What are these Brown Spots on Face and How to Treat Them


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brown spots on face

While we put a lot of effort to look good, keep the skin radiant and also style every time we go out. Spots or patches on the skin can be displeasing and embarrassing. We all crave for a flawless skin with ultimate shine and radiance. Specially brown spots which are infinite discolored dots patterned all over our face.

Brown spots on face are also called age spots, liver spots, and solar lentigines. These form small dotted dark areas on the skin. These are flat brown gray or black colored and look prominent on the face. These are usually a result of over exposure to the sun, which triggers melanin on the skin causing these brown spots. Melanin clusters and forms brown spots spread over face, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands and legs too.

What causes brown spots on face or aging spots:

Brown sun spots on face are a result of over stimulated pigment cells on the face. When we get over exposed to sunlight without protection, the Ultra violet rays of the sun react with melanocytes and trigger the production of melanin over our skin surface. Melanin becomes clumped and forms a mass, and with time it gets scattered all over the face and neck also entire body. Tanning beds are also known to cause these dark brown spots on face. Some causes of brown sun spots on face are:

  1. Aging: Aging is the primary cause of brown spots on face. As dead cells accumulate and cause more skin discoloration
  2. Sun exposure: Harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun trigger the production of melanin on skin surface which results in brown spots on face eventually
  3. Tanning beds: People using tanning beds regularly are also believed to have brown skin spots
  4. Hereditary or genetic link: Fair skinned people have such genetic makeup which prompts more brown skin spots. Their skin from generations has been affected by these brown spots and thus it runs in the family
  5. People with red hair and light skin are more prone to get this aging spots on face
  6. People who have had sun burn in past can develop these brown sun spots later in life

How to diagnose brown skin spots:

diagnose brown skin spots

It is very critical to diagnose brown spots of aging on the face as it is often confused with other skin conditions. Some tests must be carried out as even dermatologist may not be able to identify them at first. Skin biopsy is the method to detect these brown spots on skin. As they are often mistaken for skin cancer.

How to get rid of brown spots on your skin fast:

rid of brown spots on your skin fast

Treatment for brown spots on face after tanning or other reasons can be done in multiple ways. Some are chemical and surgical methods which require a thorough examination by a professional. And some other methods which remove brown spots of face naturally. While there is no one best remedy for brown spots on face but for every individual there can be a different method which works great. Rational approach would definitely be natural remedies for brown spots on face but in some critical cases, medical treatments must be the only resolve.

Treatments for brown spots are typically concentrated on lightening and reducing the pots, they do it by penetrating the upper skin layer and treat the melanin pigment located at the base of the epidermis. Some of these brown spot treatments include:

1- Medicines and prescription creams: There are ample prescription bleaching creams used alone or also with retinoids and a steroid. This may be abrasive to stick with the prescription. Over a period of few weeks to some months it stars reducing the strength of brown pigments on the skin. You may need to use a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF around 50 or more along with this. There are some side effects like itching, swelling, pain, and redness on skin

2- Bleaching lotions: Hydroquinone is the most popular bleaching cream used to treat these brown spots on face. They are corrosive and must be used as suggested by dermatologist

3- Laser and intense pulse light therapy: This therapy aims at destroying melanocytes which produce melanin. They generally do not cause any harm to the skin, just reach with melanocytes. Though they themselves can cause skin discoloration they have great results in reducing brown spots on face. Skin protection is important after laser or light therapy

4- Dermabrasion: This can be a painful method to remove aging spots. A rotating brush with strong textures is used to remove outer skin layer. This sanding of skin epidermis causes temporary skin scabbing but eventually reduces the brown spots.

5- Microdermabrasion: A less painful and less aggressive method that leaves mild skin blemishes though but a more smooth and fine skin.

6- Freezing: Also called cryotherapy, a cotton tipped swab is used to apply liquid nitrogen or any other freezing agent on the brown spots all over the skin. This destroys melanin depositions and reduces the skin discoloration in some time. There are side effects like scarring or skin irritation.

7- Chemical peel: This can be a very difficult treatment as it uses acid to burn the outer skin layer. But skin protection soon after this treatment can prevent the side effects

Natural remedies for brown spots on face:

brown spots on face

Natural remedies for brown spots are not only simpler and easier but does not cause any harm or side effects. These are not harsh or abrasive to the skin rather they rejuvenate and refresh the skin. Some of these home remedies for brown spots include:

1- Lemon juice:

Lemon juice is a great skin lightening agent. It has rich vitamin C and citric acid contents which help in skin cleansing and toning. Lemon has antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties in addition to amazing natural bleaching properties on skin. Citric acid in lemon juice breaks down the melanin pigment and thus makes it lighter. Lemon juice also makes the skin beautiful and supple. Do not go out in sun after lemon juice treatment as it may cause more discoloration of the skin.


