15 Activating Exercises for Women Over 50 – Cherish Being Fit!


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Fitness at 50 is all about your will and determination to be on your toes throughout. Practically speaking, it might seem like a herculean task to give yourself a push to feel like you are 25 when you are 50.

Going back 25 years is a challenge. No one said it’s impossible though. How about taking up the challenge and improvising your strength and body?

Turning 50 for a woman is similar to that of a roller coaster given the fact that hormones don’t co-ordinate the way it used to and at this age bones and muscles get weak. That said, a woman can keep herself fit and like a million-dollar if she eats the right diet, stays hydrated and religiously exercises.

This article is to emphasize on the best exercises for women who have turned 50 and above.

Every woman who wants to feel young and healthy should try these stamina-focused workouts. Stay relaxed, you won’t break a bone, you will make up for the weak bones!

Read: 10 Powerful Shoulder Exercises For Women – Commit To Be Fit!

Why Should Women Exercise At 50?


It’s never too late unless you give up. It is crucial for women to exercise at a young age. Nevertheless, beginning to work out at 50 is not like a day late and a dollar short, one still has the scope to work on the body. What’s about working out at 50?

  •  You get resistant to joint pains and all the old age signs
  • You get a hang of handling hot flashes and menopause mood swings effectively
  • The chances of being affected by diseases such as stroke, heart concerns, and bone-related issues are the least.

Thus, you should be that happening old woman who has a young heart and body to stay energetic and fit throughout. Ensure to eat well, stay hydrated and just in case you have health concerns then seek advice from your doctor before you begin practicing an exercise.

How To Start Exercising At 50?

Well – you don’t need another right time to start, try and relate to your passion with fitness when you were younger, you could probably go back there or completely start fresh. Keep these points in mind

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Need Vs What Is Good & Bad

Understanding what you want to pick up as a workout vs whether it will suit your body or not is what you first need to focus on because along with your love for the sport or exercise it needs to agree and suit your body. Try the workout for a couple of days to decide if you should continue it or not.

Stay Motivated

If you don’t face difficulty and are able to get done with a workout then well and good. However, if the going gets tough, stay eased out and keep motivating yourself that you will do well after a while.

Take It Easy

Don’t go against the will of our body and exert yourself. Your pace of exercising might have slowed down at 50. Nothing to feel awkward about it. It is better to go slow and workout effectively.

Notice Changes

Keep a track of your progress from the day you start to a month after that. You would see a change in your progress and will know if you have to slow down in case you experience pain in your body.

Area Of Focus

Don’t just restrict yourself to one kind of a workout. It is good to practice a mixture of all. Equally, allocate days in such a way that you focus on your upper as well as lower body.

All in all, see what you want to pick, don’t feel demotivated if you are unable to perform an exercise, give your body the time to get accustomed to the change, go slow while exercising and make note of the changes you witness while exercising.

Fun And Energetic Exercises For Women Over 50 – Bend & Stretch Well!


At the age of 50, one needs strength to perform daily chores like lifting, bending, climbing and ease in moving around.

If you want to have these activities go smooth for you, it is important to do a blend of aerobic, strength, balance and stretching exercises.

Thus, women at 50 should try a list of these strengthening exercises to feel good and fit.

Take a look at some of the effective and interesting exercises to boost your energy to feel like 25 at 50. If you want to be sure of how reliable are these exercises, you need to try them for yourself. Look for results if you have been consistent with the exercises for at least 6 months.

Exercises To Gain Strength

Why is it good?

  • Improves bone health
  • Strengthens muscles
  • Cuts down on fats in the body

No 1 – Planking For Seconds

It would be great if you can do planking for 30 seconds. Beyond 30 seconds is even good. What is good about practicing planks at 50?

  • Keeps the arms strong, lifting basic weight is never going to burden you.
  • Strengthens your abdominal area, this will help you go through the menopause phase better.
  • Increases endurance, your capacity to withstand strain and pain would shoot up.
  • A savior from back pain, chances are that you won’t have an issue in your back.

You can plank every day for about 20 seconds, to begin with. If you can stretch it to 1 minute you should go ahead. Make sure to keep away from straining yourself.

Read: 6 Effective Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women – Strength Is All You Need!

No 2 – Simple Push Ups


Going by all steps in push-ups is going to be tedious at 50. However, you should try cutting down on a few push up steps. The only variation is that you will keep your thighs and knees resting on the floor. What is good about doing push-ups at 50?

