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No one likes stinks. Anyday, we prefer fragrance over stinks. No doubts about it. Everyone has different ways of describing that unbearable smell. It goes without saying that it has all to do with your hygiene habits. You should take care of your hygiene as it plays an integral role in good grooming. Besides, it could be considered as a basic hygiene etiquette.
In this article, you can see how to turn around the tables and change feeling “yew” to feeling “wow”. Understand what are the causes of a smelly scalp, how to prevent it, and easy ways to treat a smelly scalp. Be on point with your hygiene.
Read : How to Get Rid of Dry Scalp Easily
What Does Your Scalp Smell Bad?

A combination of reasons is involved in making your scalp smell bad. A dry and irritated scalp is one of the reasons why your scalp might smell.
The smell usually starts to spread to the hair because it begins from your scalp. We are often confused about what is smelling the most, hair or scalp. If you notice that you have washed your hair and you can still feel your scalp smelling, it means the problem is in your scalp.
Having said, it does not always mean that your hair is unclean, your scalp is dry or there are other issues with your hair. Look at a list of what causes a smelly scalp. Besides what you are thinking is causing your scalp to smell bad.
Cause No 1 – Washing Your Hair Too Much
It is strange but you might think that washing your scalp well will prevent it from smelling and you might tend to keep washing it too much. You are not realizing that this is making the condition of your scalp even worse and this is leading to a dry scalp and a dry scalp is prone to make your scalp smelly.
Why does this happen?
Your hair needs natural oils, if you end up washing it too much it can end up doing bad to your tresses and make your hair all the drier. If this happens, the body makes up for the oils that are missing in your hair and this makes the scalp double oily, which further makes your scalp smell.
Cause No 2 – Neglecting A Hair Wash
Striking the right balance is necessary, if you do not wash your hair, it is so obvious that your hair is going to stink and if you over wash it, it will still stink because it would get too dry.
If you do not wash your hair and your scalp starts to stink then it is because there are too many oils and dirt accumulated and stuck in your scalp. If the natural oils in your hair completely dry up then the bacteria in these oils would fade in your hair and the smell gets worse.
Cause No 3 – Naturally Stinky Scalp
If your hair or scalp is naturally stinky and smelly, you can do nothing about it. It so happens that you make all efforts to get rid of the smell by washing your hair correctly but that smell still lingers in your hair because it is supposed to be that way. This usually happens because your scalp must be naturally oily or it secrets too much oil.
Cause no 4 – Troubled Skin Conditions
A few skin conditions that can do bad to your scalp are psoriasis, eczema, ringworm, and seborrheic dermatitis. These conditions lead to your scalp getting dry, irritated, and feeling too itchy and finally they cause infections in your scalp. You would be able to identify that something is wrong with your scalp if you notice patches of abnormally dry skin.
Cause No 5 – Chemicals
Smelly scalps at times are not direct reasons for a problem in your scalp. They indirectly do bad to your scalp. When you use hair colors or products that do not suit your scalp it can end up causing a burning sensation in your scalp and later on that can become the reason for your scalp to smell because the natural oils in your scalp would have come in contact with the chemicals and it wouldn’t have suited your hair.
Cause No 6 – Stress
As you know that if you are too stressed and you do not know how to keep it in control it can show adverse effects on your mind and body.
Two things happen to your hair with stress, your hair strands weaken and they tend to fall or your scalp might end up having sensitive skin conditions because of an imbalance in the hormones. You must be surprised that how can stress prove bothersome to your hair. Surprisingly it does and you would not be able to imagine the way it happens.
Did you know that your scalp would end up getting even more oily because of stress? Yes, it happens and this smell tends to stay in your hair and the scalp for longer.
Cause No 7 – Sweat
The times when you keep your head covered with a scarf or a hat for too long. The sweat inside sticks in your scalp and hair leaving it to stink really bad. It is simple, if you keep food closed and the weather is too hot, even the food stinks, isn’t it? The same is with your scalp too. You need to let your hair free from the hat to avoid a stinky scalp.
Cause No 8 – Yeast Infection
By chance, if at all you have a yeast infection, there are chances that your scalp would smell bad. You might be suffering from a yeast infection because it has got to do with the food you eat. Everything that we eat and do with our body has a direct impact on our hair or skin.
Having looked at what causes a smelly scalp you would have got clarity as to every possibility to have a smelly scalp. Generally, your scalp must be stinking because you experience irritation and rashes or swelling and liquid-filled puss on your scalp. In a way, these are signs that show your scalp is smelly.
How To Prevent Smelly Scalp

