10 Healthy Isometric Exercises To Build Stamina –Healthy Muscle Toning!


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10 Healthy Isometric Exercises To Build Stamina

Staying fit and feeling confident with the stamina in your body is nothing less than an achievement. Especially with a workout, it takes years and non-stop efforts to reach that level and consistency.

Interestingly, it’s not what we always think, you can even achieve stamina without having to hit the gym for hours or run up the stairs with isometric training, heard of it ever?

Isometric training is a complete muscle strengthening workout. Right from making your muscles flexible to shaping them up without a struggle or too much efforts. Surprising, isn’t it?

Read this article to take on a new path of being fit with isometric training. Besides, even read about the types, benefits and effectiveness of isometric training.

What is Isometric Exercise?

What is Isometric Exercise

Isometric exercise (R) is a unique, strengthening, and stationed training exercise wherein your muscles are stressed without any movement.

The idea behind this workout is to contract muscle fibers using your own resistance instead of picking weights.

This is a smart exercise that should be learned and used the right way to strengthen muscles with barely an impact on it.

In this workout, ever muscle group of your body is targeted without having to move from one place to another.

Example – Imagine that you are sitting on a chair, on the floor, there are things thrown around your legs and you have little space to keep all your toes. Say suppose you manage to lift your sole above the ground and balance the weight of your legs on your toes. You are knowingly or unknowingly doing the isometric exercise.

The process of straining a few muscles by staying in a place, strengthens the muscle fibers. This form of resistance workout is as good as doing a push-up or pull-up.

A simple example of a good resistance exercise is doing planks for a minute. There won’t be any movement in your body, yet the way you resist and balance your body weight will be beneficial to your body.

This workout is a good form of taking a break from lifting weights or doing many other vigorous workouts.

Studies have found that isometric workout helps in shedding away fats, stabilizing blood pressure (R), and improving the overall strength in your body.

The biggest advantage of doing isometric exercise is that it doesn’t pressurize you to hit the gym when you don’t feel like. You can stay stationed in one place and do the isometric workout ad you will still reap the same benefits.

In this workout, the joint angle or muscle length will remain the same and this is not a high-intensity workout by any chance. If you dislike aerobics, isometric exercise is for you.

Are Isometric Exercises Effective?

Are Isometric Exercises Effective

Wondering if this exercise is effective?

The answer is YES, it is quite effective for rectifying differences between joints and improving the stamina in your muscles.

Moreover, it improves your resistance and it is a healthy means toning the body. Further, you will get to read the benefits of doing isometric exercises.

Convincing Reasons To Choose Isometric Exercises

Take a look at why choosing isometric exercises is a good option. There are valid points.

#1 – Safety

It is safe to do isometric exercises especially if you’ve been asked by doctors not to move around the place or strain your body. In most cases, it is people who have had surgery would have those restrictions.

On the other hand, if your shoulder or knees are too strained and you need to keep them relaxed continuing with some workout, you can try isometric exercises.

#2 –You Can Tone Your Body Without AnEquipment

Except for an isometric exercise, if you picked any other vigorous workout, you would need equipment. This workout is cost-effective and at the same time good for the body. Besides, you won’t need to use too much floor space. If you go to see, many yoga asanas are isometric exercises.

#3 – Boosts Stamina At A Different Level

Pick up any bodyweight or an external workout, you can turn them into isometric exercises and they would perfect with enhancing your overall stamina. When you apply pressure on a particular spot, it will boost strength on that part of your body. Say suppose, you apply pressure on your arms, the arms will get strong and fully toned.

#4 – Decreases Blood Pressure

Isometric exercises are known to keep your blood pressure (R) in check. If your blood pressure is excessively high. You can work on an isometric exercise and lower the blood pressure.

There was a study conducted on the uses of isometric exercises and it found a decrease in the blood pressure of the participants. These participants exercised for 4 weeks and it reduced 10% of their high blood pressure. Isn’t it incredible?

If a simple isometric hand exercise can bring your blood pressure in control. You can analyze the good in a body isometric exercise.

Hereafter, whenever you workout for good health or solve a particular health problem, you can include isometric exercises to your list. It is highly effective.

Benefits Of Isometric Exercises

Benefits Of Isometric Exercises

Having looked at all the good reasons for doing isometric exercises. Now, read through the benefits of isometric exercises on the body.

  1. Isometric exercises are simple and you can do them even if you are busy during the day. It doesn’t take long to finish the exercise.
  2. Doing these exercises every day will make your body strong and flexible.
  3. Isometric exercises are safe and you are less likely to get injured.
  4. Apart from toning your muscles, it helps with eliminating all the pain in your neck (R).
  5. No 5 – When you practice an isometric exercise on your upper body, you are likely to strengthen the shoulders
  6. Isometric exercise is one of the best workouts for those suffering from arthritis. It keeps all the muscles stable and good. Besides, it heals all muscle injuries.
  7. This workout can be done anywhere and at any time. Unlike the other exercises that need to be done before a meal or you need to stand. This is a convenient workout.
  8. If you have heart problems or wish to keep you heart healthy, you should try isometric exercises.
  9. These exercises help with improving your resistance power.
  10. To strengthen your joints and bones, you must do lower body isometric exercises.
  11. This exercise would make you look youthful and toned
  12. This workout teaches you how to gain better control over your body
  13. This is an apt exercise for elderly people who find it difficult to move. They can sit at one place and stay fit.
  14. It improves bone weight and builds all the lean muscles.
  15. You can easily stay motivated to do this exercise even if you are feeling lazy since you don’t have to move around.
  16. This exercise enables you to focus on the muscle or joint that’s stressed and this in turn teaches you how to focus on other activities as well.
  17. Aids weight loss.
  18. This workout boosts strength in your tendons and ligaments.

