7 Beauty Benefits Of Onion For Skin And Hair


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benefits of onion

Onion is a world known vegetable and finds place in almost all cuisines. It is a bulb shaped layered vegetable which is known for its spice and aroma. It adds richness to any food. But have you read the beauty benefits of onion for skin yet? Surprisingly onion has immense benefits for skin nourishment and radiance. In addition to ample advantages for hair care and anti-aging. Onion is not only a savior medicinal vegetable, but also a healthy choice for food too.

Raw onions are known for more medicinal advantages than cooked onion so many salads have onions as their main ingredient. Onions are antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and anti-microbial. Onions are nutritious and low in calories or fats. They are the best diet foods for people willing to lose weight.

Onion properties: why are onions beneficial for skin and hair:


1- Onion is a rich antiseptic and has healing properties which helps in curing skin deformities.

2- Onion has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which help in preventing and curing acne and skin toxins.

3- Onion helps in blood purification due to its detoxifying properties. Thus it helps in reducing the chances of skin deformities.

4- Onion is rich in flavonoids. This helps in protecting our skin cells from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Thus acts as a natural sun tan treatment for the skin.

5- Onion also helps in delaying the process of aging as it does not let the free radicles stay under the skin. As an anti-inflammatory it prevents these free radicles altogether.

Some Beauty Benefits Of Onion For Skin And Hair:

1- Onion prevents pigmentation and skin discoloration:

Onion prevents pigmentation

Onion helps in preventing dark spots and pigmentation. Anti-oxidant property of onion helps in removing skin dirt and impurities and also nourishes our skin effectively. There are ample ways onion masks can be applied for treating pigmentation or skin discoloration. Mix onion juice and yogurt in a bowl, add a few drops of coconut oil (people with oily skin may avoid this) then mix it well and apply on your face. Keep it for 10 minutes and then using your fingertips gently massage for another 15 minutes. This helps in gentle exfoliation and removing greasy dirty toxins. Now wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat 2 times a day until the dark spots disappear.

[Read: Essential oils for beauty and skin care]

2- Treating acne:

Treating acne

Onion has anti-microbial and antiseptic properties in addition to anti-inflammatory properties. As an antiseptic it prevents new bacteria from causing more acne and pimples on skin. As an anti-inflammatory it helps in curing the existing acne and pimples. For treating acne mix one spoon onion juice with one spoon olive oil. Apply this on your face and leave for 15 minutes. Now wash your face with lukewarm water. This will help in healing and preventing both. Repeat 2 times a day until the infection goes away.

3- Fighting wrinkles and signs of aging:

Fighting wrinkles and signs of aging

Onion has some wonderful effects for wrinkles and white lines on our face. It is rich in vitamins and minerals which help in preventing aging lines. As an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant it helps in fighting free radicles and helps in pigmentation or wrinkles on skin. As an antioxidant it keeps our skin soft and smooth. The sulphur rich chemicals and some specific vitamins present in onion aid in preventing premature aging signs too. Simply apply onion juice mixed with lemon juice on your skin and keep it for 10 minutes. Then wash it with lukewarm water for excellent benefits. Repeat twice a day.

4- Skin toning and lightening:

Skin toning and lightening

Onions are rich in aiding blood circulation and purifying our blood too. Onion helps in reducing the dark spots and discoloration thus keeps the free radicles also intact. Resulting in lighter skin tone and clearer face. This can be achieved by adding onion juice to gram flour and a little lemon juice to prevent the pungent smell. Make a paste and as a mask apply on your face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then using your finger tips, scrub it gently. This will give exfoliation effects. Then wash with lukewarm water. This will give you a rejuvenated and radiant skin.

[Read: Vinegar for skin toning]

5- Prevents hair loss and hair thinning:

Prevents hair loss and hair thinning

Onions help in preventing hair loss and hair thinning. Onion is known for its rich nutrients and applying the onion juice on the hair helps in making the hair strong from roots and thick from strands. Apply onion juice mixed with coconut oil and honey on your scalp and entire length of your hair. Keep it under a shower cap for an hour. Then wash your hair with lukewarm water.

6- For treating dandruff and natural conditioning:

dandruff and natural conditioning

Onion is extremely useful in curing dandruff or flaky skin on the scalp. Onion is a rich antioxidant and an antiseptic. It helps in curing the skin deformities and strengthens hair from its roots by cleaning the scalp off dandruff. Just add a few drops of onion juice to your regular hair oil and apply it with your routine hair massage. Keep it for overnight or even more. And wash without shampoo or conditioner. Let it stay for one day. Then shampoo your hair the next day. This will immediately cure most of your dandruff. And acts as a natural conditioner by making the hair soft and bouncy.

[Read: Benefits of rosehip oil for skin and hair]

7- Prevents premature greying of hair:

Prevents premature greying of hair

Onion helps in keeping the natural color of hair intact and prevents hydrogen peroxide to cause any harm on hair color. Just a few drops of onion juice mixed with linseed oil helps in curing the greying or premature color shedding of hair. Remember to apply it twice a week for continued prevention from premature greying.

The above compilation on 7 Beauty benefits of onion for skin and hair is based on my own experiences and learning over time. As much as it is relished, onion not only improves the taste of any food but also is beneficial for beauty of skin and hair care. There are several more ways where you can adopt onion or onion juice into your diet too. Be sure to check with your dermatologist before opting for any of the above remedy. Do a patch test and only then apply to the face and hair masks.

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Minu Manisha