10 Undeniable Signs A Cancer Man Likes You – All Lovey Dovely!


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10 Undeniable Signs A Cancer Man Likes You

Cancer men mostly keep to themselves. On the contrary, when it comes to expressing love and care, they can carry the girl to cloud nine and get romantically unstoppable. You will be amazed to see how much they are concerned when they love. It is important that they strike with you and the love scene begins from their end.

Is there a cancer man on your mind or is he trying his ways to come and say the three magical words to you?

What’s going on?

Sounds exciting but you will still want to know a little about how cancer men behave when they are in love to be sure, isn’t it?

Here is an article indicating undeniable signs of a Cancerian hunk or gentleman having a spot for you in his heart. It’s going to get interesting. Check it out!

[su_note note_color=”#ffd166″]Finding the right man can be difficult, especially if they are a Cancer. You’ll find innumerable guides talking about ways to entice them but none of them explains it better than Cancer Man Secrets by Anna Kovach. Check the E-Book Now[/su_note]

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How To Know If A Cancer Man Likes You?

How To Know If A Cancer Man Likes You

To find out if a Cancerian man is in love with you or not is a little difficult because they are affectionate and loving with friends and they easily fall in love too. Apart from this, they are good at acting that they don’t have any feelings. Whereas, deep down they are crazily in love with you.

Irrespective of the sun sign, every man who is in love will do their best. But, when a cancer man falls in love, he will give all his heart, mind and soul to a woman.

By nature, they are creative, you call them poets or artists, they usually have a knack of expressing their love. Even if they try hard to hide what they feel, without realizing they tend to show that they are in love.

If a Cancerian man has fallen in love with you, know that you will be treated like a baby and he will ensure to appreciate every little thing about you. A Cancerian man will keep you close to his heart and never let you go.

Cancer men are sensitive, affectionate, soft, positive, and passionate in a love affair. What you might not like about a cancer man is his mysterious nature and unpredictable moods at times.

Cancer men are ruled by the moon planet and they usually move on with how life takes them.

The traits of a Cancerian man resemble that of a crab in a good way, he will appear to be strong from the outside and inside he tends to be the softest person.

One thing you should know about Cancerian men, they are their mother’s child and it is highly essential for their mother to like you too.

If you have your doubts that a Cancerian man likes you, here are a few signs that clearly show that he is truly in love with you. Take a look!

#No 1 – They Start To Get Close To You

When a cancer man is in love with you, he will notice if you are comfortable with him or not and if he thinks there is a ray of hope and even you feel like he does, he will make a move and start getting close to you.

What he does differently when he gets close to you is that he starts to share all his secrets and the most precious moments of his life only with you or a few people who are close to him. As mentioned earlier, cancer men like to be to themselves and if he is comfortable to open up with you, believe it, you are truly special for him.

#No 2 – They Bring A Smile On Your Face

Cancer men are sweet. By nature, they are moody and this is something many people dislike about cancer men. However, they make every effort to make their lady love smile.

You might feel that they are happy in their world. But they can step out of their mood swings zone and take an initiative to bring a smile on their woman’s face. Cancerian men are sweetheart’s and they put all their heart and soul to see you happy.

#No 3 – They Get Clingy In Public Without Being Shy

When cancer men fall in love, they don’t mind being clingy or expressive in a crowd.

Initially, you will see them shy and not expressive. Suddenly when they see that things can work out between the two of you, they are the sweetest and romantic.

They hug, kiss and hold hands in public. Cancerian men are quite passionate as you already know, they get highly expressive with their emotional and physical desires for you.

Cancerian men are so romantic that even if you want them to show affection in front of family or friends, they won’t hesitate in doing so.

#No 4 – They Express And Don’t Express Their Feelings

Until a cancer man is not sure about you, he will try hard not to show his love. That’s a different ball game that you will see it in his actions that he loves you, but they don’t express until and unless they are sure.

On the other hand, once cancer men are sure, they don’t stop themselves from expressing everything that they feel.

According to the horoscope, the nature of Cancerians is like that of water. They are highly romantic and for them building an emotional bond is of utmost importance.

Another good thing is that cancer men are genuine in a relationship and over time you will realize as to how loyal they are.

#No 5 – They Get Insecure And Possessive

It might not seem like it, however, Cancerian men are highly possessive and insecure about the one they love.

So, if you are trying to find out if he loves you or sees you as a good friend. You will know it through his reaction when some other guy tries getting close to you.

For the most part, cancer men go mad when they see their loved one getting close to another man. At any cost, a cancer man cannot take it. He might be mad at you or ignore you for getting close to someone else.

