Causes and Home Remedy for Ringworm


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home remedy for ringworm

Ringworm is a very common skin infection, also known as dermatophytosis or tinea medically. It is a fungal infection with affects the skin, nails and scalp. The main fungus is dermatophyte and it can attack people of all ages. Major symptoms of ringworm are soaring, rashes, itching and redness of skin. It is highly contagious and spreads immediately with physical contact. Therefore sharing some home remedy for ringworm to help provide utmost care and treatment on time.

Ringworm home remedy must be adopted as soon as you see infection as they are not only displeasing but also discomforting. Ringworm is a stubborn infection which is hard to eliminate. Before opting for medical treatment try with home remedies for ringworm, be sure to keep the area clean and dry. Wash all lines and clothes that have come in contact with affected person to avoid spreading further.

What is ringworm:

Ringworm meaning for most of us can be confused as worm, but it is not a worm. It is a skin infection caused by a mold like fungi that thrive on dead tissues of hair, skin and nails. It was believed to be caused by worms so the name ringworm. Not all red spots or round rashes on skin are ringworm. A proper diagnosis must be done by health care provider for the condition.

When ringworm appears on skin in creates circular, reddish patches with slightly raised borders as they grow larger. The shapes of this infection is like a ringworm since the centers are clear.

Symptoms and causes of ringworm:

causes of ringworm

Ringworm causes can be related directly to fungal infections largely. To identify the type of ringworm a careful examination of underlying skin must be done.

There are different names for types of ringworm, based on the specific areas they infect. They are largely of 8 different types and once the infection enters our body it affects different body parts in diverse ways. The types of ringworm includes:

Tinea capitis: Ringworm of the scalp that causes itching and hair loss
Tinea facei: Ringworm of the face causing red scaly patches and itching
Tinea barbae: Ringworm of beard that affects facial hair
– Tinea manuum: Ringworm of hands that affect palms of the hands
Tinea corporis: Ringworm of the body that causes red rashes, sever itching of arms, legs and trunks
Tinea cruris: Ringworm of the groin area in men also known as jock itch
Tinea unguium: Ringworm of the nails affecting finger nails and toe nails.
Tinea pedis: Ringworm of foot also known as athletes foot

Causes of ringworm:

– Ringworm fungi thrives on damp, moist and warm environments which can stay on nails, scalp and skin
– Ringworm are caused by dermatophytes which feed on keratin produced by our body. Keratin is located on outermost layers of body like skin, nails scalp.
– Ringworm infection can come in from pools, showers, combs, clothes, beds through the spread from infected to healthy person
– Ringworm infection can also come from animal and soil, as they thrive in these areas too
– Ringworm may enter a less immune person more easily.
– People in warmer climates and who go for mountain hiking are more prone to ringworm infection

Signs and symptoms of ringworm:

symptoms of ringworm

Ringworm can show different signs in different individuals depending upon their skin type and body immunity. But there are still some common symptoms of ringworm which helps in it diagnosis. These symptoms may show 4 to 10 days after initial infection. These signs and symptoms of ringworm on our body include:

– Blisters and patches of skin
– Raised patches varying in size
– Rashes that peel or crack
– Itchy and red patches
– Red scaly ring appearing on infected area
– Bald patches develop at scalp infection of ringworm
– If nails are infected they can thicken, discolor or crack
– Large round patches with red or brown center
– Dry or scaly patches that have edges with bumps that look like blisters
– Severe itchiness on infected area
– Pain or sensitive skin around infection

Best home remedies for ringworm:


Home remedies for ringworm will help to cure ringworm infection by killing the fungi or inhibiting further growth or spread. Home remedies helps in treating the infected area quickly and in a better way. Though proceed with patch test first and do consult your health care provider before opting for home remedies.

Some home remedies for ringworm include:

1- Garlic:

Garlic is a rich herb which is flavored with ajoene and allicin which is a natural anti-fungal agent. It is a natural remedy for many ailments of skin and body. It has rich anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which make it great for skin related infections. Simply press a few cloves of garlic on the infected area and it will start showing relief in a few hours. Additionally for kids you can add honey for its soothing and calming properties. Since the children have sensitive skin so adding honey and olive oil can reduce the abrasions from garlic on their vulnerable skin.

2- Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar helps in balancing pH level of body. Its rich anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties contribute to its highly acidic nature. Fungi can not survive in this acidic condition. Thus ACV can helps in complete elimination of the fungus causing infection. It is safe and non toxic so best remedy for children infected with ringworm. Just apply ACV on rashes with a cotton ball. And leave for an hour. Additionally you may dilute it with water for treating extremely sensitive skin.

3- Coconut oil:

Coconut oil is a magical potion for all skin and health issues. Its amazing properties make it a trusted home remedy for most skin and hair problems. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which is a powerful anti-fungal agent. This lauric acid kills the fungus causing ringworm and also soothes and relaxes the skin in the infected area. It is a quick and gentle healing process specially popular for children with sensitive skin. Just apply coconut oil and massage the infected area, leave it for a few hours and repeat 3-5 times a day. This is lauded as best home remedy for ringworm.

4- Mustard seed paste:

Mustard seed reduces redness, itchiness and inflammation caused by ringworm infection. Mustard seed paste also reduces the itch and scratchy sensation too. As itching spreads the infection further around to it needs to be contained. Just make a paste with mustard seeds and few drops of coconut oil or water. Apply this on infected area 3-4 times a day and wash with lukewarm water.

