15 Boosting Body Toning Exercises For Women – Transform Into A Super-Woman!


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Body Toning Exercises
ImageSource: www.defense.gov

For women to tone up their body, it is not a task like visiting Mars. When a woman makes up her mind to do something, she has that ability to just make it and when it is in regards to her health or sustaining her figure she will go out of her way to make it provided she has the will!

At times few of you might be feeling like on a Catch-22 talking of being on a fitness freak mode and working out all day to deal with your fats and fabs.

Who likes them? No one! Nevertheless, choose the right body toning exercises and make the impossible task seem possible and get set to be all fit. Do you know the other proof being a physically well-toned woman? Make a guess? Is it just about looking hot and sexy? No Ladies! By being well toned you can throw away all your pepper sprays and get physically fit to defend yourself!

This article has it all that you want to ask for in terms of the right exercises to get toned and energize your body. Toning up your body is vital as long as you think it is. Take a look at the exercises and make sure that you have a hang of them each day.

Best Body Toning Exercises For Women – Try Them On!

Before you begin to start a routine of exercises it is important that you do not risk with any exercises if you have health-related problems. Consult your physician just in case you want to take up vigorous exercises. Your aim is to tone up your body and not deteriorate your body.

Exercises For Toning Up Your Back

1. Bent Over Rows

Bent Over Rows
ImageSource: www.popsugar.com

Overview Of This Exercise :

Bent Over Rows is an effective exercise to cut down on the fat on your back and keep your back intact and well-toned to make it look perfect.

This exercise focuses on your latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. The focus of this exercise is to work on your upper and middle back and filling your upper body with strength.

Great Points Of This Exercise :

  • Stronger Muscles
  • Enduring Capacity
  • Improved Bone Health

Follow These Steps :

Step 1- Take two dumbbells, each weighing 2.5 kgs
Step 2- Bend your back and knees, pushing out your buttocks
Step 3- Bring down the dumbbells until your knees and bring it slightly above your waist

Points to be noted :

  1. Your back has to be bent throughout until you complete the exercise
  2. Your elbows should point out right behind you and both your hand should be parallel to each other in the same line

No of times to do this exercise :

  • One must do at least 5 sets 8 times each.

2. Back Fly

Back Fly
ImageSource: www.chasingwish.com

Overview Of This Exercise :

This exercise focuses on all the muscles on the back and shoulders. This exercise works on the upper muscles and middle back .i.e, rhomboids and traps. This workout targets on the pectoral muscles.

Great Points Of This Exercise :

  • Improvement in the body posture
  • Strength in the upper back

Follow These Steps :

Step 1- Take two dumbbells, each weighing 2.5 kgs
Step 2- Bend your back and knees, pushing out your buttocks
Step 3- Bring down the dumbbells until your knees and slowly sideways stretch your hands out

Points To Be Noted :

  1. Spread your hands well so that you do not lose on the effectiveness of the exercise
  2. Keep your body in the same position

No of times to do this exercise :

  • One must do at least 5 sets ten times each.

3. Chicken Wings

Chicken Wings
ImageSource: www.skinnymom.com

Overview of this Exercise :

This is a good weight lifting exercise known as chicken wings. This predominantly supports and works wonders on your arms.

Great Points Of This Exercise :

  • To make your back flexible
  • To add strength to your arms

Follow these steps :

Step 1- Hold your dumbbells and place your hands in a 180-degree angle right beside each other
Step 2- Spread your hands across and bring it back close to your chest.

Points to be Noted :

  1. While spreading your hands, spread your hands in a 90-degree angle as wide as you can
  2. Position your hands beside each other in one line

No of Times to Do This Exercise

  • One can do 4 sets and 10 reps each.

Exercises For Toning Up Your Arms

1. Tricep Push Ups

Tricep Push Ups
Overview Of This Exercise

Tricep Pushups are kingpins for your chest and arms, this exercise focuses on your deltoids, traps and pecs. This pushing exercise will help you balance your upper body and lose fat in your arms.