At times, you won’t even know what is his problem. But you will need to recall if there was any such moment where you spoke about another man or if the two of you were in a group together and all the other men were giving you all the attention.

Cancer men feel that the one they love is only theirs. Thus, this jealousy arises.

#No 6 – They Try To Hide Their Feelings

A few Cancerian men who fall in love are a little complicated when it comes to expressing themselves.

As mentioned earlier, a few of them will try hard and hide their deepest feelings. Why? They do this because they are afraid of being hurt and they struggle hard to conceal their vulnerable self.

They tend to show that there is something going on in their mind and they start ignoring you.

If everything until now was alright and all of a sudden you started to witness these changes in the man, it is undeniable that he is in love with you. If you are still not able to identify what’s in his heart, simply look at his eyes and they will say it all.

#No 7 – They Get Too Protective

If the Cancerian men are in love and they haven’t yet told the girl about their feelings, somewhere they make a little mistake in hiding those feelings.

How? They start getting protective and will make it so clear that the woman means more than a friend to them.

Signs of being protective can be in any form. They make sure that the girl is safe, they keep a track of her whereabouts and take interest in finding out if she is feeling alright or not.

You will always know it if a friend cares and if the person is way too special then the person would care differently.

So, all the women who feel that a Cancerian man is in love with you, don’t miss out on this sign. Especially, if he is sincerely after you to confess his true feelings.

#No 8 – They Stand By Their Word

You are fortunate if a Cancerian is trying to approach you. They have this charming trait of always standing by their word.

In any relationship, this is one quality we are all looking for in a partner. What happens when a person stands by their word is that you feel comfortable and happy in that relationship and you always have their back.

Talking of which, cancer men always stand to their word in any relationship. But, when they give their word to that special lady, they are sweet to never back out. Think about it, cancer men are highly affectionate.

#No 9 – They Look Into Your Eyes And Their Body Language Talks

It is clear when people are in love, they get touchy in the simplest ways. If he is yet to approach you and he feels something, he will come and put his hands over your shoulder or maybe just hold your hand when the two of you cross the road together.

You will know if it is a friendly or romantic touch. At times it’s hard to guess. But, to be sure, as mentioned earlier, look into his eyes and notice his reaction.

If he is lost in your eyes, you don’t need a few more signs. You need to understand that he is interested in you.

#No 10 – They Go Out Of Their Way To Understand You

Cancer men are great listeners and the fact that they have immense patience is one of their best qualities. That being said, if a Cancerian man is trying his best to understand you in your best and worst times, he is certainly in love with you.

It is not that cancer men don’t go out of their way to understand friends. However, in the case of a lover, they are more understanding. To keep a relationship going and peaceful, it is important for a couple to reunite irrespective of multiple disagreements.

Chances for uniting back is only possible when there is a scope of understanding

Cancer men are the warmest, accepting and welcoming partners. If you want to talk about your demons or angel, they would always stay by to comfort you.

Things To Know About Cancer Men In A Relationship

Things To Know About Cancer Men In A Relationship

We have seen most of the undeniable signs that prove that a cancer man is in love with you. Let’s look at a few special points about Cancerian men when as partners.

  1. Cancerian men would be the happiest if their partner loves having pets.
  2. Cancerians are always looking forward to a serious commitment and as partners, they are extremely loyal, no second thoughts on that.
  3. They love their partners whole heartedly in all aspects (mentally and physically).
  4. In a relationship, a Cancerian man looks for emotional support the most and he would expect you to be as loyal as he is.
  5. When Cancerian men experience mood swings, they usually appreciate it if their partner doesn’t take them too seriously at that time. In short, they expect their partner to sail through a few uncomfortable situations.
  6. Since Cancerian men are emotional and deep thinkers, they love to grow with their partner on a spiritual level too. They show interest in discussing what’s happening
  7. If you are looking out for a homely guy and a Cancerian man approaches you, give it a thought. They love and take good care of every family member.
  8. Cancerian men have al the emotions and feelings. However, they are not good with taking an initiative to express love. On the other hand, when love is expressed, even they reciprocate those emotions.
  9. Cancerian men are attracted to feminity. If you are a girly girl then this is the good news for you. You can be all that you want. The best part is that he would love it.
  10. Cancerian men are particular about receiving complete attention and love.


Signs such as emotional attachment, protectiveness, insecurity when he sees you with another man, patience to understand you and a few other qualities indicate that a Cancerian man has probably started falling for you. Reciprocating back the same feelings is totally your choice. If you are thinking on settling down with a man of this sun sign, date him, get to know him and then decide.