How To Make Oolong Tea for Weight Loss


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Oolong Tea
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Oolong tea speaks to just 2% of the world’s tea, yet it’s well-worth finding. It consolidates the characteristics of dull and green teas, giving it a few intriguing medical advantages. For instance, Oolong tea might support digestion, help for weight loss and decrease pressure, helping you feel incredible every day.

This article discloses all that you have to think about oolong tea and its weight loss advantages.

What is Oolong tea?

Not at all like dark tea, which is completely oxidized with profound dark leaves, oolong tea is halfway oxidant. A less known kind of tea, oolong tea is produced using the leaves a plant called Camellia sinensis, it is also a plant used to make dark and green tea. The distinction is in how the Oolong tea leaves are prepared. Oolong tea is a Chinese traditional tea. You can add flavors to this tea like honey or any fruit (sweet).

FYI: In Chinese Oolong tea is called Qingcha which could literally mean crow-dragon in English.

Is Oolong Tea Good For You?

Medical advantages of oolong tea incorporate its capacity to decrease endless well-being conditions, for example, heart illnesses, fiery disarranges, and elevated cholesterol levels while giving fundamental cancer prevention agents and advancing predominant bone structure, strong skin, and great dental well-being. Oolong tea is fragrant with a wonderful smell and has a fruity flavor. Regardless of its caffeine content, it is as yet an unwinding drink…

Medical perks of oolong tea are multiplied in light of the joined characteristics of dark tea and green tea. As indicated by the Tea Association of the United States, this tea falls somewhere close to green and dark teas, as its leaves are somewhat oxidized. There are various sorts of tea in this world, yet oolong tea is a standout amongst the most advantageous.

Let’s see how Oolong tea can be usedā€¦

Oolong Tea
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Why Oolong Tea For Weight Loss?

As mentioned earlier, Oolong tea not only helps for weight loss but it also has a lot of other health benefits.

Let’s be preciseā€¦

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  1. This tea helps to reduce weight quickly and also to keep it off for a lifetime.
  2. This tea helps to decrease our hunger levels by 36 percent, which means small appetite.
  3. Oolong tea reduces the cholesterol level in the body by 29 percent.
  4. It helps to increase our energy and relieves any pain.
  5. This tea helps to prevent obesity though you have a high-fat diet.
  6. It helps to regularize the sugar levels.
  7. This tea helps to lower your sugar cravings.
  8. It tastes great!
  9. Oolong tea helps to build up your immune system.
  10. It helps to maintain a healthy heart.
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How Does Oolong Tea Help With Lose weight?

A Chinese report, of 102 females demonstrated that non-stop utilization of oolong tea for a month and a half helped them to lose weight.

But why would you believe that blindly?

The caffeine in oolong tea is similarly as vital for expanding weight reduction as the tannin content. An examination distributed in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that tea containing the two catechins and caffeine brought about more weight loss than devouring either catechins or caffeine alone. These two substances may cooperate to help expand your digestion and the measure of fat you consume while keeping up fit body weight, as per an audit article distributed in Physiology and Behavior, so decaffeinated adaptations of oolong tea may not be as useful for weight loss as standard oolong tea.

How to Make Oolong Tea For Weight Loss?

Here is the perfect recipe which will guide you on how to prepare oolong tea which helps for weight loss.

1. Oolong Tea Leaves

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  • 1 tbsp Oolong tea leaves
  • 1 cup water

How to Make it:

  1. Take some water in a pan and boil it.
  2. Empty the water into a container.
  3. Take a steeper and pour the oolong tea leaves to it.
  4. Place it on the container with high temp water and let the leaves soak for 5 minutes.

2. Oolong Tea Powder

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  • Oolong Tea Powder ā€“ 1 Tsp
  • Heated Water ā€“ 1 glass

How To Make It:

  1. Take some high temp water and the oolong tea powder to it.
  2. Give it a chance to soak for 5 to 7 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea and taste it gradually.

