5 Yoga For Muscles Strengthening


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Yoga For Muscles Strengthening

Do you want to do something beneficial for the body in the comfort of your home? Well, then there is a way. Whenever, you do any exercises, the first thing that comes to your mind is on how to be slim, or fit. But, do you know that as there is a need to be slim, there is also a need to muscle strengthening. Yes, and yoga can also be done on strengthening the muscles. Here, are some yoga for muscles strengthening, that you can try at home and live a healthy life.

Yoga For Muscles Strengthening

1Urdhva Mukha Svanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva mukha svanasana or upward facing dog pose, can help in

  • Improving the posture;
  • Helps in relieving mild depression;
  • Stretches the shoulders, abdomen, chest and lungs;
  • Strengthening the spine, wrists, and arms;
  • Firm up the buttocks;
  • Can stimulate the abdominal organs; is also therapeutic for the asthma.

Do not do this pose, if you have:

  • Back injure,
  • Severe headache,
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome, or
  • If you are pregnant

Adho mukha svanasana or downward facing dog pose, yoga for muscles strengthening can help in –

  • It can leave you feeling more energized as well as rejuvenated.
  • It can lengthen the spine as well as strengthen the muscles of the chest, increasing the lung capacity.
  • It can calm the brain and help in relieving the stress and some mild depression.
  • This pose can strengthen the arms, shoulders, legs, and feet.
  • It can also be used for a therapeutic aid for high blood pressure, sciatica, asthma, sinusitis and flat feet patients.
  • It can help in strengthening the bones and also prevent osteoporosis, because of its weight bearing capability on the arms and legs.
  • It can help in relieving the symptoms of menopause.
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana can give relief from headache, back pain, insomnia, and fatigue.
  • It can also increase muscle flexibility and body tone

Do not perform this pose if you have –

  • High blood pressure.
  • Suffer from frequent headaches
  • If you are pregnant
  • Also, people who have carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Have weak eye capillaries
  • Even dislocated shoulder or shoulder injury

To perform this four-limbed staff pose –

  • Inhale, press your palms and top of the feet into the floor while your extending arms. Then, lift thighs off the floor, allow your hips to soften slightly toward the mat, while being at the same time of lifting your chest.
  • Exhale, tucking down your toes and extending your legs, drawing your hips and tailbone towards the ceiling to create inverted V shape with your body. Allow your head as well as the neck to be in position between your upper arms, with your feet hip-width apart and your spine elongated like a downward facing dog.
  • Repeat this at least for three to five times.

Yoga Poses To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

2Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

Bitilasana or cat-cow pose can help in –

  • Improving balance and posture
  • Massage as well as stimulates the organs in the stomach, like kidney and adrenal glands
  • Strengthening and stretching the neck and the spine
  • Increases the coordination in the body
  • Stretching the abdomen, hips, and your back
  • Emotional balance
  • Relieve the stress and calm the mind

Try to avoid if you have –

  • Strain on certain parts of the muscles in your body. Avoid straining, beyond more, its capacity as well as the ability.
  • If you are suffering from head injury, you must avoid doing this yoga pose.

To perform this pose –

  • Sit in a table top position with your wrists below your shoulders, and your knees below your hips. Inhale, releasing belly, tilting your tailbone and your chin toward the ceiling for the cow pose.
  • Exhale, and round back high, guiding your chin toward your chest for the cat pose. Continue with these alternating poses, moving between your breath. A best yoga for muscles strengthening, and building.
  • Try to repeat this pose for six times.

3Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana or Cobra pose can help you in-

  • Opening up your neck and shoulders.
  • Tones your abdomen.
  • Strengthens your entire back as well as your shoulders.
  • Improves the flexibility of your upper as well as middle back.
  • Expands your chest.
  • Improves in proper blood circulation.
  • Reduces the stress and fatigue.
  • Useful for those people who have respiratory disorders such as the asthma. (Do not practice this pose during the attack).

Try to avoid if you –

  • Are pregnant,
  • Have any fractured wrists or even ribs,
  • Recently underwent any kind of abdominal surgeries, such as hernia,
  • Have carpel Tunnel Syndrome,

To perform this pose –

  • Lie facing downwards onto the floor with your thumbs directly under your shoulders, legs must be extended with the top of your feet on the floor.
  • Try to tighten the pelvic floor, and tuck your hips downward as you squeeze glutes.
  • Press your shoulders down as well as away from the ears.
  • Push through the thumbs and the index fingers as you raise the chest toward the wall in front of you.
  • Relax and the repeat five times.

4Uttanasana and Malasana

Uttanasana or standing forward fold can help you in –

  • Stretching your hips, calves, and hamstrings
  • Reducing anxiety, stress, depression, and fatigue
  • Calming your mind and soothing the nerves
  • Activating the abdominal muscles
  • Relieving from the tension in your neck, spine, and your back
  • Keeping the spine flexible and strong
  • Easing the symptoms of asthma, menopause, insomnia, and headaches
  • Stimulating your kidney, spleen, liver
  • Lowering your high blood pressure
  • Improving your digestion
  • It is also therapeutic for osteoporosis, infertility, and sinusitis
  • Strengthening your knees and thighs

Try to avoid if you –

  • If you have injuries in the spine, it is best for you to avoid this pose altogether.
  • This pose can put pressure on the abdominal region, it is best for you to stay away from this pose if you are pregnant or if you have any stitches or injure.

Malasana or garland pose can help you in –

  • Opening up the groin and hips
  • Stretches the lower hamstrings, ankles, back and the neck
  • Tones the abdomin
  • Provide aid in digestion
  • Strengthens the metabolism
  • Keeping the pelvic as well as the hip joints healthy
  • Also, very ideal for prenatal yoga

Try to avoid if you –

  • Suffer from lower back or knee injury.

To perform this pose –

  • First comes to the downward facing dog position, step one of your feet near your hands, repeating with the second feet in the same manner. Hinge your hips as your torso draws towards the thighs for the forward fold.
  • Try to step your feet out, wider than the hip-width apart, drawing your toes out and your heels inside. Slowly lower the squat position for the garland pose with your palms at heart-center and the chest lifted. A perfect yoga for muscles strengthening, for a perfectly toned body

5Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Vriksasana or Tree pose can help you in –

  • This pose helps you to go in the state of rejuvenation.
  • It stretches your legs, back and also your arms.
  • It can bring equilibrium and balance to your mind.
  • It can help in improving your concentration.
  • It can give relieve in some cases of sciatica.
  • It makes the legs strong, opens the hips, and improves your balance.
  • Help people who are very much suffering from sciatica.

Try to avoid if you –

To perform this yoga –

  • Try to stand with your feet, and hip width apart. Take a deep breath. Pick up the right foot, bend it and place against your left thigh, slowly. Allow your body, on transferring the weight to the right leg. Put the hands together in the prayer pose and then raise it together as high as they can go. Hold this position for thirty seconds to one minute.
  • Try not to lock your left knee. Keep it gently crooked or straight.
  • If you are unable to place the right foot on the thigh, place it under your knee. Try not to place it on your knees, because that can cause too much pressure on your joint.
  • Repeat the same on the opposite side.

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