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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersMarriages aren’t easy and when it comes to loyalty and trust, many of us are unfortunate. Getting a divorce is definitely the most painful of any situation a relationship can put us into. There are some reasons for divorce that you must know, maybe being aware could save you from immense pain or prevent you from getting into a feud. There maybe ample causes for divorce but the most unfortunate divorce reasons are those where in either one bears the brunt of the other one’s infidelity or abuses. The biggest reason for divorce as stated legally could be irreconcilable differences. But in actual terms it wont be pointing to the exact fact why couple divorced.
Top reasons for divorce which we must know and be cautious about:
Relationships are never easy, but there is nothing we can do to make them smooth. Falling in love, being asked for a date, having a crush on someone, or finally getting married to your beloved are all extremely mesmerizing events in our lives. No matter how truly madly or deeply were bonded, there would be ample trying times in a marriage which may shook the mere foundation of the marriage. Some rise above them while others succumb to these and end up getting divorced. Let us look at some top causes of divorce:
1- Infidelity:

Infidelity is probably the biggest reason for divorce. Be it mutual anger, sexual dissatisfaction or desire for others; infidelity may begin as mutual admiration and friendship. But slowly it develops beyond the emotional bond, which makes them cheat on their partners. This has become even more apparent with the increasing difficult lives of young adults. The peer pressure, work challenges and inadequate time spent with spouse leads to people cheating on their partners and looking out for more temporary avenues to satiate their desires
2- Lack of communication:

Many couples end up getting divorced just because they did not communicate well. The lack or communication or improper communication drifts the couples apart. Unable to communicate well with your partner can lead you to frustration and an acrimonious relationship. Not able to connect well with your spouse, not giving adequate time to your relationship, not communicating with each other or making nasty comments can all add up to poor communication and finally reason how the marriage ended
3- Constant quarrel:

Sometimes when you get married all you see is a happy and lovable spouse who looks like just the right person for you. But eventually a few months or years later, your ideas begin to fall apart. There are constant quarrels over petty and big issues which make you both begin to dislike each other. There may be differences due to nature or behavior of one of you the two or not meeting the expectations of the other. Bickering about routine chores to who helps the kids it can be anything that begins quarrel between the couples and its a regular activity thus adding up to reasons of divorce
4- Non existent sex life:

Sometimes due to constant stress at work or getting involved in other things, both or either of one the couples may begin losing interest in sex, which is the most important part of being in a marriage. The physical love and expression of interest for each other is what truly helps the couples to have a funfilled and happy sex life. But with times there may be loss of interest or dislike which contributes further to causes of divorce. You have eventually fallen out of love and begin taking interest in other people.
5- Getting married for the wrong reasons:

Marrying for money or power or anything other than love and admiration for each other, can be a reason for divorce. There maybe pressures that led you to marry him or her, but before you say, I do it is very important to weigh in all the reasons why in the first place you wanted to marry this person.
6- Lack of individual identity:

Sometimes marriage may suck up your own personal space. There is an increasing lack of identity and self, that begins to come in the relationship. You may have compromised in the beginning but a happy and healthy marriage needs ample space for own and keeping up your own identity too.
7- Married too soon:

Some couples who separated may not have spent even a few weeks before knowing each other well and ended up getting married. That’s when the problems begin creeping in a marriage. You rushed into marriage for the seemingly fine reasons then but eventually you seem to have landed in a soup. This leads to many of those reasons for divorce which are meant to happen. Choose your better half with open minds and give ample time to the relationship to be sure about getting into the marital bond
8- Financial issues:

Money and financial matters often lead upto divorce of people. No matter how much you love each other but money is a necessity which needs to be fulfilled. If there are money concerns there are high chances the couples would split. Money is one of the biggest reason for divorce. Spending, saving, investments, buying a home or a car all of these add up to finances and budgeting and often couples have difference of opinion over these issues. Specially after having a child of these important financial concerns seems to take precedence over and above everything else.
9- Alcohol and drugs:

Substance abuse is also one of the top causes of divorce. If either or both couples are involved in some sort of stimulants and are addicted to the level of causing damage to others. This results in differences and eventually divorce. Substance dependence makes an individual lose their own will and they tend to get hyper or traumatized which impacts relationships greatly.
10- Parenting style differences:

We all have seen the rather ugly spat between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and it is apparent that their separation was a result of parenting style differences. Some people want to play the role of an authoritarian ruling everything that happens in a child’s life. While others like it submissive way. But when these parenting styles begin to cause differences between the couples it gets difficult to lead a happy married life. This eventually causes divorce between couples.
Some shocking reasons for divorce statistics:

Check out the below reasons for divorce statistics which are shocking as well as informative:
- 41 percent of first marriages end up in divorce.
- 60 percent of second marriages end up in divorce.
- 73 percent of third marriages end up in divorce.
- In America, there is one divorce approximately every 36 seconds
- The average length of a marriage that ends in divorce is eight years.
- The average age for couples going through their first divorce is 30 years.
- Two thirds of divorce cases are filed by women
- Couples with children are less like to get divorce, but with twins it increases
- Living together prior to marriage can increase the chances of divorce by 40 %
- Risk of divorce decreases when your parents are happily married or you have attended college.
There are so many top reasons for divorce but it is difficult to understand why couple divorced. Biggest reason for divorce is infidelity and lack of communication. Read facts about why people get divorced and save yourself from the plight by being observant