Great Points Of This Exercise

  • Helps in building muscle strength in your arms
  • Strengthens your shoulders, arms, wrists and makes your upper body as strong as possible

Steps To Do This Exercise

Step 1- Lie down on the floor with your body straight and your palms placed on the floor
Step 2- Exhaling, bend your body close to the floor without placing your chest on the floor
Step 3- Inhaling, balancing the weight of your body on your hands bring your body up and keep your hands straight, remain in this position for about 5 seconds

Repeat this procedure for one rep.

Points to be noted

This exercise to tone up your arms will be the most effective if you keep your hands straight while you come up.

No of times to do this exercise

  • One can do 3 sets with 8 reps each.

2. Overhead Triceps

Over head Triceps
ImageSource: www.watsons.com.ph

Overview of this exercise

Overhead triceps works well on your biceps, triceps, arms, shoulders and joints. It is a hardcore arm exercise exclusively for your arms and upper body.

Great points of this exercise

  • Keeps you shoulder joint firm
  • Increased energy in the shoulder and elbow
  • Strengthens muscles of your upper arm
  • If you are a sports person it is an added advantage because there is increased strength in your arms

Steps to do this exercise

Step 1- Pick a dumbbell weighing 2.5kgs
Step 2- Lift the dumbbell up and keep your hand straight in a 90-degree angle
Step 3- Let the position of your arm from your shoulder until the elbow be fixed
Step 4- Beyond your elbow, bring down your hand right behind your head in a position that the dumbbell is right behind your head in the same line

Repeat this process of bringing your hand up and down with both your hands.

Points to be noted :

  1. You will feel the strain in your triceps and this makes the workout effective.
  2. Do not bend your hand too much down when you take it behind.

No of times to do this exercise

  • For each hand, do 3 sets with 10 reps each.

3. Child Pose

Child Pose
ImageSource: www.bookyogaretreats.com

Overview of this exercise :

Child Pose is a form of exercise that gives you immense strength to bear pain in the body. It is a muscle stretching exercise that emphasizes on the lower part of your body. Here your thighs, ankles and hips are given importance.

Great points to do this exercise :

  • Enables in relaxing your muscles
  • Eliminates stress and fatigue

Steps to do this exercise :

Step 1- Spread your legs slightly apart and sit on your knees.
Step 2- Bend forward with your hands stretched out. In a way that your palms are on the floor and your forehead touching the ground.
Step 3- Stay in this position for a few minutes with your body well stretched

Points to be noted:

  1. Keep your body straight while you stretch it forward
  2. When you stretch down on the floor, keep yourself relaxed
  3. While you come up, slowly come up with your hands stretched

No of times to do this exercise :

You will do this exercise only once and stay in this position for 4 minutes.

4. Chair Dips

Chair Dips
Overview of this exercise :

In this exercise, you are moving your entire body while your hands are stationed at one place. The intention to do this exercise is to strengthen your upper body and tone up your arms, shoulders, triceps and give your body all the strength and flexibility

Great point of this exercise :

  1. Adds strength to your body
  2. Develops your upper body

Steps to do this exercise :

Step 1- Sit on a chair with your hands straight and hold the chair behind your back
Step 2- Spread your legs and remain seated
Step 3- Once you have held the chair with your legs apart, come to the edge of the chair
Step 4- Go down and come up with your hands in the same position, do not bend your arms

Points to be noted :

  1. While you are going down do not sit on the ground, stay in a squatted position
  2. Do not bend your hands, keep them straight

No of times to do this exercise :

  • Do 3 sets and 10 times each.

5. Lat Pull Down

Lat Pull Down
ImageSource: www.pinosy.com

Overview of this exercise :

This exercise is made to strengthen the largest muscles in our body known as lats or latissimus. This exercise has pull up’s as well. In Lat pull down, you are holding a cable or a rod and there is a certain amount of weight that you are pulling down.

Great points of this exercise :

  • Boosts strength in the upper body
  • Takes care of the health of your shoulder and arms
  • Makes your elbow rotation flexible

This exercise will strengthen your hands and upper body so much that you will find it easy to carry weights.