You can do isometric exercises three times a week. You won’t feel drained out after these workouts. Ensure not to overdo them. Any form of isometric workout will keep you fresh and energized all day.

Rules To Follow Before You Begin Isometric Exercises

#1 – Don’t hold your breath while doing an isometric exercise.


To protect yourself from feeling uncomfortable, it is better to avoid holding your breath. What happens is while working out the blood pressure keeps fluctuating and if you already have health concerns this is going to disturb you.

#2 – Warm yourself up before you begin


In this form of workout, you are already applying pressure on your muscles. So, for your muscles to adjust to the new pressure, it is necessary to warm it up before you vigorously continue.

#3 – Go in for more repetitions and let the duration of your workout stay short. It will turn out effective.

You can increase strength in your muscles by repeating the exercise for a short duration or have a smaller number of repetitions and continue the workout for long.

However, researchers say that carrying on with this workout a greater number of times with a shorter duration is effective. You can do this workout 15-20 times for 5 seconds.

#4 – The basic concept of an isometric exercise is to stay in a position and apply strength to your muscles.

Different Types Of Isometric Exercises To Try

Different Types Of Isometric Exercises To Try

Let’s learn a little about the two basic kinds of isometric exercises. Active and passive isometrics.

Active isometrics is about applying force to the muscles and building strength. Passive isometrics is about holding on to that position.

Therefore, active and passive isometric forms go hand in hand. You actively apply force on your muscles and hold on to that position to make the most of any isometric workout.

You have to be determined to push your body as much as possible.

Having said, here are some of the best isometric exercises to tone the muscles in your upper and lower body.

No 1– Static Lunges

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRalDvBwZqg[/embedyt]

Static lunges are good to improve the strength in your quadriceps, glutes, calved and keeps the core engaged.

Plus points of this workout

  • Improves core strength
  • Teaches you to balance your body better
  • Improves strength in your spines

No 2 – Isometric Single And Double Toes

Isometric Single And Double Toes

This isometric workout is good for improving the strength in your toes, hips, ankles knees and legs. Apart from this, you learn how to take control over your own body.

Plus points of this workout

  • Builds lean muscles
  • Tones your body
  • Reduces extra fats
  • Teaches you how to stabilize your body

No 3 –Side Leg Raises

The abductors, quads and hamstrings are activated with the side leg raises workout.

Plus points of this workout

  • One of the best warm up workouts
  • Strengthens hip muscles
  • Corrects your posture

No 4 – Ball Squat

Ball Squat

A great workout to relax your lower back and strengthen the glutes, hamstrings and quads.

Plus points of this workout

  • Good for burning calories
  • Improves heart health
  • Strengthens your muscles

No 5 – Planks


This workout is loved by all and it gets difficult to go beyond a minute with planking. This is a complete body strengthening workout. Boosts the stamina in your legs, hands and lower body.

Plus points of this workout

  • Makes the body flexible
  • Improves strength in your core
  • Gives your body a good posture

No 6 – Isometric Push Up

Isometric Push Up

The isometric push up strengthens your back and core. So, it will shed away all the excess fats from your back.It might be difficult to start but once you pick it up, you will be used to the workout and love the way it benefits your body.

Plus points of this workout

  • This workout invigorates the shoulders, arms and back
  • You will learn how to balance your body better
  • Tones your muscles and improves strength

No 7 – Superman Isometric

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6PJMT2y8GQ[/embedyt]

This isometric workout focuses on the shoulders, stomach, and lower body.

Plus points of this workout

  • Invigorates lower back and upper back
  • Strengthens your glutes
  • Aids weight loss
  • Helps you get a better balance over your body

No 8 – Warrior Pose Isometric Exercise

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuFX-3CylA0[/embedyt]

Doing the isometric form of this yoga posture will improve the stamina in your shoulders, legs, hips and groins.

Plus points of this workout

  • Improves concentration
  • A good stretching workout
  • Strengthens the core

No 9 – Glute Bridge Isometric

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPM8icPu6H8[/embedyt]

If you have pain in your lower back or need strength in the glutes, go for glute bridge. It is a superb isometric workout.

Plus points of this workout

  • Teaches you how to balance your body
  • Improves stamina
  • Aids weight loss
  • Strengthens the core

No 10 – Isometric Neck Exercise

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kWF968uFXY[/embedyt]

Watch the isometric neck exercises in this video and practice them with dedication to keep your neck firm and in a good condition.

Plus points of this workout

  • This isometric workout will improve concentration
  • Relieves neck pain

Are Isometric Exercise Good for Muscle Strength?

Are Isometric Exercise Good for Muscle Strength

Isometric exercise pays attention on the muscle flexibility and contraction without movement. This no movement activity is a great deal for your muscles.

All the weak muscles get stronger and when patients are in rehabilitation centers, doctors make patients to isometric exercises to help them regain all the strength that’s lost in their muscles.

Overall, isometric exercises tone all the muscles and if you’ve injured yourself, it brings back your body to normal.


Isometric exercises are simple. These workouts do good to a youngster as well as an elderly person. This workout is about applying pressure on a particular muscle or joint which is in turn good for building the overall stamina in your body.

Isometric exercises work in two ways. One, you sit in one place and provide energy to your muscles. Two, you carry on with a specific workout (push-ups, pull-ups) with an additional step of applying pressure on your muscles and staying in that position for a few seconds.

In any workout, the isometric part kicks in when you have to stay still in one position and put pressure on your muscles in those few seconds before releasing yourself from the exercise.

So, are you ready to pump your body with invigorating isometric exercises?

Whether you are slim or healthy, just go for it.