Kids Love Cool Mom – 11 Tips You All You Need To Know To Be One!


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From dawn to dusk until time ends irrespective of how old a child is, every woman puts in her best to be a good mom. If you are a mommy already, question yourself if you are just a good mom? Is that enough? Are you cool mom,that your kids can walk up to you can play a mischief with you?

We are all in the quest of taking good care of our child and giving them the best of comfort, love and care. Does that suffice? Along the way it is important that every mom should be a cool one so that your child and you can build a long lasting rapport. Just like you want to be your child’s best friend. Likewise, your child wants to be your best friend too.

Every mommy should read this article and get going on being a cool mom. If you are already a cool mom, check if you are cool enough and kudos to you for being a cool mom. Take a look!

Tips To Be A Cool Mom – You Should Know!


I believe that every mom should be cool in some way or the other. Being a cool mom makes a child happy and gives a child the scope to be themselves around you. Being a a cool mom is not easy, you need an art and you need to make yourself strong enough to mask your protective as well as strict side.

What’s The Need To Be a Cool Mom?

When you are a cool mom this is what happens :

  • Your child experiences true freedom and this plays an essential role while bringing up your child.
  • You build a rapport with your child in a way that there is trust between the two of you.
  • After being a cool mom your child is close to you that you do not have to worry about your child as your child keeps you informed about what is going on in his/her life
  • Your child grows up to be a broad minded person
  • Also Your child learns to make effective choices and decisions
  • Your child would never be tempted to do the wrong things because a cool mom will always give child the breathing space that a child himself/herself figures out on what is good and not good
  • Your child is more your friend and vice versa

Since you know the good it will do to your kid, look through the tips on how to be one. Keep in mind the age of your child and accordingly tune yourself to be a cool mom. At a certain age moms have to be strict as well and they cannot just be cool all the time.

Tip No 1 – Mentally Prepare Yourself


In order to be a cool mom you have to gather all the patience and get smart in how to deal with the problems that your child goes through. This is the first thing you need to do is prepare yourself in a way that you will have to be skillful and friendly to deal with the situation, there might be times you won’t be okay with a lot of things but you have to prepare yourself on how would you want to tactfully deal with the situation.

Read: 12 Helpful Tips To Be A Good Single Mom – It Is Achievable!

Tip No 2 : Do Not Be Stringent


A cool mom cannot be hard on her child and has to be an easy going person. At the same time, it does not mean that you have to allow your child to make choices that could harm them. But you can give your opinion and explain the problems they could face. It is your duty to first explain to your child and if your child still does not seem to listen to you then you could restrict your child but not the harsh way. There are always easier ways to convince your child by giving your child examples. You should know on what things can you be cool and say a yes and for what you have to say a no .

For instance : your child wants to try highlights on her hair and if you go about stopping your child for highlights which is a small thing that could make your child happy, it could make your child feel that you are too stringent and your child me always be afraid to take permission from you.

Tip No 3 : Do Not Hold Your Child

Everyone is born to experience freedom, then why deprive your child from that freedom? Give your child breathing space and let your child make mistakes at times, so that your child gets a clue on how to handle a similar situation the next time.

Bring up your child in such a way that they do not live their life being afraid of your but they live their years of life with happiness and freedom.

Read: What Kind of A Mom Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Tip No 4 : Ensure to Be Pleasant


You might have had a bad day at work or you are pre-occupied with million things in your mind. It is solely your responsibility to be able to balance your mood swings, worries and do not carry forward the tough day of work at home. Your kids always seek for shelter and guidance from you and if you are rude or not responsive towards them they might not choose to express what they feel and might stop seeking that shelter from you.

Keep in mind that when you are with your child, all the other things are apart and even if you lose your cool for something, stay calm for a while until you feel better and be pleasant in how you respond to your child.

Tip No 5 : Be a Buddy When You Need To Be


Yes you do have a different life of your own which you can enjoy all by yourself. When you start to enjoy life with your kids they feel wanted and make you their best friend. A mom should be like a buddy always in the sense be a part of your child’s interests and ensure to spend quality time with your child at that time. A mother can equally take part in playing mischief with the child as long as the mischief is in boundaries.

Tip No 6 : Appreciate Your Child


All of us are motivated and we feel good when we are appreciated for all the things that went well. You as a mother should have the most knowledge on what is your child good at and appreciate him/her when he/she deserves a round of applause. When you appreciate your child, your child will be eager to get more appreciated and he/she will do well in life.

The biggest appreciation for a child is a mother’s appreciation and that alone has the power to make a child happy and content.

Tip No 7 : Talk to your Child


When your child has had a wonderful experience or a bad day the first thing a child would want to do is share it with the mother. Be there for your child to hear him/her out and respond back to what your child has to say. When needed empathize with your child and keep checking on your child about his/her well being and allow the child to speak his/her heart out, do not react to something you feel is not appropriate. If you did not like something, you can always explain to your child to be aware and assure your child that you would always be a shield to your child

Tip No 8 : Try the Little Sparks for Happy Fireworks


The little things in life make a child elated. Make an effort to do little things that can brighten your child’s mood or make your child’s day. One of your small gestures can light up your child’s face with a smile. Give your child surprises on occasions like birthdays, cook your child’s favorite dish, buy your child something that he or she loves if you can afford it, plan a get together with your child’s friend to make his/her day. This way do little things to see a fireworks like happiness on your child’s face.

Tip No 9 : Converse with Your Child Like an Adult


After a certain age you can talk to your child like an adult, share your concerns, share your experiences in the past, treat your child as your friend and let your child be able to get comfortable with you and share his/her experiences about the opposite sex, crushes and if your child is in a relationship let them be.

Do not hold them back or stop them. Understand that it is their age to go through this phase in life and as a mother you must co-operate and let your child sail through this and enjoy it. At the same time, mention to your child about what he/she should be careful about when dealing with a relationship and as a friend advise them to always know where and when to draw lines

When you treat your child as an adult and be a friend to hear them out there are barely any chances that your child would lie to you or hide anything from you.

Tip No 10 : Hang Out with Your Child


It is fun to get rejuvenated by going with your child to party, for movies or for a casual outing. Being with your child you tend to bring back the child in you and relive old times of your high school or university days. It is okay to be crazy and go back 20 years to feel young again. Try and mingle with your child as much as you can, this way you get time out with your child as well.

Tip No 11 : Be Patient With Your Child


Remember that your child is not as experienced and mature as you are. Understand your child’s age and be prepared with his/her behavioral pattern. When your child is a baby, you have to be protective and be vigilant with every action of your child and if needed be strict and rigid as well for your child’s betterment. On the contrary, when your child is growing up and enters teens you got to be really patient with your child’s curiosity, aggressive mood swings and deal with it sensibly.

If you do not be patient and co-operative with your child at every age, your child might not be able to connect with you and that’s where most of the parents go wrong and this makes children hide things, get a feeling of not being understood and many more problems of this kind.

All in all, as a mother you do not have to step out of your natural self and try to be cool if you are not comfortable being that way. But what’s important is that as a mother you must understand your child, get along with your child, be open enough for your child to be able to speak to you and give your child quality time, attention and advise your child the right way.

Do not let fear creep into your child’s mind for you. Pass out vibes in a way that your child should be able to share the silliest to the worst mistake with you. Let your child be assured that your coolness is not just about hanging out with your child but it is also in your attitude and the way you treat your child.

Be a friendly mother and a good mentor to your child!



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Vihaa Nichani(Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.