What are hormonal acne and pimples on face


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hormonal acne and pimples
Image source: dailyhealthpost.com

Hormonal acne are the pimples on face which are caused by fluctuations of hormones in our body. Though mostly hormonal acne affect during puberty, menopause and pregnancy when the hormones are continually fluctuating. Hormonal acne on face are very common in women. Around 50% of women in age 20-29 have hormonal acne and around 25% women in age 40-49. There are several natural and home remedies for severe acne treatment

What is hormonal acne:

What is hormonal acne
Image source: Pinterest

Hormonal acne are the spots, zits or pimples on face which are very common. It generally affects the upper trunk and face also involves the base of hair. The lesions of skin formed during acne include comedones at the base of hair which can be open or close plugs. Some types of lesions formed in hormonal acne are papules, pustules, cysts and nodules. Hormonal acne symptoms are cysts and spots on the skin specially face and torso. Using acne home remedies can help in curing them. Best acne medication is preventive and natural remedies at home.

Testosterone levels rise up during puberty which gives muscle and bone strength in girls. This hormone also produces increased sebum at the base of hair. This is because the sebum glands are sensitive to testosterone.

Hormonal acne
Image source: lethow.com

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What causes pimples to form in acne:

Acne lesions can be formed by a number of causes. Skin acne is mainly due to hormonal imbalances in our body and there are several home remedies for cystic acne treatment. There are 4 main causes of pimples which involve units at base of hair in skin:

1- During puberty the production of testosterone hormone triggers. This causes the skin to become oily and greasy as it increases sebum production on our skin. Sebum is the oily substance secreted by base of hairs to lubricate and protect the skin

2- Hair follicles get clogged and blocked thus resulting into comedones or clogged pores. Over production of skin cells makes them pushed up and also they are lost from skin surface which worsens this process further

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3- Comedones get worse by bacterial infection.

4- Immune system reacts with the bacteria causing skin inflammations. Blackheads, whiteheads are simple comedones and are not inflammatory in nature but pimples like papules, postules, cysts and nodules are all inflamed.

skin inflammations
Image source: womencraze.com

Acne can be from mild to severe and it affects the self-esteem a great deal. They can be painful and distressing too. Hormonal acne is not caused by poor hygiene, chocolate or oily foods, masturbation or sex.

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How to treat hormonal acne naturally:

Hormonal acne treatment at home with natural remedies is an inexpensive and yet effective one. Be sure to check with your dermatologist before opting for any home remedy as there may be specific allergies too. Some home remedies for acne are:

1- Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is a magic potion for all skin and health ailments. ACV is prepared by unfiltered juice from apples. It has rich anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. ACV also contains acetic acid, lactic acid, citric acid and succinic acid. These organic acids in ACV help in killing P Acnes. ACV also helps in drying excess of oils which trigger acne outbursts


1- Mix ACV and water in 1:4 ratio
2- Using a cotton ball apply this over the infected acne site
3- Let it stay for 5-7 minutes
4- Now wash with lukewarm water
5- Repeat 3 times a day

2- Treat with tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil is an essential oil extracted from a small tree native of Australia. It has rich anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Tea tree oil is just as effective as benzoyl peroxide.


1- Dilute tea tree oil with water in 1:9 ratio.
2- Dip a cotton ball and apply all over at the affected area
3- Keep it on the acne
4- Repeat 1-2 times a day

3- Witch hazel:

Witch hazel is extracted from a hazel shrub. It contains tannins which have strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in healing and reducing the inflammation on acne effectively


1- Add one tablespoon witch hazel and one cup water in a sauce pan
2- Soak this for 30 minutes and then boil it
3- Cover it and cook for at least 15-20 minutes
4- Now shut off the burner and let it cool down for 15 minutes.
5- Now strain and keep in an air tight container
6- Using a small cotton ball apply over the affected area 2-3 times a day

4- Aloe vera:

Aloe Vera is a soothing and rich antibacterial, and anti-viral with anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe Vera gel contains salicylic acid and sulfur which help in treating acne effectively. It also hydrates and cleanses the skin too.


1- Extract fresh aloe vera gel from the leaf
2- Apply on the affected acne area
3- Leave for 15 minutes
4- Now wash off with lukewarm water
5- Repeat 2-3 times a day

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5- Cinnamon and honey mask:

Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties and honey is a natural humectant. They both make a great cure for acne. They both act as antibiotic and have healing properties, which help to cure the acne marks.


1- Mix cinnamon powder and honey in 1:2 ratio
2- Form a thick paste
3- Apply this using your fingers, all over the acne affected areas on face
4- Leave it for 15-20 minutes
5- Now rinse your face with lukewarm water

6- Milk and honey paste:

Despite being a dairy product, milk can drastically reduce the acne outbreaks. Milk or yogurt anything can be sued, they both have antibacterial properties and give complete skin hydration


1- Mix honey and milk in equal quantities
2- Form a thick paste
3- Apply this using your fingers, all over the acne affected areas on face
4- Leave it for 15-20 minutes
5- Now rinse your face with lukewarm water

7- Using egg whites:

Egg whites are rich in proteins and vitamins which help in rebuilding of skin cells. They also absorb excess sebum on skin and help in detoxification of skin.


1- wash your face with water and pat it dry
2- Take 2 egg whites and whisk them until they froth
3- Now apply this froth all over your face and let it stay for 15 minutes
4- Now using warm water wash your face and pat it dry
5- Repeat twice a day

8- Papaya:

Papaya removes dead skin and excess lipids on skin surface. Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which reduces inflammation and prevents the pus from forming. Just apply mashed papaya pulp on the face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water.