3. Oolong Tea Bag

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  • Oolong Tea Bag ā€“ 1
  • Boiling Water ā€“ 1 container

How To Make It:

  1. Take some high temp water and dunk the oolong tea pack into it.
  2. Cover it with a saucer and let it soak for 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. Take out the tea sack and devour the oolong tea.

After completing this process successfully, your oolong tea is ready to drinkā€¦

How Much Oolong Tea To Drink For Weight Loss?

There one inquiry emerges that what number some oolong tea a day? Here is the appropriate response, some oolong tea every day is really critical for perfect weight reduction.

Subsequently, when to devour oolong tea infers expending oolong tea two times day by day that is one time early in the day hours and one time amidst the evening latte will be impressively more useful for the great vitality and taste that keep the greater part of the extra undesirable calories appropriate from some other beverage.

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How Often to Drink Oolong Tea?

Oolong tea must be taken twice every day to watch impacts on general body weight and advancing weight reduction. However, one ought to guarantee that the utilization isn’t excessively as that can cause unfavorable impacts.

As oolong tea contains a decent measure of caffeine, the utilization of a lot of oolong tea may make gentle genuine reactions like retching, looseness of the bowels, unsteadiness, anxiety, rest issues, sporadic pulse, migraine, resentful stomach, and so forth.

Likewise, oolong tea additionally contains characteristic fluorides. Henceforth, overconsumption ought to be maintained a strategic distance from as it can build the fluoride content in the body and cause skeletal fluorosis.

When To Drink Oolong Tea for Weight Loss?

  1. Expand Oolong tea toward the beginning of the day with breakfast.
  2. Oolong tea can likewise be expended 30 minutes before lunch or supper.
  3. You can devour Oolong tea with your night nibble.
  4. To improve comes about, you should purchase a decent quality Oolong tea.

Other Oolong Tea Benefits:

1. Decreases the Risk of Heart Disease

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Oolong tea acts prior during the time spent for the advancement of Coronary artery disease (R) by diminishing the danger of dyslipidemia, the underlying rise of plasma cholesterol. Patients expending in excess of 600 milliliters of oolong tea every day found the most diminished hazard, with a drop in general cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides level for all patients devouring oolong tea consistently.

2. Brings Down Risk of Cancer

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Oolong tea benefits your hazard for specific diseases, including ovarian and pancreatic tumor (R) (in spite of the fact that the pancreatic malignancy chance has been for the most part articulated in the elderly and Chinese populaces). Oolong tea additionally appears to affect halting the development of melanoma.

3. Lessen Inflammation

When you can bring down constant irritation by modifying your eating routine, you stand a greatly improved shot of keeping a wide range of illnesses. That is one reason the cell reinforcements found in oolong tea are so imperative. Oolong tea benefits particular aggravation making qualities and signs them to diminish irritation (R).

4. Backing a Healthy Brain

Psychological capacity is influenced in both the short and long haul by expending oolong tea. A benefit of drinking oolong tea, which contains both caffeine and L-theanine, supplements are known for their effect on mind work, associates with a stamped increment in visual data handling, consideration levels, sharpness and smoothness inside the principal hour of devouring the refreshment.

5. Averts Bone Loss

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When ladies experience menopause, one awful however normal issue, they’re left with is a consistent debilitating of the bones that prompt conditions like joint pain or osteoporosis. While the reasons for what reason aren’t completely clear, it appears that drinking oolong tea benefits ladies who have encountered menopause keep up the high bone thickness.

6. Brings down the Appearance of Eczema

Drinking oolong tea three times every day benefits the presence of skin, inflammation following one to two weeks. Five months in the wake of not drinking oolong tea, over a portion of the members still had the same diminished skin condition. Scientists contribute this impact to the counter allergenic cell reinforcements found in the tea.

7. A Good Night Sleep

Drinking oolong tea, you are preparing your body for a tranquil night of rest. Oolong tea benefits are clear. Deliberately tasting oolong tea before sleep time will be an interest in your rest and your eating regimen. Weight reduction and great rest are among the numerous amazing oolong tea benefits.

