Vitamin E As A Skin Care Routine – No More Bad Skin!


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Lately, have you started to get conscious about maintaining a good skin care routine? You have stepped on the righ path, you can try a Vitamin -E oil for a good skin care routine.

It is needless to say that vitamins are essential (R) for the skin. Are you taking enough of it? If you haven’t started to consider its usefulness on your skin, better pull up your socks and use it on your skin. Be it improvement or complaints with your skin, it will provide for all you need.

Read this article and absorb information on the effectiveness of Vitamin-E oil as a skin care routine. Are you game? Begin right here!

Read: 6 Beneficial Vitamins For Women Over 40 – Eliminate Multifarious Deficiencies!

How Does Vitamin E Oil Help Your Skin?

When taking foods rich in Vitamin-E and eatings its supplements is a source of strength to your skin, hair and body. Vitamin-E oil is in the purest form and it does help the skin when you apply it to take care of your skin.

Plant compounds and antioxidant properties in the Vitamin-E oil helps with keeping your skin healthy.

What is the role of Vitamin-E oil on the skin? It regenerates new skin cells, it flushes out toxins from the skin and is a source of shield to your skin.

As you have a basic idea of how it is helpful to your skin, look through its benefits too!

Benefits of Vitamin E Oil for Skin


Vitamins being a source of protection to your skin, the purest form of vitamins have several benefits on your skin and here is what you should know!

No 1 – Improves Your Complexion

If you want to have pretty, bright and whitened skin you need to take good care of your skin.This is possible by applying a few drops of Vitamin-E oil on the skin.

How would the skin color start to improve? As Vitamin-E oil (R) comprises of rich antioxidants, it protects the skin from oxidative stress and harsh ultra-violet rays which inturn improves skin complexion and generates new skin cells.

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No 2 – Protects Skin From Ageing Quick

No one likes wrinkles or old-looking skin, it is a blessing to look young at old age despite a few changes that come on the skin.

Vitamin-E oil is wonderful as it doesn’t allow your skin’s collagen production to depreciate. It is effective with improving the elasticity on your skin and keeps the signs of ageing away (R) by improving the blood circulation in your skin.

Therefore, why not apply a few drops of Vitamin-E oil on your skin?

Read: Best Morning Cream For Anti Aging

No 3 – Treats Scars

Scars on the skin aren’t healthy and they are like the demons who spoil your skin’s beauty, will you agree?. Thus, Vitamin-E oil helps with clearing the scars (R) from your skin and keeps your skin healthy.

Vitamin-E oil performs two functions, it seals the moisture in your skin and works hard with keeping the free radicals away. This is possible because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Read: 10 Super-Effective Home Remedies For Facial Scars – Stop The Scars!

No 4 – Clears Acne

Talking of acne, it is painful and stops your skin from being flawless. Using Vitamin-E Oil as a topical method of treatment is a better way of clearing the acne on your skin.

Vitamin-E oil might not work effectively on everyone’s skin. That being said, there was a study conducted (R) on the effectiveness on Vitamin-E oil and the results indicated that it worked well only after it was mixed with two other nutrients.

Therefore, Vitamin-E oil works with treating the acne upto a certain limit, it is equally essential to take Vitamin-E foods if you want to have an can-free skin, even supplements will do.

No 5 – Treats Skin Tans And Stretch Marks

Stretch marks and skin tans can be treated by mixing a few drops of Vitamin-E oil in coconut or almond oil.

The presence of antioxidants in the Vitamin-E oil helps in regeneration of new skin cells and UV protection, this helps with doing good to the skin.

No 6 – Treats Chapped Lips

Change in the weather conditions lead to dry and damaged lips, every girl will want moisturized and pretty lips (R).

Having said that, Vitamin-E oil regenerates the dead skin cells on your lips which gives rise to new skin cells and this softens the skin on your lips.