5- Turmeric paste:

Turmeric is a rich herb with antiseptic and healing properties. It has several potent benefits and acts as an important anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-microbial herb. This not only clears off the fungus causing ringworm but also clears other bacterial infections too. Use either fresh turmeric juice or turmeric powder paste and apply at infected area. Leave for 15 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. Do check the side effects of turmeric here.

6- Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera has some extremely rich anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Most effective benefits of aloe vera cover all aspects of skin and hair care. Just apply aloe vera gel at the infection site and leave for overnight. Wash it off the next day. Continue every night until infection clears off.

7- Colloidal silver:

Colloidal silver is an antibiotic that destroys harmful micro-organisms. It can be used topically to eliminate ringworm infection. Allow spray or rub the colloidal silver to the infected fungal infection twice a day until its gone

8- Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil is an amazing essential oil, with power packed beauty and skin care remedies in it. It contains anti-fungal and antiseptic agents. It decreases the fungal infection instantly and in some time removes it completely. Just warm tea tree oil for a few seconds. Apply at the infected area using cotton balls. Now leave it and repeat 4-5 times in a day until infection clears

9- Lemongrass:

Lemongrass is an anti-bacterial and antiseptic with traditional significance in treating fungal infections in south east Asia. It fights and heals the ringworm infection miraculously. Mince some lemongrass and add to buttermilk, Blend to form a smooth paste and apply at infected area 4-5 times a day. Leave for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.

10- Olive leaf:

Olive leaf is as rich as olive oil in anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Its anti-fungal properties help in boosting body’s immune system. Just consume few leaves of olive leaf and additionally make a paste of these apply on infection site.

11- Raw papaya:

Raw or green papaya can destroy dead skin cells and infections quickly. Many enzymes like papain and chymopapain help in keeping the inner fresh skin layers unharmed. While outer fungi layer gets removed. These enzymes also destroy the defense shields of yeast, fungi, bacteria and other viruses. They also cure inflammation and heal burns too. This is one of the most soothing home remedy for ringworm. Apply papaya paste or rub papaya peel on infected area. And leave for 15 minutes, wash with lukewarm water. Repeat 3 to 4 times a day.

How to get rid of ringworm at home using special methods for each infected site:

each infected site

Since we already know that every place the ringworm develops needs different treatment. There are good home remedies for ringworm specific to the area they have developed.

Home remedy for ringworm on scalp called Tinea capitis

Tinea capitis or ringworm on scalp can be treated by the following home remedies at home:

– ACV massage on scalp 4-5 times in a day
– Lavender oil massage 3-4 times a day
– Coconut oil massage 4-5 times a day
– Jojoba oil massage 3-4 times a day
– Consume olive leaf 3-4 times a day
– Lemongrass paste mask for scalp 2 times a day
– Colloidal silver spray 3-4 times a day

Home remedy for ringworm on arm called Tinea corporis:

Tinea corporis can be treated by following home remedies:

– Follow the arms thoroughly with an anti-bacterial soap
– Apply garlic paste to the infected area
– Apply coconut oil
– Apply jojoba oil
– Apply tea tree oil
– Apply turmeric paste

Home remedy for ringworm on neck:

Treatment for ringworm on neck includes applying Apple cider vinegar, silver colloidal, calendula, Raw papaya, turmeric, Mustard seeds, Olive leaf extracts

Home remedy for ringworm in head or forehead:

Shampoo often, keep the area cleaned by washing with soap every hour. Apply mustard seed paste, ACV, turmeric, calendula, lemongrass paste, coconut oil

Home remedy for ringworm on face:

Ringworm on face can be little tricky due to sensitive areas. Thus try to use more essential oil treatments here. Jojoba oil, coconut oil, tea tree oil and if possible apply garlic paste, turmeric paste and wash it often with anti-bacterial soap.

How to get rid of ringworm fast:

Best medicines for ringworm which are specialist ringworm treatment creams that can be found over the counter. There maybe specific permits for applying them at various areas on skin. DO check with your health care provider for more. Most common anti-fungals sued to treat ringworm are:

– Alylamines such as terbinafine. These are in cream form or as granules to be consumed
– Azoles which are oral prescription drugs which include fluconazole and intraconazole
– Griseofulvin which is a prescription drug.
– Tolnaftate which is an anti-fungal, its cream called Tinactin is available as lotion, gel and spray.
– For burning and itchy ringworm Clotrimazole which is a combination on anti-fungal and corticosteroid. This is again a prescription drug and must be used with caution.

prescription drug

Who is at risk of getting ringworm:

Children are more prone to getting ringworm infection than adults. But pretty much everyone may get it once in their lifetime. Factors that lead to increased risk of catching ringworm infection include:

– Living in damp, moist and humid areas
– Sweating profusely
– Participating in contact sports
– Wearing tight clothing
– Having weak immune system
– Sharing clothes, bed and towels

Potential complications of ringworm infections over body:

Generally the complications don’t arise from ringworm infection. But people with weak immune system or infected with HIV AIDS, may have trouble to get rid of ringworm infection.

How to preventing ringworm infections:

Ringworm can only be prevented by avoiding direct contact with person infected. There are ample precautions which reduce the chances of catching the infection. These include:

– Check your pet Vaccinations and do take it to vet for ringworm possibilities
– Don’t share towels, napkins, clothes and bed
– be sure to maintain good hygiene
– Wash your hands regularly
– Keep check on the areas which stay closely covered by skin, these are the areas mostly skin infections come in. These include armpits, groin and around neck regions

The above compilation on Causes and home remedy for ringworm is just suggestive for home remedies which offer quick and natural treatments. Do not adopt any of these before consulting your dermatologist. Also proceed first with patch test and only then apply at the infected site.

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Minu Manisha