In the first place, it is always better to take care of your hair from your end rather than trying to treat it after it gets worse. There would be an exception if you naturally had a stinky scalp. If that is the case, you would not be able to do much to prevent your scalp from stinking besides following the usual hygiene habits. That said, take a look at few ways to not let your scalp stink in the first place.
- Wash your hair sensibly, do not over wash it too much
- Do not leave your hair dirty. You must ensure to wash it at least twice a week. If you are used to washing it more than twice the keep it to not more than four times a week
- Avoid using shampoos, conditioners, or hair colors that do not agree with your scalp. Pick on mild shampoos and conditioners if your scalp is already sensitive
- As your scalp is prone to get infected because of the food you eat as well, keep away from foods that can cause yeast infections or fungus in your hair. One way to avoid yeast related food is to be alert with the packaging on foods. If you see that it has yeast then just do not pick it up.
- A little stress in common with everyone. However, keep in mind that you do not carry the burden of stress on your head and scalp. If you are too stressed, do not ignore it, look for an activity or a way to get over the stress
- If you are wearing a hat, see to it that you wear a hat that does not stick too much to your hair, and every no and then remove it and wear it back. This way you will be able to keep away from every kind of stink on your scalp
- If you are suffering from serious scalp issues then the only way out is to show it to a doctor and check on what is going wrong with your scalp, medications could help your scalp get better
- All in all, if you look at how to prevent your scalp from stinking you would need to wash your hair the right way, not use products that would do harm to your scalp, ensure to maintain your hair when you wear on hats by letting in some air, eating the right food and keeping away from stress and finally not leaving your hair unwashed.
Having said if you want to be even more pre-cautious about your hair, you can follow a tip of keeping away from the smelly scalp, you should just wash your hair with a little apple cider vinegar. Try this tip, it should work on your hair. Further, there are natural ways to considerably reduce the stink on your scalp.
Read through this piece of information below if you want to know more about the Smelly Scalp Syndrome (R)
How To Get Rid Of A Smelly Scalp At Home

Any concerns with your hair, home remedies are any day the safest option to resort to. Having said, remember to try home remedies, and if it does not solve the purpose only then go with medication for your hair. Home remedies have natural and medicinal properties wherein each remedy is advantageous to your hair in some way or the other.
A Boosting Probiotic! Apple Cider Vinegar

Why is it good?
The powerful antioxidant properties make apple cider vinegar one of the remedies to treat a smelly scalp. Apart from this, its antibacterial, acidic, and anti-inflammatory properties add to its usefulness. Anything acidic in nature helps in keeping the ph level in control.
- Amino acids
- Antioxidants
- Potassium
- Vitamins
- Minerals
Read : Tips For Good Skin Using Apple Cider Vinegar
What should you do
- Take about 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, add few drops of any essential oil to this, divide your hair into partitions that would make it easier for you to apply this mixture on your entire scalp.
- Leave this for about 15 minutes and then clean your hair with cold water. You can try this method thrice a week.
Rich With Active Compounds – Aloe Vera

Why is it good?
The reason aloe Vera is effective in getting you rid of a smelly scalp is that its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are effective in cleaning all dandruff and any kind of infection on the scalp.
Read : Best and Effective Benefits of Aloe vera
- Beta carotene
- Folic Acid
- Choline
- Vitamins
What should you do
- You should take half a leaf of Aloe Vera, scrap out its gel, add about 5-6 drops of rose water, divide your hair into partitions that would make it easier for you to apply this mixture on your entire scalp
- Leave this for about 20 minutes and then clean your hair with cold water. You can try this method thrice a week
Super Nourishing Coconut Oil

