10 Fun And Romantic Games For All Married Couples – Love Bird 1 Vs Love Bird 2!


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10 Fun And Romantic Games For All Married Couples Love Bird 1 Vs Love Bird 2

Couples can spend their ‘special time’ playing fun and romantic games together. To bring it on before a love-making session, it certainly calls for a round of games. This doesn’t mean you have to skip your personal time together but you are adding an interesting activity to your togetherness.

Think about it. It is a brilliant idea to step beyond the usual and make it thrilling with your honey. So be a sportive couple and get ready for some silly, fun, competitive and romantic games. Love Bird 1 Vs Love Bird 2. Let’s see who wins.

Now, keep scrolling for a list of romantic games to play with your husband and beat him! Reading this article is going to be fun. Are you smiling already and excited about what’s in here?

Why hold the excitement for so long? Let’s see it all!

Read More: Top 21 Secrets To A Successful Marriage That You Must Know

Fun And Romantic Games For Couples

Fun And Romantic Games For Couples

Who says you need the right time to play a couple game?

Yes, work and household chores would keep you busy. However, right as the two of you find some time whether in the morning or night, you guys can have fun together. Make your marriage interesting.

All you need is each other’s company. Here is a list of fun and romantic games for all couples!

Game No 1 – ‘Guess What’ – Sketching On Bare Skin

Ever played the blind fold game at work or with friends wherein the person blind folded will be taken to a board of a horse already drawn and based on instructions from team members, the blind folded person will pay attention and draw a tail accordingly. Can you recall?

Similarly, you will play the same kind of game with your husband at home.

How to play the game?

As the name suggests, sketching on bare body. The two of you will have to be naked and one partner will be blind folded. The other partner should be ready with a pen to scribble on the naked partner’s back.

You can sketch anything you wish to. However, make sure to give clear instructions so that your partner is able to guess what you draw or write. This guess by the touch is quite an interesting game.

Game No 2 – Pick the Romantic Chit

Pick the Romantic Chit

Romance is always in the air when the two of you are determined about having fun together. Yet another interesting game of chits, money, and a wish from the love of your life.

How to play the game?

The two of you can make three chits each and pen down your romantic wish. It could be your kinks or a small gesture that you always wanted to ask from your partner but never got an opportunity to.

Make three wish chits each, put a little money in an envelope and drop these chits into them. Shuffle it and each of you have to pick one and fulfill your partner’s desire.

Doesn’t this game remind you of pass and the parcel? You can even pre-plan it a few hours before and this will give you the time to think about a crazy or extremely romantic wish that you want your partner to fulfill.

Game No 3 – Act A Scene From A Picture

Act A Scene From A Picture

Going back to old memories and living them back is such a cool idea. Wondering how would you do that with pictures? That’s exactly what the game is about. Your partner and you have to act or relive the memory that you see in the picture.

How to play the game?

Your partner and you individually have to collect pictures of the two of you together. Bring them on and stick it on the board. Once you have it done, ask your partner to close his eyes and let him point at a picture of his choice. Based on what he selects, he will have to relive a memory of the two of you together.

Likewise, you would have to repeat the same. If in the picture you pulled his cheeks, you have to pull his cheeks, if he ran after you, he has to do the same. It is going to be so much fun.

Game No 4 – Talk Flirt And Dare Game

Talk Flirt And Dare Game

UNO is a fun card game, taking inspiration from card games, why not play a romantic card game. Wondering if there are any?

The answer is YES there are card games for couples. Try talk flirt and dare game. It is a pair of cards that you have to pick according to your choice.

How to play the game

It is simple, first you will need to select a card from one category, either talk, flirt, or dare. Talk cards are mostly fun questions for couples at parties. So, it is better to skip picking talk cards. You can always pick the flirt or dare cards. In these cards you can give your partner dares and do a few of them yourself.

Remember, it is time to be sportive and take up all the dares. This game is even recommended when you go out on road trips with your friends.

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Game No 5 – Lovey Dovey Scrabble

Lovey Dovey Scrabble

Scrabbles are well-known and even though it is old, your partner and you will enjoy playing this game. It is exciting. Especially because you will play it the romantic way.

You can make your own rules and have fun playing this amazing game.

How to play this game?

With the alphabets, your partner and you will have to make romantic words and sentences that fit in well according to your situation or perhaps words that can melt your partners heart.