Steps to do this exercise :

Step 1- Sit in a comfortable position, open up your rib cage and keep your back straight
Step 2- Spread your hands as per the width of your shoulder and hold the iron bar
Step 3- Pull the bar down until your stomach
Step 4- Push up the bar in the same position

Points to be noted :

  • Ensure to keep your shoulders and back straight and pulled down
  • Get a good grip over the iron bar by holding the iron bar with your thumb and fingers
  • Spread out your hand only until the width of the shoulders

No of times to do this exercise:

You will do 3 sets and 10 times each

Exercises for toning up your waist

1. Donkey Kicks

Donkey Kicks
ImageSource: www.pinosy.com

Overview of this exercise :

This exercise aims at strengthening and making your buttocks firm and toned up. This happens with the help of the glutes. This exercise has its effects on your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, hips and core.

Great points of this exercise :

  • You can burn about 20-120 calories this exercise is equal to running for fifteen minutes
  • It makes your glutes flexible

Steps to do this exercise :

Step 1- Sit on your knees with your palms on the floor
Step 2- Keep your back and spine straight and make yourself comfortable in the right posture
Step 3- Let your toes touch the ground and your heels and sole up in the air
Step 4- Kick your leg up by squeezing your glutes and bring it down without touching the knee on the ground

Repeat the same procedure with both your legs.

Points to be noted:

Do not kick your legs too high in the air

No of times to do this exercise :

One can do this exercise in 3 sets and 15 times each.

2. Planks With Side Steps

Planks With Side Steps
ImageSource: www.bhagyashreeonline.com

Overview of this exercise

This exercise focuses on your quadriceps, hamstrings, maximus and abdominal muscles. Usually, planks work well to help you gain inner strength and make up for your abs. This plank is good for your hips as you are stretching on your sides.

Great points of this exercise :

  • Your posture improves
  • You get a better balance in your body

Steps to do this exercise :

Step 1- Lied down flat on your stomach
Step 2- Lift your body up and balance your body on your elbows
Step 3- Stay in the plank position for a while
Step 4- Stretch out your legs on either side and bring them back remaining in the planking position

Repeat this procedure with both your legs.

Points to be noted :

The more you stretch your leg out the better it will work on your hips

No of times to do this exercise :

Stretch and remain in that position for at least 40 seconds. Over time you should work on increasing the no of minutes you stay in that position.

3. Hip Raises

Hip Raises
ImageSource: www.nutrisystem.com

Overview of this exercise :

The hip raises exercise works on your glutes and hamstrings. Apart from this, it also focuses on your hip and lower back. In this exercise you will feel the stretch and stiffness in your thighs.

Great points of this exercise :

  • Makes your strength better
  • Makes your hips flexible

Steps to do this exercise :

Step 1- Lie down flat on your back with your legs spread apart and palms touching the ground.
Step 2- Fold your legs and see to it that there is a gap between your heels and buttocks.
Step 3- Push your body up in a way that your lower back and buttocks are raised above the ground.

Points to be noted :

Lift your body up as much as you can and stay in that position for as long as you can as the effectiveness of this exercise lies in how long you stay up there with your body lifted.

No of times to do this exercise :

Do this exercise in 3 sets and 10 times each.

Exercises to Build Massive Legs

Video Source:

Exercises to tone up your stomach

Video Source:

Quick helpful tips before, during and after exercise

Do not eat meals right before you begin your workout. Eat your meals 2-3 hours before you begin your workout.

It is essential to sip little water while you are exercising because you are losing water from your body through sweat and there are chances of getting dehydrated. Ensure to sip water slowly during your workout.

Consider having a meal post workout after giving a time gap of at least 30 minutes and try to eat food rich in proteins as it nourishes your muscles after its stringent wear and tear.

The best way to examine if your body has got toned or not is by working around to tone up every part of your body, it does not make it all when you just do certain exercises for the sake of doing them.

You can confidently say that your body is well toned when the excessive fats on your body disappear and there is no trace of being out of shape.

You must know the intricacies of an exercise before you begin to do it, learn about its benefits and understand what is the exercise focusing on. Besides this, you should keenly observe if you are doing it the right way. When you are exercising the wrong way every day, you are losing on the effectiveness of the exercise.

Whether you exercise or not, to keep yourself well-maintained and fit you must indulge in physical activity for 45 minutes every day.