9- Orange peel paste:

Orange peel is rich in citrus and anti-inflammatory properties. It also has astringent properties and helps in growth of new skin cells.


1- Take orange peel powder and add water to form a smooth paste
2- Apply this using your fingers, all over the acne affected areas on face
4- Leave it for 15-20 minutes
5- Now rinse your face with lukewarm water

10- Banana peel:

Banana peel is rich in potassium and an extremely powerful antioxidant called lutein. This lutein helps in reducing swelling and inflammation also encouraging healthy cell growth. Just rubbing a banana peel on the face reduces pain, discomfort and redness of acne

11- Baking soda:

Baking soda has rich antiseptic properties in addition to anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It helps in richer skin exfoliation and also absorbs excess sebum. Just dab some baking soda mixed with water on the acne and leave for 5 minutes. Then wash it with lukewarm water and repeat 2-3 times a day

12- Lemon juice:

Lemon juice is rich in citric acid, and has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and healing properties. It also is a rich astringent thus helps in curing acne well. As an astringent it helps in contraction of skin tissues and thus drying out the blemish. Being a natural skin bleach it reduces the redness and swelling too. Just apply lemon juice to the pimple affected area and leave for 15 minutes. You may also add yogurt for additional benefits. Now wash with lukewarm water

13- Garlic:

Garlic is a rich herb with antibacterial properties. It helps in reducing the pain, swelling and redness and also cures the acne too. Just mix garlic juice in water and make a dilute paste. Apply over the acne and leave for 10 minutes. Now wash with lukewarm water

14- Potato:

Potatoes are oozing with potassium, sulfur, phosphorous and chloride. Potato also has anti-oxidants which nourish our skin and encourage healthy growth of new cells. Just rub a slice of potato on the acne site and leave for 15 minutes. Now wash with lukewarm water and repeat 3 times a day

15- Sugar scrub:

Sugar helps on exfoliation of skin thus getting rid of clogged pores. Just mix with honey or lemon juice and apply on face and rub it gently as scrubbing. Now leave for 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.

How to balance hormones for clear skin:

Wondering how to cure hormonal acne, well we have everything here from hormonal acne diet to vitamins for hormonal acne which help in curing and preventing further acne. Some tips for people with acne are:

1- Use mild soaps and body wash
2- Never use hot water, just lukewarm or cold water
3- Gentle daily washing must be done to prevent any further infection
4- Do not use harsh and exfoliating scrubs as it may cause wound or injury
5- Do not scrap, pick or scrub pimples as it may leave a permanent scar on the site.
6- Avoid chemical based cosmetics and pick water based instead

Popular myths about acne:

Hormonal acne is considered to break due to ample reasons but most of these are myths. Not everything that is told is correct. Some myths about acne which are not true include:

1- Greasy and oily food or chocolates can trigger acne outbreak
2- Acne is caused by dirty skin and unhygienic habits
3- Stress can also cause acne
4- People with acne must not use moisturizer
5- Sunlight or sun tan cures acne

Hormonal acne: Diet do’s and dont’:

Hormonal acne supplements can affect the outbreak and severity on our skin. There are several antibiotics for acne which not just cure but prevent further spread of acne. Some hormonal acne cure in terms of diet and food include:

1- Cows milk:

Cows milk must not be consumed at all. As it spikes blood sugar levels which increases inflammation. It also increases insulin levels which triggers sebum production. Milk also contain growth hormones which encourage growth of skin cells thus blocking pores.

2- Sugar:

Sugar is related to acne breakouts. Consuming sugars spikes blood sugar levels and thus triggering acne outbreaks

3- Junk and high glycemic foods:

These junk foods break down quickly thus raising blood sugar levels, which trigger hormonal fluctuations and inflammation too.

4- Greasy fast foods: Greasy fast foods cause inflammations in body. This causes pimples on the skin

Foods to eat for hormonal acne diet:

Eating some healthy and beneficial foods will not just prevent acne but also help in making the skin clear and radiant. Some such foods are:

1- Fish oil or flax-seeds:

Eating more of omega 3 fatty acids reduces inflammation and acne outbreak too

2- Oysters:

Oysters are rich in mineral zinc which is believed to reduce acne and pimples. Eating more of toasted wheat germ, oysters, roast beef, pumpkin and squash seeds.

3- Juices:

Many fruits and vegetables contain beta carotenes which help in reducing sebum and are anti-inflammatory too. Dark and leafy green help in body detoxification and cleansing too.

4- Probiotics like yogurt:

Probiotics not just sooth the gut region but also help in reducing inflammations.

Some more facts on hormonal acne:

1- Adult acne is more prominent than during teenage
2- Testosterone of male hormones are the main culprits
3- Topical treatments don’t work well on hormonal acne
4- Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common cause of hormonal imbalance in women
5- Oral contraceptive help in regulating hormones

The above compilation on What are hormonal acne and pimples on face is to share some wonderful home remedies and details on hormonal acne. Be sure to visit your dermatologist for anything severe.

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Minu Manisha Babel: An MBA by chance, a trainer by passion, a psychologist by interest and a voracious reader by parentage. I enjoy traveling, public speaking, exploring and writing on topics relevant to our well-being and happiness. As a women and a firm believer in the sanctity of being a women, i yearn to contribute my bit through this endeavor. Enjoy reading and sharing!