8. Advances Hair Health


A few specialists say that benefits of oolong tea can avoid male pattern baldness. Washing your hair with the tea may likewise anticipate male pattern baldness.

Oolong tea can likewise diminish your tresses and make them shinier.

9. Helps To Process

Oolong can benefits the process for those not delicate to caffeine. The tea alkalizes the stomach related tract, lessening irritation in those with indigestion and ulcer issues. Since it is somewhat germicide, oolong tea can clear terrible microscopic organisms from your gut. It’s quiet, the smooth flavor can relieve the stomach when expended hot.

10. Enhances Mood

Oolong tea can benefit your mood, and even mitigate visit dejection after customary utilization. Studies directed in Japan have demonstrated that misery levels were brought up down to 20% percent in members who started drinking some oolong tea for every day. Not exclusively does it help with discouragement, it can likewise expand center and fixation.

What Are The Side Effects Of Oolong Tea?

It is important for us to know what is good and bad for us, letā€™s know what are the side effects of Oolong tea –

  1. Pregnant ladies should constrain themselves to not more than 3 cups of Oolong tea daily since overabundance caffeine can cause side effects, for example, untimely birth and low birth weight.
  2. For individuals with lack of iron, drinking tea can meddle with the body’s retention of iron.
  3. It might associate with the medication you take, for example, hypertension meds and blood diminishing prescriptions.
  4. Drinking oolong tea side effects may intensify pallor, since it might weaken patients’ iron digestion.
  5. Oolong tea side effects contains oxalates, which may prompt kidney stone and exasperate your condition of disease.

Types of Oolong Tea For Weight Loss

1. Fujian

Tea generation in Fujian is amassed in two locales: the Wuyi Mountains and Anxi County. Both are major recorded focuses of oolong tea generation in China.

This type of Oolong tea is acclaimed and costly made in Wuyi mountain.

2. Guangdong

This type of Oolong has turned into a bland term for all Phoenix Mountain oolongs. A group of strip-style oolong teas from Guangdong Province. Dancong teas are noted for their capacity to normally impersonate the flavors and aromas of different blooms and organic products.

3. Taiwan

The diverse climate designs, temperatures, elevations, and soil at last outcome in contrasts in appearance, smell, and kind of the tea developed in Taiwan. In some rugged zones, this type of oolong teas have been developed at ever higher heights to create a novel sweet taste that gets a top notch cost.

Where To Buy Oolong Tea?

Oolong tea is easily available in most of the supermarkets but selecting the best brand of oolong tea for the best result is a question.

Here are few best oolong tea brands for weight loss available in the marketā€¦

1. Bigelow Oolong Tea

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2. China Fujian Oolong Tea

3. Foojoy Wuyi Oolong Tea

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4. Prince Of Peace Oolong Tea

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5. Organic Oolong Tea

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6. Twinings China Oolong Tea

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7. Golden Tips Oolong Tea

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8. Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea

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9. The Tao Of Tea Black Dragon Oolong Tea

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10. Ceylon Organic Oolong Tea

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11. Stash Oolong Tea

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Oolong Tea Nutrition

Few of us want to know about everything that goes inside our body, here is oolong tea nutrition facts for thoseā€¦

Oolong tea 100 grams
water 99.84 g
starch 0.15 g
calories 1
powder 0.02 g
niacin 0.06 mg
manganese 0.21
sodium 3 mg
potassium 12 mg
magnesium 1 mg
zinc 0.01 mg
phosphorus 1 mg
calcium 1 mg

Oolong Tea

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Oolong tea may not be also known as green or dark tea, however it has comparable medical benefits. These incorporate benefits for heart, mind, bone and dental wellbeing.

Oolong tea might support your digestion, diminish your danger of creating compose 2 diabetes and ensure against specific kinds of disease. Toward the day’s end, oolong tea is an extraordinarily solid and top notch expansion to your way of life.