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Go find your your sacred space”
Spiritual awakening is a reflection and enlightenment of self on various facets of life and living. Beyond the powers of the world and ahead of our own ideologies; spiritual awakening brings you a deeper connection with self and the forces around. Your true self arises and you are a part of something beyond the worldly boundaries. People who have experienced spiritual awakening are a part of much larger context and have seen divine healing powers and their impact. For the material world and pleasures of life, this spiritual awakening may sound vague. But for those who have experienced; it is the self realization over and above the ignorant lives people have been leading.
Spiritual awakening signs you must be aware of:
Signs of awakening which make you understand that you have an altogether different level of consciousness, are difficult to generalize. It actually is a state of wakefulness with a distinct psychological setting. The intensity of spiritual awakening is different for different people thus the signs of awakening are also varied. Some of these spiritual awakening signs which are true for most people are:
1- Awareness of your old negative self:
Your understanding of right and wrong now nears reality. You think of the times with your old self full of negatives, but that is not how you actually perceive life now. You are more and more determined to bring about the happy and positive change is you. You find yourself deep and closer to the truth now. There is a radical feeling of hope and novel momentum that keeps you awake
2- Your ideologies have changed completely:
You no more stand for the things you would appreciate once. All the interesting things from the past no more affect you and you don’t feel the same way for them as you used to. Anything superficial or unreal doesn’t interest you anymore. Authenticity, simplicity and reality is what binds you from the outside world.
3- You are more than ever drawn to inspiration:
Spiritual awakening guides you and inspires you to your best self. The light of awakening draws you to the feeling of eternal bliss and you are constantly up to developing your own into a perfect version of self. You like spending time doing things which help you connect with self and a deeper connection that actually inspires you too. The guiding force is now more prominent for you, and you tend to reflect all what you believe in truly.

4- You crave for giving meaning and purpose to your life:
With spiritual awakening you now wish to find meaning for your life. The mere thought of purpose for life, keeps you constantly in search for something meaningful from your life. Everything seems false until now and you don’t see your life you lived up till, as perfect. The desire to find the true meaning of your life keeps you thoughtful all the time

5- Inner peace and quietness:
You feel a sense of inner peace and tranquility. The inner drama and noise seems to have sobered down and there is absolutely no thought chatter within. This gives you peace of mind and calmness. You no longer wish to think of the unnecessary things in life. This is just like the feeling of mental well being Yoga brings about.
6- Empathy and compassion:
You now feel that you are all the more aware of how other living beings are feeling. You tend to experience what they feel and thus you are more and more compassionate. Every pain and suffering brings you a lot of connection with those experiencing it. You feel their pain and you identify how this suffering impacts the others.

7- Absence of fear of death:
The greatest truth in life is the fear of death. This fundamental fear no more scares you. And you feel more in control of your life. The fear of dying and leaving behind all what you own or have does not harass rather you believe in continuum of life beyond the worldly pleasures. You have an altogether different attitude and understanding of death and life beyond. Spiritual awakening brings you the understanding that life doesnt end with our death. The bodies may be dissolved but your continue further to your journey beyond the realms of the world.
8- High sense of morality:
Spiritual awakening brings a high sense of morality. You tend to be more ethical and responsible towards your own deeds and actions. Your morality helps you to understand the right and wrong. Being just and fair are the sole guiding principals in your life now. And to uphold moral principles you can even break laws and sacrifice your own well being.

9- Enhanced and true relationships:
You no longer be a part of ostentatious relations which are not authentic. Other people may find you selfish post your spiritual awakening, but you no more wish to be a part of those relations which are not true. For people with spiritual awakening, relationship deepens and they are more and more secure from within. All the social interactions are no more self-centered and your focus has now shifted to a larger than life concept.

10- You feel the need to make the world a better place:
The most significant sign of spiritual awakening is that you constantly work for doing your part in building the world into a better place. All you wish for is to create a positive impact on the world. You don’t understand the people who are selfish and no more want them to be apart of your life.
11- Your senses reach an altogether different level of development:
In addition to the 5 senses your spiritual consciousness also comes alive. Intuition, imagination, emotion, conscience and inspiration develop to a much higher level. This works as a compass to guide you through the paths you have chosen for eternal bliss.

Spiritual awakening is your sacred space, where you identify and connect with your true self. Your existence and meaning of life changes as you are beyond the materialistic dimensions of the world. Spirituality is attained when you think beyond the wordly pleasures and are deeply touched by others sufferings.
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