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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersSlow cookers have made healthy eating so much simpler and delicious. Be it our favorite grains or vegetables, everything out of a crock pot is crispy and juicy in its naturally exotic taste. From casseroles to lasagna, from soups to salads you name it and we have a recipe for easy cooking. For those who wish for fresh produce and healthier foods in all their meals, slow cooker recipes are your go to guide. It may look a lot of work, but trust when we say, its quicker and simpler than going out to your favorite eating joint, ordering from the menu and waiting impatiently until the meal arrives. And all of this with so much health and nutrition. Well, all i think of is how badly i needed this in my daily natural habitat endeavors.
Quick and healthy slow cooker recipes to try in crock pot:
When it comes to health and wellness of our family we strive hard to get everything nutritious and despite all our efforts we end up cooking them in quick ways. Which makes the food lose on some of its nutrients and health benefits too. Check some quick slow cooker recipes which are healthy and tasty too:
1- Slow cooker oats with loads of vegetables:

When you need a quick fix breakfast and dont wish to surrender the early morning sleep, well this slow cooker oat is your friend. Just dash the ingredients in a crock pot at night and get up to a tasty and healthy breakfast. Just put steel cut oats, butter, apple, water, raisins, cinnamon, brown sugar and vanilla extract in crock pot. Stir them all well until sugar dissolves and cover the cooker to time it for slow cooking 7-8 hours for textures and juicy oats. You may also add vegetables to it
2- Slow cooker beans with ham:

A hearty healthy meal for your weekend lunches or dinner, when you need some extra dose. Nutrient packed and rich with proteins this is heavier for the proper meal. Add beans, onion powder, ham, parsley, garlic, salt, sugar, pepper and some water until it all dips. Now cover the slow cooker and time it for cooking 12 hours straight. Here is your hearty meal ready power packed with health and taste
3- Butternut squash and white bean soup:

An appetizing and nutritious soup with amazing rich flavors. Add squash, white bean and chick pea in crock pot and fill with adequate water. Keep it times for 6-7 hours and put vegetables in it if you like. Sprinkles some salt and pepper also brown sugar if you like. A great soup is prepared in a few hours, while you enjoy proceeding with your days routine
4- Chicken herbed and set with brussels and beets:

This is probably the most healthy preparation which you wont regret for the simple reason it is easy and power packed with health. Just put all the ingredients from chicken, herbs, brussels sprouts and beets in addition to salt, pepper and brown sugar. Time it for 10 hours and your hearty meal is ready
5- Slow cooker steak salad:

Salad and slow cooker may not sound familiar but trust when we say its the richest and the most delicious preparation you can ever see. All the ingredients keep their juicy exotic flavors intact and there is not ruining of the health aspect in the foods. Just put all vegetables you like in crock pot and steak. Add seasoning and lemon juice. Now time it for 6-7 hours for a heart salad preparation
6- Slow cooker bolognese and zucchini noodles:

Nothing can ever match the taste and richness of freshly prepared spaghetti. Spiralize zucchini noodles and get bolognese in addition to sauces and vegetables. Put them along with butter and seasonings. Time the crock pot for 6 hours and your hearty and healthy delight is ready.
7- Slow cooker spinach Quiche:

The taste and richness of this preparation is sure to scintillate you. Grease crock pot with butter and wash the spinach and pat them dry. Heat butter and add pepper mushrooms and other vegetables like onion and tomato. Now add eggs sour cream and salt pepper in a separate bowl. Then add grated cheese and in another bow mix almond flour and baking soda. Now put this thick dough like preparation into the other bowl and mix them. Pour this all in the crock pot and time for 7-8 hours. Your hearty and healthy quiche is ready in such an easy way
The above compilation on Healthy slow cooker recipes to try in your crock pot, is to help you prepare the most nutritious and delicious meals in an easy and effortless manner. Why worrying about waking up, missing the siesta or losing on your me-time when cooking is not just clinging on to your burner or oven for hours.
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