  • Strengthens your arms, shoulders, and core, you get strength in the upper body.
  • As the arms are targeted, push-ups improves muscle strength.
  • It is a great workout to energize the core.

This exercise for women over 50 is good, it is good enough if a woman can do about 10 – 15 push-ups. Practice this exercise thrice a week. The exercise should be given a break in case one experiences strain in the body.

No 3 – Chest Fly Workout


You should try the chest fly workout to enhance the breast tissue. This workout is focused on increasing strength in your upper body. What’s good about a chest flyout workout?
Strengthens biceps, triceps, deltoids and chest muscles. The reason this is necessary is to cater to the needs of the weak chest muscles.

This is good chest exercise for a woman over 50, it can be repeated 10 – 15 times and can be done twice or thrice in a week.

An exercise tip here would be that a woman must avoid carrying heavy dumbbells, the dumbbells should not weigh more than 2kgs each. You could even use a stability ball and lie down on it to give comfort to your back.

No 4 – Bent Over Row Exercise


Every woman turning 50 should try this exercise as it not just improves strength in your body but improves the body’s balance as well. What’s the good in trying a bent-over row?

  • Strengthens the muscles in your shoulders and arms, you would barely feel strenuous on your upper body.
  • It makes your spine stronger and makes it resistant to pain and concerns in the back.
  • The upper back gets boosted.

This exercise is worth a try for the good of your upper body. That said, you can practice this twice a week. Avoid exerting yourself with the workout and avoid using dumbbells that weight more than 2kgs in each hand.

No 5 – Squatting


This exercise for women over 50 is one of the best to strengthen legs and rest of the lower body. If you want to come in shape on your lower body then this is a great exercise to try. What’s the good in this workout?

  • A great workout to cut down on calories
  • It helps tone your butt and hips
  • Strengthens your lower back and abdominal muscles
  • It is good for your knees and ankles
  • This workout rejuvenates your tissues and organs
  • Improves bone health

You should squat thrice a week. You will notice that your legs are stronger than before. You should try about 15 squats whenever you choose to do this exercise.

Exercises To Stay Fit

While looking out for a workout to stay fit nothing can be better than aerobic workouts.

Why is it good?

  • This form of exercise is good to keep you away from several diseases
  • Helps in keeping you mentally fit
  • Shows improvement in your immunity
  • Improves the quality of sleep

No 6 – A Brisk Walk


A 20-minute brisk walk is a good aerobic workout for a woman at 50. It relieves stress as well as makes you feel good. What is good in this exercise?

  • Your body gets well balanced
  • You will always be fit and you gain stamina to such an extent that your legs will never hurt even if you walk a long distance
  • Bone and muscle health is made
  • It helps you lose weight

Try your best and walk out in the open so that you inhale fresh oxygen and the best time for walking is in the morning. A brisk walk can be done everyday

Read: Benefiting Aerobic Exercises For Your Body Fat

No 7 – Dancing


Dancing can be considered as an exercise for women over 50 as it enables a vigorous and safe body movement. What’s good about dance as a workout?

  • It is an energetic and fun workout
  • Your body gets flexible and attains a good balance
  • This workout will wipe away negative emotions and help you feel mentally sound
  • Dancing helps in maintaining muscle mass and energy in your bones

You can dance 15 – 30 minutes a day and it is a creative form of fitness. You could either enroll yourself in aerobics or Zumba dance classes. Any dance form is an amazing form of exercise for women over 50.

Read: 12 Effective Dances for Weight loss!

No 8 – Swimming


Swimming is yet another fun as well as revitalizing exercise for women to try even at the age of 50. There is no risk or harm in it. What’s good in swimming?

  • Your body is disciplined. Swimming is a workout that makes one hungry. That said, your food will digest well if you practice swimming.
  • Swimming strengthens your upper and lower body
  • It is one form of a relaxing exercise
  • It helps with increasing strength in the muscles and bones
  • Improves your heart rate
  • It is the best way to relieve yourself from stress
  • It is known to make your heart and lungs healthy
  • It aids weight loss

You can go swimming every alternate day for about 30 minutes. Take precautions before you enter the pool to save your skin from chlorine in the water. If you feel breathless don’t overexert your body.

Exercises To Maintain Balance

We all focus on being fit, healthy and in shape. That said, it is equally essential that we make efforts to maintain a good balance in the body as well.