Read: Amazing Lip Balm Hacks You Never Knew About

No 7 – Relieves Your Skin From Eczema

When your immune system gets disturbed and it reacts to an allergy it can possibly cause eczema, it is a trouble to the skin and to get rid of it, one needs to apply a few drops of Vitamin-E oil.

Vitamin-E oil has the ability to fight against radicals and fills your skin with necessary moisture to fight against the discomfort (R) caused due to eczema.

Take Away

  • Vitamin-E oil is filled with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and healing properties.
  • This oil treats eczema, sun damage on the skin, acne, stretch marks, chapped lips, scars and wrinkles.

How to Use Vitamin E oil for Skin Care

Follow a few simple steps on how to add Vitamin-E oil in your skin-care routine!

Step No 1 – Choose A Source


Besides applying Vitamin-E oil, you need to eat foods rich in Vitamin-E and alongside go about following it as a skin care routine.

First you need to pick a source, you can either buy a bottle of Vitamin-E oil or pierce Vitamin-E oil capsules and use it on your skin.

Step No 2 – Do A Facial Steam


Once you clean your face with a face wash, it would be a good practice to steam your face.

What you need to do?

Either use a facial steamer directly or heat up water in a vessel and face the vessel by covering your head in a towel.

This will remove all the blackheads, treat the clogged pores and improve blood circulation.

Step No 3 – Wash Your Face


Wash your face with an effective face wash to get rid of the dirt on your skin after a good face steam.

What you need to do?

  • Take a few drops
  • Don’t over use
  • Wash your face with luke warm water

Step No 4 – Extract And Apply Vitamin E Oil


If you are using a Vitamin-E oil capsule, then you need to prick it with a needle and extract the oil. Incase you are buying the oil then you can use it from the bottle directly.

What you need to do?

  • Take about 2-3 Vitamin-E oil capsules
  • Mix it in 4-5 drops of almond or olive oil
  • Stir this mixture
  • Use your fingers and apply it on your skin
  • Focus on massaging it more on affected areas
  • Leave it overnight and let your skin absorb the oil

Note :

  • You can use Vitamin-E oil three times a week
  • Wait for 20 minutes before you go to sleep with Vitamin-E oil
  • When you leave Vitamin-E oil on oily skin for long it can clog your pores, thus, allow the oil to stay on your skin only for a few minutes in this case
  • Use this oil as a topical method of treatment
  • Always test it on a part of your skinp, see if it works and only then start to use it regularly

Step No 5 – Methods Of Using Vitamin-E Oil

Here are useful ways on how to make the most of Vitamin-E oil as a skin care routine for your skin.Take a look!

No 1 – How to Use Vitamin-e Oil to Whiten your Skin


In the morning as you wake up, do the following

  1. Take 2 vitamin-e capsules
  2.  In a bowl, put 2 drops of lemon juice, 1/2 a tsp yogurt and 1/2 a tsp honey
  3. Pierce the vitamin-e capsule and mix it into this mixture.
  4.  Use your fingers and apply it on your face.
  5.  Leave it for 30 minutes and wash your face with luke warm water.

When you combine a skin lightening agents with Vitamin-E oil, it effectively whitens your skin.

No 2 – How to Use Vitamin-e Oil to Get Rid of Allergies


In the morning and night do the following

  1. In a bowl mix the following – 2 drops coconut oil, 2 drops tea tree oil, 2 drops lavender oil and either pierce 1 vitamin-e capsule or directly add 2 drops oil.
  2. Stir this entire mixture well.
  3. Use your fingers and gently rub it on the affected areas.
  4.  Leave it on your skin for 30 minutes
  5. Wash your face with luke warm water

When you combine oils having anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties it helps in treating skin allergies quickly.

