Importance of preschool education in cognitive development


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importance of preschool education

Preschool education is very important to sow the seeds of intellectual and behavioral development of a child. This compilation on the importance of preschool education in cognitive development of a child is to raise awareness and importance. A child is ready for education from as early as toddler stage, and we do not mean formal school based education. Any lessons or activities carried at home and focusing on cognitive stimulations for a child are a part of preschool education. Homeschooling or traditional or at Montessori based schools, it is important to teach.

Preschool education not only covers the theoretical aspects rather it focuses on more practical and hand-on experiences. A child learns to co-exist with other children and at the same time get benefited with the shared learning models. A child gets socially and emotionally enriched while exploring the intellectual world around. Some parents may not have sufficient time at hand to be a part of these crucial growing years. So a more formal educational setting can help their child not miss on the important aspects.

Importance of preschool education in cognitive development can be listed as:

1- Preschool helps the child to explore self and outside:

Preschool helps

• Preschool setting helps the child to be a part of a structured educational setting
• It helps the child to explore motor, sensory and cognitive aspects of development
• It also helps in emotional fulfillment by giving them an opportunity to make friends
• It is great for language development as children communicate with instructors and other kids
• They learn to follow instructions and also make decisions

2- Preschool makes a child socially more aware and emotionally more stable:

Preschool makes a child

• When kids start attending preschools they learn to make friends
• They learn about sharing and leading
• They get over their separation anxiety within time and start being emotionally more stable
• With a healthy learning environment and more conducive setting children start exploring social developments within and outside
• They learn team skills by group activities

3- Children get to decide for themselves:

Children get to decide

• The sooner the child begins taking decisions , sooner she may get independent
• There are ample activities and games which child is asked to choose from
• Children learn the important decision making skills
• They also learn to take chances while playing with a particular toy

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4- Children become more and more independent:

Children become more

• Children start taking care of themselves and their needs
• They become more and more independent with everyday activities at their preschool
• They start realizing self worth and become more comfortable by themselves
• They also learn to balance their emotions
• They are given tasks which need leadership skills and a sense of responsibility
• They arrange tables for meals, clean the space, make work charts, help in organizing and arranging and many other activities that make them independent and practically aware
• They start taking care of their own belongings and keep them safe at their cabby
• They understand the acceptable and inacceptable behaviors
• Circle time helps them learn with each other and listen to the teacher
• Show and share like activities make them identify and speak about their own stuff

5- Language development:

Language development

• Between ages 2 and 5 the vocabulary of a child grows from 1000 to 3000 words
• This preschool setting helps children to interact more and more
• Teachers also help children by asking more and more questions
• This provides the imagination to their magical thinking brain
• They start speaking a lot more than they could at home
• Most children attending a day care or a preschool will be more vocal as compared to their peers staying at home

6- Children learn to explore:

• At a preschool children learn to explore more and more
• They become more curious and learn through make-believe play
• Their imagination and creativity get newer dimensions
• Also, they will have more awareness about everything

7- STEM based learning:

STEM based learning

• At preschools there will be a defined curriculum or methodology
• Science technology engineering and management basics will be taught and experienced more
• Children will get an edge in mathematical and scientific literacy as compared to their peers
• Preschools have more opportunities in terms range of activities, games and lessons than they are at home
• Children become proficient quickly when they learn with other kids

8- Motor and sensory development:

Motor and sensory development

• Physical coordination and body balance development occurs quickly
• Children have an outdoor time specified everyday which makes them more and more coordinated
• Their balance and fine motor skills develop at a greater pace
• Children are challenged through various activities to develop motor and sensory skills well

9- Kindergarten readiness skills:

Kindergarten readiness skills

• Preschool prepares the child for a more formal educational setting at the kindergarten
• Children learn the basic skills needed for kindergarten
• They also get normalized at preschool thus saving time from kindergarten curriculum
• When kids do not attend any preschool and come straight to kindergarten there are chances they get psychologically low as other kids may know more than them
• Preschool curriculum is more focused for kindergarten readiness thus preparing the child

potential child

‘Importance of preschool education in cognitive development’ is immense and thus every child must be given some educational experience to enrich and enhance her intellectual competence. Also providing the, an opportunity to identify and explore their interests. Be a catalyst in streamlining the vast potential child has within.

Minu Manisha