When you have a good balance in your body, your endurance power increases and you know how to handle your body when it loses it balance. For instance, you get to save yourself from falling

No 9 – Flamingo Pose

Flamingo Pose

The name suggests standing like a flamingo bird. This posture would teach you how to balance your body on one leg. What’s the good in this posture?

  • Improves energy in the core, quadriceps, and biceps
  • It is good in terms of giving support to your lower back
  • Makes your shoulders firm
  • You learn how to hold yourself, this is a good practice in terms of getting aware of your body

You should try staying in the flamingo pose for about 20 seconds, to begin with. If you are feeling burdened don’t overdo it. Do it as much as possible.

No 10 – Back Leg Raises


Back leg raises is another form way of balancing your body by lifting one leg in the air and placing the other leg on the floor. You are sure to sweat by standing in one position for a few seconds. What’s the good in this exercise?

  • Body gets flexible
  • You get awareness on how to balance the body
  • Improves stamina in your lower back
  • Aids weight loss
  • Your core is strengthened

Try the back leg raise on each leg for twenty seconds each. You can practice this balancing exercise every day and after a while, you would learn how to beautifully balance your body.

No 11 – Tree Pose

Tree Pose

A tree pose is one of the most challenging balancing poses. It requires your focus and attention, failing which you will not be able to perform this workout well. Women at the age of 50 should try this workout, it helps with improving balance. What’s the good in this balancing pose?

  • The best therapy for sciatic nerves
  • Your arms and shoulders get stronger
  • It helps keep your mind calm and focused
  • Keeps your ankles and calves in place
  • It is a good workout for your upper as well as lower body

You should remain in this posture for about 20 seconds with your eyes closed. You will experience bliss when your eyes are closed. You can practice this pose every alternate day.

No 12 – Warrior III Pose


The warrior pose is effective once you get a hang of it. While it might seem tough in the beginning, you will learn it with practice. It is alright if you are not 100 percent perfect with this posture. However, you should be able to stretch and bend correctly. Why is it a good posture?

  • It betters balance and co-ordination in the body
  • Makes your back, calves, arms, and hamstrings stronger
  • It helps with keeping the abdominal muscles healthy

You must stay for about twenty seconds in this posture. Avoid straining your body if you are not able to stay for twenty seconds as well. Do as much as you can. If you are having BP it is the best to avoid this posture as there are chances that your BP might shoot up.

Best Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises help with beating laziness and warming up your body before you start a workout and a relaxation once you are done with a workout. Apart from this, stretching exercises are good to improve stability in one’s body.

No 13 – Happy Baby Pose


A happy baby pose seems relaxing and good, you can try this stretching exercise once you are done with all your exercises. What’s the good in this workout?

  • This stretching exercise gets out all the stress in your hips
  • It is a great form of feeling relaxed on your back
  • It helps with keeping your kidneys healthy
  • This stretching exercise helps you stay happy
  • It is a good stretching exercise for the stomach. It aids better digestion

You should try this stretching exercise thrice in a week to get relaxed as well as benefited by the other advantages this asana. Stretch as much as you can. Avoid straining yourself.

No 14 – Side Bend


Side bend is an effective warm-up exercise. Before you begin working out you should try this stretch, it loosens your muscles and activates your energy within. What’s the good in this stretching exercise?

  • It helps in melting the fats around your waist
  • It helps in improving the blood circulation in the body
  • This stretch helps in releasing pain from the sciatic nerves
  • It not just relieves you of pain but improves your overall flexibility

You should stay in this position for at least 1 minute to get the most from this workout. If it pains too much on your sides then it is okay if you want to take a break. You can try this stretching exercise every day.

No 15 – Yogi Squat

Yogi squat is a good lower body stretching exercise. In no time it will release all the stress in your lower body and is proved to be one of the best stretching exercises to intensify the energy in your joints. What’s the good in this pose?

  • It aids better digestion
  • Strengthens the abdominal area
  • It helps in boosting memory
  • It drastically strengthens your bones
  • It is a doable stretching exercise which is most effective during menopause

How often should a woman exercise at the age of 50?

It is essential that a woman at 50 should exercise for 20 minutes a day and take a one day break from the exercising routine in the entire week. This is mandatory because your body needs revival time to get started with new energy during the next week.

In conclusion, now you know that you can be energetic even when you age. Growing old is a natural process. However, what you do to feel young is what matters and exercising is one among those aspects that can help with keeping your body young and energetic.

Exercises for women over 50 is a must. A woman need not drain her energy but it is good if she keeps exercising in order to escape the old age aches.

Keep Working On Fitness Goals!