7 Powerful Triceps Exercises For Women – Stamp Stamina In Your Triceps!


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Is the muscle look, cuts and strong arms meant only for the men? It is a wrong thought if you thought so. Strong and good triceps are meant for women as well. Every woman is capable of building her triceps if she has the belief, self-confidence and zeal within her to build it.

Building on triceps is clearly working on building strength in the upper body. A woman needs the strength in her upper body to carry weights and build stamina to box someone who messes with her. Gaining strength in the upper arms is as essential as gaining strength in any other part of the body. A woman should not neglect any part of her body, she should take care of her arms just as she takes care of the other parts of her body.

This article aims at helping women understand various triceps exercises to build strength on the upper body and tone her arms the best way. Take a look at a few of the best triceps exercises for women and try them once a day as you wake up in the morning.

7 Major Benefits of Triceps Exercises For Women

On the back of your upper arm, there are strong muscles known as triceps. When these muscles are put to use, one can attain powerful and flexible triceps muscles. The triceps are not just good for your arms but it also has an advantage of making your elbow joint better. Before you get used to any triceps exercises it is important for you to know what are the various benefits of doing triceps exercises. Take a look at the benefits!

Benefit No 1 – Extended Elbow Joints

It is necessary that your elbow joints are strong and in place, because it helps in a smooth movement in your hands while you carry something heavy as well as keeps your forearms and hands protected. The flexibility in the elbow joints should remain otherwise it can cause pain in your hands.

Benefit No 2 – Helps Strengthen Your Shoulders

While you do triceps you can enjoy the benefit of making your shoulders stronger as well, it is necessary to have strong shoulders because the rotator calf muscles should never be weak, they should remain strong always. If your shoulders are not strong you could be a victim to several painful injuries.

Benefit No 3 – Handling Weights Gets Easy

When are used to doing triceps, the strength in your arms and shoulders increase and that in turn increases your stamina in picking up and pushing heavy weights. One needs this stamina to avoid difficulty in situations needed.

Benefit No 4 – Swinging Your Hands Gets Easy

Supposing you are a sportswoman, you would certainly need to be used to swinging your hands and being flexible. As triceps workout focuses on giving strength to your elbow, shoulders and forearms, it proves to be an effective workout to easily play your sport and excel at it.

Benefit No 5 – You Will Never Find This Exercise Repetitive

You would never get bored of doing triceps because it is done in different ways with different equipments. You can do triceps sitting or standing, you can use a barbell or a dumbbell it is all your choice. Given the fact that you will get to do this exercise differently, you would never find it a pain to do triceps.

Benefit No 6 – Triceps Is A Simple Workout

As triceps can be done with different equipments and in different variations, it is considered to be an easy workout. If you find it tough to do triceps with one equipment, you can always try it with another, you even have the convenience to try a different variation in this workout. At any point, you would never find it tough to do a triceps workout.

Benefit No 7 – Triceps Is A Focused Workout

Basically the triceps workout stresses on one muscle group and one joint. Therefore, you can completely invest energy in focusing on your triceps and you need not worry about the other muscles or chest to effectively do this workout.

All in all, triceps is a great workout for women to build strength in the arms, shoulders and elbow joints. When a woman has strong triceps, she can lift things with all ease. One way of identifying strength is through the triceps when compared to the biceps.

[Also, Read: 9 Chest Exercises for Women]

Types Of Triceps Exercises To Try – Invigorated Arms

Interestingly you can choose different ways of working on your triceps exercises, you can do it with a rope, dumbbells, barbells and crowbar. Whatever be the means, you must ensure to pick up something that is comfortable.

Here are some of the triceps exercises every woman should try

Exercise 1 – Triceps Push-Ups


The method of doing a triceps push up is similar to how the usual push-ups. This is beneficial to your arms, quads, core, hamstrings, shoulders, biceps, shoulders and the pectoral muscles.


You can do triceps push-ups in two sets with 10 repetitions in each set when you begin. Over the time you can increase it to three sets.

Steps to Do Triceps Push-Ups Exercise

  1. Roll a mat on the floor lying straight on your stomach. Place your hands beside your shoulders, joint your toes and ankle and keep your body straight.
  2. Breathe out and apply pressure on your palms to lift your body up(few inches above the ground) Continue to look straight in the front
  3. Breathe out and touch your chest on the floor keeping your entire body straight
  4. Continue the process of pushing your body down and bringing it up

HerGamut Tip: You can perform this workout by placing your hands on a stability ball as well.

Exercise 2 – Triceps Dips


To do the triceps dips you will need a bench to place your hands. Triceps dips is going to tone your upper arm from the shoulders to the elbow.


You can do triceps dips in three sets with 10 repetitions in each set. Over the time you can increase it to four sets if possible.

Steps To Do Triceps Dips Exercise

  1. Sit on a bench, take your hands behind and comfortable place it on the bench in such a position that your hands are placed as much as the width of your shoulders.
  2. Extend your legs in the front and slide down your butt
  3. Slightly bend your arms without letting its pressure fall on your elbows and push your body down. When you apply pressure on your arms it helps build strength in your triceps.
  4. When you have to come up, keep your back close to the bench and straighten your elbows from the floor in a 90-degree angle with your body completely straight

HerGamut Tip: Throughout the exercises see to it that you let your back remain straight.

