: Be a genuine help, and not someone making fun of the employee. Just as a role model who wishes good career development for his employee and wants to make his presence liked by everyone.

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  • Ask his opinion and doubts: Let the interaction be a more conversational rather than one way. Let the employee also share is doubts and concerns.
  • Do check the employee time and again: Keep a proper and positive follow up in place to make the employee feel important and appreciated.
  • Help with organizational policies: For medical and health issues try to help with policies and processes that will help the employee get cured

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Tips for reducing Body odor:

1. Maintain hygiene by washing clothes properly and taking regular bath
2. Use a proper body wash
3. Apply body spray to contain odor
4. Eat a healthy and fresh diet
5. Use cologne
6. Keep away from caffeine and hard drinks during work hours

Body odor at workplace is a very sensitive issue, and a very prevalent one too. Most of us face these issues and either start ignoring or hiding away from it. It is better to have a proper mechanism to convey it further in a way not hurting anyone. “How to talk about Body Odor at workplace” is a compilation for healthy and positive ways to overcome these issues at workplace. Keep sharing and sending us your feedbacks, we love to hear it from you

Minu Manisha