Why is it good?
If you have a skin concern in your scalp then coconut oil does heal it. If the skin condition is healed then your scalp would not stink anymore.
- Lauric acid
- Healthy saturated fats
- Minerals
Read : Top 15 Homemade DIY Coconut Oil Hair Mask
What should you do
- Take about 4-5 tbsp of coconut oil, you can slightly heat it up, apply warm oil by dividing your hair into partitions so that it would become easier for you to apply all the oil on your scalp
- Leave this for about 45 minutes and then clean your hair with a mild shampoo and cold water. You can try this method twice a week whenever you plan to apply oil to your hair
Hairfall Saver – Castor Oil

Why is it good?
The anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties in castor oil helps in healing your scalp of infections and the other nutrients would help in getting down the Ph level in your scalp.
- Has essential hydrating properties
- Omega-9 fatty acids
- Ricinoleic acid
- Antioxidant properties
What should you do
Take about 4-5 tbsp of castor oil, you can slightly heat it up, apply warm oil by dividing your hair into partitions so that it would become easier for you to apply all the oil on your scalp
Leave this for about 45 minutes and then clean your hair with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water as castor oil is slightly thicker. You can try this method twice a week whenever you plan to apply oil to your hair
Read : 6 Benefits Of Castor Oil For Hair Growth
Powerful Essential Oils – Neem, Tea tree, Lavender

Why is it good?
Talking of essential oils the best ones for treating your smelly scalp would be neem, tea tree, and lavender oil. You can mix it with other natural ingredients or you could individually apply these oils on your scalp. It works fine either way.
Note: While you are applying any essential oil, it is always good to get a skin patch test done and see if it is suiting your scalp or not. If it does not suit your scalp when you apply it directly then it is better to mix it up with another natural ingredient.
Neem – Neem is good because of its medicinal properties to get you rid of the infection from your scalp. Thus, it is an effective remedy to take away all the bad smell from the scalp.
Tea tree – Tea tree oil is effective as it treats eczema conditions and helps in making your scalp smell fresh.
Lavender – Lavender oil is good for your smelly scalp because it cleans out all the dirt and dandruff.
One of the obvious reasons for essential oils to be effective is because of their fragrance.
What should you do
- Take about 2 drops of each essential oil, mix them well, divide your hair into partitions and apply the entire oil on your scalp
- Leave it for about ten minutes, use a mild shampoo, and wash your hair with cold water. You can try this method once a week
Hydrating Agent – Lemon Juice
Why is it good?
Lemon juice is good in eliminating infections from the skin because it is a natural astringent and if your scalp is smelly because of infections then you should try this remedy.
- Folate
- Potassium
- Vitamins
- It is an effective deodorizer
What should you do
- Take about 1 tsp of vinegar and 2 tbsp of lemon juice, mix this well, divide your hair into partitions and apply the entire mixture on your scalp
- Leave this mixture for about 10 minutes and wash it with cold water. You can try this method twice a week
Tomato Juice

Why is it good?
The anti-bacterial properties of tomato make it healthy for your hair and skin. Majorly, it has the power to kill all the harmful bacteria that is the reason your scalp to smell bad.
- Lycopene
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Potassium
What should you do
- Take one tomato, squeeze out all the pulp. Divide your hair into partitions and apply this juice to your scalp
- Leave it for about 25 minutes, use a mild shampoo, and wash it with cold water. Try this method twice a week
The Strong Garlic Juice

Why is it good?
The presence of sulfur compounds in the garlic juice makes it effective in removing bad smell from the scalp. Besides this, it has anti-bacterial and medicinal properties as well.
- Manganese
- Selenium
- Fiber
What should you do
Take about 3 cloves of garlic, grind it and mix a few drops of castor oil, divide your hair into partitions, and this mixture all on your scalp
Leave this for about 30 minutes, use a mild shampoo, and lukewarm water to clean off all the dirt from your scalp.
Final Word
A smelly scalp does not mean that you give up and feel bad for the condition it is in. You need to take good care of your scalp from the beginning to prevent it from smelling bad.
- Ability to keep the pH level of the scalp in control
- The home remedies must have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties that would help in fighting against all the infection on your scalp
See off the stress of a smelly scalp and be happy!