[Read: 10 Inner Thigh Exercises for Women]

Exercise 3 – Triceps Planks


Triceps planks are great to tone your abs, shoulders, back and triceps. It would be great if you get to work on the other parts of your body while you are working on the triceps, isn’t it?


You can do triceps planking in two sets each with 10 repetitions in each set when you begin. Over the time you can increase it to three sets.

Steps To Do Triceps Planks Exercise

You have two ways of planking, you could do straight planks and can do side planks as well.

Straight Planking

  1. Roll a mat on the floor, take a 2 kgs dumbbell in one hand and place the other palm on the floor
  2. Keep your body straight and a few inches above the ground. While one hand is placed on the floor, lift the hand that has a dumbbell towards your chest and then extend it behind
  3. Repeat the same procedure with your other hand as well

Side Planking

  1. While you do the side planks you will need to lie down flat to one of your sides by placing one leg over the other.
  2. One hand will be used to support the weight of your body while the other hand will be used to do the triceps workout.

HerGamut Tip: Whether you do straight planking or side planking. It is going to benefit you either ways.

[Read: 6 Pelvic Floor Exercise for Women]

Exercise 4 – Triceps Overhead Extension


Practising a triceps extension will work on your triceps muscles and boost its stamina. This exercise is good for the shoulders and the chest as well.


You can do this exercise in four sets and repeating it 10 times each. Initially, it is a good number to start with, over time you can increase the number of times you do it.

Steps To Do Triceps Overhead Extension Exercise

  • Stand straight and look in the front with your feet apart as much as the width of your shoulders
  • Take a dumbbell weighing 2 kgs. You can either hold it with both your hands or hold it with one hand
  • Raise it above your head and then bring it down close to your neck. Your arms should be bent in such a way that the elbows face the sky
  • Straighten your hands by raising back your hand
  • Repeat this procedure with either hands or hold the dumbbells with both your hands

HerGamut Tip: In this exercise, you will feel the stretch on your triceps. Be careful while you raise the dumbbells and take it behind your head, it could hurt you if you are not careful.

Exercise 5 – Triceps Kick Back


The triceps kickback is good as it would do good to your shoulders, back and biceps.


You should do 3 reps for each hand and repeat it 10 times. Once you get used to do this exercise. Over time you can improve the frequency.

Steps to Do Triceps Kick Back Exercise

  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly apart, as much as the width of your shoulders
  2. Push your back and slightly bend holding two 2kgs dumbbells in your hands
  3. Place your hands close to the sides of your chest and then stretch it behind
  4. Repeat this procedure of placing your hands to the sides and pushing it behind

HerGamut Tip: Keep in mind that you bend on your knees and push your body outwards.

[Read: 15 Body Toning Exercises for Women]

Exercise 6 – Triceps Push Down


Triceps pushdown is an effective workout to extend your elbow joints and make your triceps brachii muscles stronger. This workout can be done on a barbell.


You should do 3 reps and repeat it 10 times each in the beginning. Later on you can increase the frequency of doing this workout.

Steps To Do Triceps Push Down Exercise

  • Step on to a straight bar that has a pulley, you would find it in the gym
  • Position yourself correctly, look up straight, maintain a distance between your feet as much as the width of your shoulders, hold the bar with both your hands in a way that the elbows are close to your head
  • Once you have taken this position, pull the strings close to your chest, stay in this position for a few seconds, further pull the string close to your hips
  • Push the bar up and repeat this procedure

HerGamut Tip: You would be able to analyse the effectiveness of this exercise when you feel the stretch in your triceps. Put in the best of your energy when you are pushing down.

[Also, Read: 10 Shoulder Exercises for Women]

Exercise 7 – Seated Military Press


Seated Military Press is vigorous but it has everlasting benefits of stabilizing your muscles and gives you resistance power.


As it is vigorous, in the beginning it is sensible to do it ten times. Once you get used to the exercise then doing another set of 10 repetitions would do good.

Steps To Do Seated Military Press Exercise

  1. Sit on a bench and give your back some rest. See to it that you are sitting straight
  2. Ask somebody to give you the dumbbell press. Do not carry something beyond 90 pounds
  3. Keep your head straight, get the dumbbell press close to your chest and slowly lift it up and in the same position bring it down
  4. epeat this procedure of taking the dumbbell up and bringing it down

HerGamut Tip:  Always keep in mind to be careful with the dumbbell press, if you are not able to manage the weight, take a lighter dumbbell press. See to it that you do not abruptly pick it up as it can give you a bad catch in your lower back.

Having considered the benefits of triceps exercises for women, every woman should try doing triceps at least thrice a week. Whenever you begin to do the best triceps workout you would see a change in the levels of stamina in your body.

Triceps can be one of those exercises that would help a woman gain stamina in her upper body. Triceps workout focus on the back arm muscles and the elbow. Apart from this it adds value to your body by building your core and chest. If you are into sports, you should definitely make time to do triceps, as it will make a difference in the way you perform your sport activity.

Infuse an aim in your mind to make your arms tough by giving it the taste of triceps!

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Vihaa Nichani(Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.