Set your own rules in this scrabble. If you want to take a break from the scrabble, you can play the romantic word game. Say suppose, you say the word ‘kiss’ so your partner will have to take the last letter of this word ‘s’ and make another romantic word that you will need to complete.

From words the two of you can make it romantic sentences too. Whoever loses this game has to perform a romantic act. That could be a kiss or a strip tease. This romantic scrabble is going to be fun, make the most of this time.

Game No 6 – Play The Steamy Hot ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Game

Play The Steamy Hot Yes or No Game

On being asked a couple of questions, if your partner says ‘Yes’ he gets to move forward and if your partner says ‘No’ he gets to stay there. Are you wondering as to where would your partner reach ultimately? Goes without saying that he will reach you ultimately. However, only after a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ question session.

How to play this game?

It is super simple. You can sit on the bed in a hot lingerie and allow your husband to take steps forward only after a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question answer session. Begin with a set of interesting questions like the what is our first anniversary date? or when did we have sex for the first time?

Let your husband move a step forward to every answer that is right and finally grab you. Let’s see how much effort he puts into getting to you. Keep in mind to make the game tough later. You can ask all the easy questions in the beginning and then move to the tough ones.

Game No 7 – Make Love with Balloons In Between

Make Love with Balloons In Between

Love knows no age and when you are heels over in love with your husband or wife, you should be ready to do anything silly with your partner if there is mutual consent and interest in a particular game. Sometimes it is good not to be sensible while playing romantic games with your sweetheart. If you are running out of ideas, try the funny cum romantic balloon game.

How to play this game?

Blow about 15 balloons with your partner and keep the balloon in between the two of you while kissing, hugging or going over each other. Think of it, the room will be echoing of balloons blasting and the two of you will have a great time together. It might not seem like a great idea right now but once you try it, you are sure to love this game.

Game No 8 – Rapid Fire Questions Game

Rapid Fire Questions Game

Rapid Fire is the best if you have just started dating or recently married, it helps you know your partner better. What’s fun about this game is that you got to be quick with your answers. It is more about opening up about what you love spontaneously without having to think too much about it.

Interestingly, you will discover many things you would have never known about the person. It is going to be fun. Go for it!

How to play this game?

Here’s how you play the game!

Put across two options and ask your partner to choose an answer within 5 seconds. Questions can be about personal interests or bedroom interests, but ensure to ask interesting questions as the game continues.

Example – the beach or mountains? Coffee or beer? Cuddling or foreplay?

Be prepared with this game in prior. In other words, think of a good number of questions.

Game No 9 – Make A Painting Together Or Change The Set Up In Your Room

Make A Painting Together Or Change The Set Up In Your Room

Two minds can unleash the world of creativity from the two of you. If the two of you together are looking for a change and want to do something creative instead of playing romantic games, you guys must try painting together and even decorating your room. The two of you will have fun equally.

How to play this game?

If you are beginning with your room, sit together and decide on a theme. If the two of you don’t agree, then one of you will have to sacrifice a theme for your room. Decide as to who is ready for that.

Make space for two of your common hobbies. For instance, if dancing is your passion and your partner loves it too, then keep your space for dancing and hang a portrait of dance or place a Bluetooth speaker in your room to begin dancing.

When it comes to painting together, this can be a little difficult but you can pull it through. Decide on what kind of painting the two of you want, have a picture in front, have a discussion on colors, spacing and size of the picture and both of you paint on either

side. It will look fantastic. You will get to see a variation and then the most special part in common.

For example, if one of you is drawing the mountains, the other one can start painting water and then finally the two of you will arrive at a conclusion with a fusion in one painting.

Game No 10 – Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt

Since you are going to be the organizer of this game, it is important that you focus and bring up all the creativity and thoughts. Most importantly, the romantic angle in you.

How to play this game?

You have to make about 10 chits that is directing your partner towards the main treasure hunt with a few hints. Initially, let the hints be easy. From the 5th chit, make it tricky for your partner to guess. However, keep it as relatable as you can, break your head as much as you can and let your partner search the treasure. This treasure will clearly depend on how well your partner understands you and your relationship.


Couples need not get bored ever as there are tons of games for all the love birds out there. Even if there are no games, you can create them for the two of you to laugh, enjoy and make love together. Always take your partner’s suggestion and make the most of all the games mentioned here. See what game would the two of you like the most and play them when you get time together.