5 Easy Traditional Christmas Cookie Recipes


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Traditional Christmas Cookie
Image Source: cf.sweetsugarbelle.com

Bring on the cookies as the festival fervor has already set in. Sweet treats make up for the awesome part of holiday memories, specially the cookies. Shaped to delight, flavored to perfection and designed to satiate every palate in utmost ways. On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me….some sugar cookies baked and a jar of no bake peanut butter cookies. Well the jingles and the Christmas carol’s in addition to baked delights and cookies of delicate flavors and relishing textures; that’s how Christmas Celebration with family goes. Let Santa bring in the other delights, we will prepare the sweet treats on our own. Look at some easy traditional Christmas Cookie recipes.

Top 5 Traditional Christmas Cookies:

Christmas and cookies go hand in hand, the baked to perfection flavors, the exotic textures and the richness of the sweet additions, makes up for a wonderful celebration.. Let us look as some exotic and delightful traditional Christmas Cookies:

1- Sugar cookies with extra sparkle of sugar:

Sugar cookies with extra sparkle of sugar
Image Source: www.pinterest.com

Sugar cookies are the favorite for every child. And they look festive in themselves. These can be shaped brilliantly and are tempting to even look at.

Ingredients needed for sugar cookies:

  • 1 cup sweet cream butter melted
  • 1 cup sugar (granulated)
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1.5 teaspoon almond extract
  • 2.5 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • For frosting: 5 tablespoon butter, 3 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 4 tablespoon whole milk, food coloring, edible glitter, colored sugar and frosting bits


  • Take a large mixing bowl
  • Add sugar and butter, whisk well, now add egg and beat until froths
  • Add flour and salt, then mix well to make smooth dough without lumps
  • Pre-heat oven to 375F and roll small pieces of dough
    Use cookie cutter to shape them out and put in the oven
    Bake for 5-7 minutes until golden brown
  • Now take them out and keep aside to cool
  • Take all ingredients for frosting and beat them well
  • Spread this over the cookies and sprinkle glittering sugar crystals for garnishing.

2- Gingerbread Men cookies:

Gingerbread Men cookies
Image Source: bekicookscakesblog.blogspot.com

Gingerbread Men cookies are completely exotic and rich with flavors. The aroma makes these cookies delicious and festive. These are specially loved by kids for the wonderful shape and delightful decoration

Ingredients needed for gingerbread men cookies:

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 cup sweet cream butter melted
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ginger, ground
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon, ground
  • 1/2 cup molasses
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tea-spoon baking soda
  • Ground nutmeg for flavor
  • Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
  • Pinch of salt


  • Take a large mixing bowl and add flour, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda, salt and whisk well
  • Now take a small bowl and add brown sugar and melted butter cream to mix it well up to frothing
  • Add this to the large mixing bowl
  • Now put molasses, egg and vanilla extract in a separate bowl and beat them well
  • Slowly add this solution to the flour mixture and stir well so it does not lump in the dough
  • Pre-heat oven to 350F
  • Roll small parts of the dough and cut them to shape like a gingerbread man
  • Put in the oven and bake 8 minutes until golden brown in color
  • Decorate them with frosting or icing for eyes, nose and clothes of the gingerbread man
  • Store them in airtight jar

3- No Bake cookies:

No bake cookies are simply the most enticing addition or your holiday celebration. These are easy and super quick, with relishing taste. Get holiday ready with these classic no bake cookies:

  • No Bake coconut lime drops:
No Bake coconut lime drops
Image Source: stephiecooks.com

These tender sugar sprinkled sweetness are crumbly and easy to make. The tangy lemon zest and the rich coconut flavors make this an exotic holiday treat

  • No Bake chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookies:
No Bake chocolate peanut butter
Image Source: littlechefbigappetite.com

The quickest preparation for your holiday feast, this cookie is oozing with three different flavors of chocolate, peanut butter and oatmeal. Mixing them all to suit the rich flavors and wonderful holiday treat is simply a 10 minute hands on task

  • No Bake Chocolaty peanut butter pretzels:
No Bake Chocolaty peanut butter pretzels
Image Source: www.dinnerwithjulie.com

Just spread a generous portion of peanut butter on pretzels and wrap some more pretzels to make sandwiches. Now drizzle melted chocolate on it and freeze to settle them down. Your exciting and quick cookie treat for Christmas is ready

4- Chocolate Snowballs:

Chocolate Snowballs
Image Source: www.pinterest.com

A weather appropriate cookie with delicate flavors and guilty sweet richness. This is easy to prepare and happens to be a favorite for all kids


  • Sweet cream butter
  • Sugar and salt
  • Egg
  • Flour
  • Vanilla extract
  • Pecan, walnut and other nuts of your choice
  • Chocolate chips


  • Take a large bowl and mix butter, sugar and alt until creamy
  • Beat egg and vanilla and mix it to the large bowl
  • Add nuts and pecans and mix well
  • Shape the dough into small cookie pieces and put on baking tray
  • Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown in color
  • Now roll these warm cookies in confectioners sugar generously
  • Let it cool down and store in airtight container

5- Some more popular traditional Christmas Cookies with historical significance include:

  • Bredela: A Christmas cookie from France
  • Krumkake: Traditional Christmas Cookies from Norway. Baked over open fire, these are water thin cookies.
  • Moravian Cookies which are pyramids of cookies
popular traditional Christmas Cookies
Image Source: thebearfootbaker.com

The above compilation on 5 Easy Traditional Christmas Cookie Recipes is to share the festival fervor and sweetness of these delicacies which have added glory to our holiday season. A snowy winter night, jingles and carols all around, Christmas trees gleaming and sparkling, families gathered to feast with some of the most delicious treats; wishing everyone a very happy and delicious Christmas.

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