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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersAre you that mother who takes her child to the rest room before going to bed? Irrespective of whatever happens, you never forget taking your child to urinate before sleeping with the fear of bed wetting?
Every mother wants to get her good night sleep so that she can wake up to the next day all geared up to take care of her child only if she is not worried about her child bed wetting. Majorly, every child until he or she is 5 years bed wets, if it has not stopped, you could work over it and a find a way out. While in the parenting phase, every mom goes through this. Every mom should stop worrying about it as it is natural.
This article aims at help mothers learn how to help children cope up with bed wetting. Walk through the different ways to stop bed wetting in children and stay relaxed to take it as it comes.
What Causes Bed Wetting In Children

Parents do not have to be worried if the child is 5 years and he or she bed wets, it is a part of growing. However, there are cases when children cross that age and are still used to this habit, despite trying to get over it they do not get rid of it then it should be addressed to your physician for a solution.
Except for the age if the child is bed wetting even beyond the age of 5 it means that there could be some health concern that is not in the control of your child. Take a look at some of the possible causes of bed wetting.
Cause No 1: The Bladder Is Yet To Develop

The child’s bladder might not yet be fully developed because there could be problems in the functioning of kidneys, there might be problems in the nerves that is causing a problem in the bladder that a child finds it tough to control urination.
Cause No 2: Issues With Sleep

There is a serious disorder known as sleep apnea that results is bed wetting. When a person has sleep apnea, he or she is not aware of his or her breathing.
They tend to suddenly breathe loud and then stop. In short, a person snores loud and does not realize. It is even said that a person who experiences this disorder is not satisfied with the quality of sleep in spite of snoring and having a sound sleep.
It has even been studied that few children do have this disorder and these children tend to have problems with their ability to lean and behaviour. May be your child is going through this problem which is why your child is wetting the bed.
Cause No 3: Urinary Infection

If your child has urinary infection, he or she might not be able to get a control over urination and might end up wetting the bed. While a person has infection, he or she feels like using the restroom frequently. You can ask your child if he or she is feeling a burning sensation in the genital are.
If you see that your child is unable to control or experiencing some kind of discomfort, it is better to get it checked by your doctor and take necessary steps if required.
Cause No 4: Your Child Could Be Diabetic

A person who has diabetes will have uncontrollable urges to urinate as the glucose and sugars in the body would not get processed easily. It need not necessarily be diabetes as to why your child is wetting the bed.
Cause No 5: Stress Lingering In The Mind
How To Stop Bed Wetting In Children

When you look at the issue of bed wetting, it is not something parents should take too much to heart as it gets resolved at a certain age.
It so happens that when your child grows up he or she could be having the same habit although he or she has tried several means to overcome bed wetting.
If the child continues to have this issue in teens with some other urine complications then its time to consult a doctor without worrying too much about it. However,if there aren’t any other symptoms other than bed wetting then there is nothing at all to think about.
Here are ways to stop bed wetting in children! Take a look at them!
1. Avoid Giving Fluids To Your Child Right Before Going To Bed
Focus to give these fluids to your child during the day. This is an effective way in stopping your child from wetting the bed as your child would have got the time to use the washroom much before going to bed.
2. Allocate Specific Time To Take Your Child To The Washroom

If you do not want your child to get used to wetting the bed, at first you would have to help your child by setting alarms and taking your child to the washroom every two hours.
Yes, this can be painful for you at start but this would help your child be alert and your child would get used to doing it independently. It is okay for parents to take this initiative in the beginning so that the child understands and one fine day learns it as well.
3. Pacify And Appreciate Your Child When Required
When you see that your child is trying hard and is able to succeed in not wetting the bed 3 times out of the 10 times, he or she deserves a pat because disorders and habits die hard. You must appreciate and push your child to do better.
4. Be Aware Of The Foods Your Child Is Eating At Night
5. Do Not Disturb Your Child At Night

Do not ruin your sleep or your child’s sleep just because you do not your child to wet the bed or get too particular about the fact that your child has the habit of wetting the bed. Maximum what you can do is make your child urinate once right before he or she hits the bed.
It is not worth disturbing your sleep because if sleep is disturbed then a lot of other things get upside down the next day.
6. Train Your Child

Only the parents or teachers can train the child the best. That said, give your child a bladder training. Instruct your child in a good way that he or she should go to the washroom in every two hours.
Explain to your child that it does not give a good picture to urinate on the bed when he or she is out or at home. Teach your child that it is necessary to control urine until he or she has reached the washroom. Let your child know that you are not being harsh on him or her , you just want your child to get over it.
7. Use A Plastic Sheet To Save The Mattress From Getting Bad

When your child urinates too many times on the mattress it would end up spoiling it. Hence, take precautions to save the mattress from getting bad by placing a plastic sheet on the mattress above the bed spread. It is always good to take this step to avoid spoiling your mattress and bed sheet.
8. No Wrong In Using Clothes That Can Absorb Urine

Just as you spread a plastic sheet it is good to even try making your kids wear pants that are known for absorbing urine. There are urine absorbent pants available that would make your work easier. Since you have so many options you need not worry about your child spoiling clothes and beds. Give your child the time to get over this habit.
9. Be As Co- Operative As You Can
10. Check If Your Child Is Doing Well
In conclusion, do not worry about your child bed wetting until he/she is 5, if it continues to happen thereafter, it is good to get it checked by a doctor to make sure it is not a serious problem. If there is any health concern you could start working on it.
As a mother you need to bear this in mind that you cannot control your child from bed wetting the harsh way,you would need to be friendly, co-operative and supportive with your child. When you child gets this kind of moral support from you he or she would feel the most comforted.
Take efficient steps and stop bed wetting in your child!