  1. Apply a cut lemon slice on brown spots for 15 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water
  2. Or apply lemon juice all over the affected area and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse it off and repeat twice a day
  3. Make lemon juice and sugar scrub and apply on face exfoliating for 15 minutes. Sugar granules help in scrubbing effects on the skin. Add some coconut oil to prevent any corrosive effects on skin
  4. Lemon juice, honey, and sugar scrub: Mix all of these and make a gooey paste. Apply with your fingertips and gently massage in circular motions. While the exfoliating effect removes dead skin layer lemon lightens the brown spots.

2- Papaya:

Papaya contains alpha hydroxyl acids and papain enzymes which help in through skin exfoliation. Papaya makes the skin glow, removes brown blemishes and also lightens the skin so the brown aging spots fade eventually.


  1. Mash papaya and make a smooth paste using blender
  2. Apply on the face using your fingertips
  3. Now leave it for 30 minutes and gently massage after that for 5 minutes
  4. Wash it away with cold water
  5. Repeat twice a day

3- Castor oil:

Castor oil is miraculous oil for beauty and skin care. It has ricinoleic acid and triglycerides. It’s healing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidizing properties help in getting rid of brown spots on the skin. Add coconut oil, vitamin E oil, almond oil and olive oil to castor oil and apply on the face. Leave it overnight and wash it with cold water the following morning. Castor oil also helps in skin lightening and thus reducing skin discolorations.

4- Butter milk treatment:

Butter milk is rich in lactic acid and has probiotic properties too. Lactic acid helps in skin exfoliation, removing brown skin spots and also lightening the skin too. It makes the skin supple and soft in addition to reducing skin spots. Just mix distilled water in yogurt and apply on skin. Leave for half an hour and wash with cold water.

You can also mix tomato juice in it and apply on face for added benefits

5- Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is a magic potion for all skin and health deformities. The alkaline properties of ACV help in skin glow and maintaining pH of the skin. The rich anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant and healing properties help in not only reducing brown skin spots but also nourishing the skin too.


  1. Mix ACV and honey an form a solution. Apply this over the face using a cotton swab. Leave for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water. Repeat once a day.
  2. Mix ACV in orange juice and apply all over the skin with a cotton swab. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it away with lukewarm water. Repeat once a day

6- Aloe vera:

Aloe vera helps in skin regeneration and exfoliation too. It is great for treating sun tan and sun burnt skin. It helps in balancing out melanin deposition on the skin and also healing the skin ailments. Just rub a freshly cut aloe vera leaf on the brown spot and leave for 30 minutes. Wash away with lukewarm water. Repeat twice a day

7- Onion juice:

The acidic properties of onion juice help in clearing brown skin spots and bleaching properties of onion will reduce the pigmentation on the skin. Simply rub a slice of onion 2-3 times day, on the affected area. Additionally, you may apply onion juice mixed with honey and garlic juice.

learing brown skin spots

8- Dandelions:

Dandelions are therapeutic herbs with some amazing properties for skin and hair. They eliminate the dead skin cells causing brown aging spots, and bring radiance and glow to it. Just cut some dandelions and rub its sap over the aging spots. Leave for 15 minutes. Repeat 3 times a day

9- Yogurt:

Yogurt is a rich probiotic with some amazing properties for skin. Lactic acids and mild bleaching properties make it very suitable for treating aging spots. It also lightens the skin and reduces the spots color to ample shades lighter over a period of few months. Make a scrub using yogurt, oatmeal, lemon juice and water. Apply this all over your face and rub it in circular motions. Leave it for half an hour and wash it with lukewarm water then. Repeat twice a day

10- Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene contents which is a powerful antioxidant and has amazing bleaching properties. Some enzymes present in tomato lighten the skin tone. Just apply fresh tomato puree on your face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat twice a day

11- Potatoes:

Potatoes are rich in starch and have great skin lightening properties. The acidic content of potato makes it a good bleaching agent. It helps in removing brown spots and also freckles too. Take some fresh potato juice, honey, and lemon juice. Mix them in a bowl and using a cotton swab, apply all over the face. Now leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it away with lukewarm water. Repeat twice a day.

How to prevent brown spots on face:

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to anything remotely linked with skin and hair. Some of the methods to reduce brown spots on skin naturally if carried out for long can be a preventive method for further skin deformities. Brown skin spots on face can be prevented by:

  1. Wear sun screen with optimal SPF and keep retouching every 2 hours
  2. Avoid the sun at its prime between 10 am -3 pm
  3. Wear protective sun clothing
  4. Wear hats and full sleeves with shades to prevent direct UV rays
  5. Don’t use tanning beds excessively.
  6. Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated
  7. Eat a healthy diet to keep the skin rejuvenated
  8. Remove makeup before going to bed
  9. Don’t use harsh chemical-based products on skin


The above compilation on What are these Brown spots on face and how to treat them is to help us all prevent and find a cure for brown spots on face. Though natural or home remedies are always better but for special cases, medical and laser treatments may be used. Check with your dermatologist before proceeding and do a patch test.

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Minu Manisha