No 3 – How to use Vitamin-e Oil to Treat Hyperpigmentation


To clear hyperpigmented skin you will need to do the following three times a week, either before you go to bed or as you wake up in the morning

  1. In a bowl, add 3-4 drops of olive oil and mix 1 capsule of vitamin-E oil or 3 drops of the vitamin-e oil directly
  2.  Stir the mixture well
  3.  Use your fingers and start to apply it to your skin. Focus the most on parts of the skin that are affected
  4.  Overnight leave it on your skin and if you are applying it in the morning then let it stay for 30 minutes
  5. Wash your face with luke warm water to get rid of all the greasiness.

When you apply this remedy as a combination on your skin, it will help in clearing the hyperpigmentation and spots instantly.

No 4 – How to use Vitamin-e Oil to Brighten your Complexion


Once you wake up in the morning, you will need to do the following

  1. Take 2 vitamin-e oil capsules, pierce it and extract its oil.
  2.  Peel a papaya, cut a quarter of it, remove the seeds and blend it.
  3.  In a bowl, mix the papaya juice and vitamin-e oil well.
  4. Take a brush, dip it in this mixture and apply it all over your skin.
  5. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash you face with luke warm water.

When the properties of papaya are mixed with Vitamin-E oil it helps in regeneration of new skin cells and improves its health. You can do this three times a week

No 5 – How to use Vitamin-e Oil to soften your skin


Either before sleeping or as you wake up in the morning, do the following!

  1. Take 2 vitamin-e oil capsules, pierce it and extract its oil.
  2.  Take 1/2 a tomato, cut it into two pieces, grind it and sieve it well.
  3. In a bowl, mix the tomato juice and vitamin-e oil well.
  4. Take a brush, dip it in this mixture and apply it all over your skin.
  5.  Leave it for 30 minutes and wash your face with luke warm water.

Tomato is as efficient as vitamin-e oil is. Two of these properties fight against the dead skin cells on your skin and soften it. You can try this remedy three times a week.

No 6 – How to use vitamin-e oil to treat scars


As you wake up in the morning, do the following

  1. Take 2 vitamin-e oil capsules, pierce it and extract its oil.
  2. Take 2 tsp shea butter and stir it to make it a fine paste.
  3.  In a bowl, mix the vitamin-e oil and shea butter well.
  4.  Take a brush, dip it in this mixture and apply it all over your skin.
  5.  Leave it for 30 minutes and wash you face with luke warm water.

The presence of fatty acids and a few drops of vitamin-e oil will help in lightening or making the scars disappear from your skin. Thus, this is one way of using Vitamin-E oil on your skin. You can try this remedy two times a week.

No 7 – How to use vitamin-e oil to treat chapped lips


Once in the morning and at night, you will need to do the following

  1.  In a bowl, take 3 drops of glycerine and mix 2 drops of vitamin-e oil to make it a good mixture.
  2. Apply this on your lips and you don’t need to wash it. If you wish to you can apply a lip balm over this mixture.

Glycerine and vitamin-e oil is a double benefit in moisturizing the skin on your lips as it eliminates the dead skin cells on your skin and makes your lips soft.

You can follow this way of using Vitamin-E oil and glycerine twice everyday.

No 8 – How to use vitamin-e oil to eliminate dark cicles


Before you go to bed, do the following

  1. In a bowl take 3 drops of almond oil, pierce a vitamin-e oil capsule and extract its oil or add a few drops of the oil directly.
  2.  Use you index finger and applying around your eyes before you go to bed.
  3.  Let it remain on your skin overnight, it will do good to your skin.

Dark circles can be reduced through almond oil and vitamin-e oil because of its nourishing properties and almond contains retinol which is a powerful antioxidant. You should use this remedy three times a week.


For a skin care routine you can use Vitamin-E oil provided your skin isn’t excessively oily.

Vitamin-E has facial benefits to treat skin concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, dark circles, stretch marks, sun tans and many more aspects.

Vitamin-E should not just be applied to the skin, it is vital to consume it through foods first and if it isn’t sufficient, only then one should resort to supplements.