18 Natural Moisturizers For Supple and Smooth Skin


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18 Natural Moisturizers For Supple and Smooth Skin

You have several ways to keep your skin care routine natural and simple. Friendly skin care can make your day as it is beyond inexpensive and easy to do- it is safe for all the skin types. You can be particular with the ingredient quantities and the combinations. Here are some of the natural moisturizers that give you a free hand to use them for your skin type.

We have mentioned the natural moisturizers to nourish your skin at home. You can pick the moisturize based on your skin type. One thing that we expect from you is to be patient with results. As your skin gradually gets the feed of nutrients from these moisturizers, it becomes smooth and supple.

These are the remedies you can look up to when you have bad skin days. On these days, you cannot trust the market skin products. Be a believer of the natural treatment at home which is completely worth it. You can add these natural moisturizers to your skin care regime of morning or night. We have given the clear details on using them safely to achieve healthy skin.

Natural Moisturizers For All Skin Types

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is the universal herb known to treat various health problems. It shares the goodness in beauty remedies at home. You can make the best use of aloe gel for skin mixing it with other natural ingredients.

Most of the households have aloe vera plants to use for instant remedies. It has the healing properties and antibacterial components. The loaded antioxidants can help heal your skin from conditions like dryness, wounds and mild allergies. Let your skin soak in the soothing gel of aloe vera everyday and it will relieve a fresh skin. It also treats the sunburns and mild tan after a sunny day.

Ways to use it:

  • Apply freshly extracted plain gel
  • Combine with favourite essential oils
  • Massage the gel into your skin
  • Add to your beauty remedies

2. Natural oils

Natural oils

Does your skin feel over dry and rough? Then there is a need to feed some natural oils to remove the dead skin layer. Pamper it with a blend of natural oils that are filled with plenty of minerals and vitamins.

Some of the best oils for dry skin are avocado, flaxseed, sandalwood oil with a mixture of carrier oils. You can use tea tree, lavender, and jojoba oil for oily skin. Choose the right oil for your skin type and add it to your everyday skin care routine. Natural oils are the ever best remedy to moisturize skin at home without any side effects. Skip the oils if you are sensitive to the smell and skin reactions.

Ways to use it:

  • Add oils to your face pack powders
  • Apply along with homemade sugar scrubs
  • Blend multiple oils and use as natural serum
  • Oil massage your skin regularly
  • Take oil steam 2 times a week

3. Oatmeal


If you are looking for a remedy that can moisturize your skin while exfoliating then it must be with oatmeal. When there is an imbalance of skin’s pH then you can use oatmeal. Imbalance of pH can cause inflammation which results in rashes, dryness and itching. It makes your skin lifeless. So, we suggest you apply oatmeal powder to maintain the right pH and moisturize skin.

Oatmeal exfoliates the dead skin and impurities. It helps in leaving your skin nourished, glowy, smooth and soft. Use it at least 2 times a week to for the best results, However, you have the simple ways to use it.

Ways to use it:

  • Mix with natural oils and apply
  • Combine with plain water or milk
  • Make a mask of oatmeal and honey

4. Butters


You have two natural butters for healthy and gorgeous skin- cocoa and shea. These two types of butters are rich in fatty acids that are responsible in hydrating skin. If your skin is lacking elasticity then you can moisturize it with these butters.

It is the best treatment for over dry skin in winter. You can use shea butter and cocoa butter to moisturize your facial and body skin. Just rub and penetrate it into your skin and wash it off with water. Cocoa butter is mostly used to prevent and reduce wrinkles, fade scars. Shea butter can improve the skin’s complexion while it deeply moisturizes your skin naturally. You have other interesting ways to use butter as a natural moisturizer for skin.

Ways to use it?

  • Use to natural skin exfoliators
  • Massage into skin for 5 minutes
  • Prepare DIY winter face masks

5. Milk


Milk is the key ingredient in many beauty products including soaps, cleansers, body washes and face packs. You can use it to moisturize your skin with easy to do methods. As milk contains lactic acid, it takes care of your skin texture, complexion and tone. If your skin is getting too dry during winters then use the following methods for nourishment.

Ways to use it?

  • Cleanse face with plain milk and cotton pad
  • Add in face masks and packs
  • Use along with saffron strands
  • Use it with natural skin exfoliators like- oatmeal, coffee

6. Honey


Honey is a natural humectant which protects your skin from infections and inflammations. If your skin is affected with sunburns or tan then honey application is a helpful home remedy. Certain ways of using honey can lighten your skin, treats dryness.

The anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties in honey can shield your skin from harmful sun rays. Additionally, it aids in replenishing the lost moisture quickly without any side effects. Choose the best remedy that suits your skin type.

Ways to use it?

  • Make a DIY gentle scrub
  • Apply honey and milk
  • Use along with drops of lemon
  • Prepare face mud masks with honey

7. Banana peel

Banana peel

Hydrating your skin from time to time is as crucial as cleansing your skin. If you have forgotten to hydrate your skin then it starts to peel, causing rashes with dryness. The quick remedy to rescue your dry skin is banana peel which keeps your skin hydrated and restores the lost moisture.

Not only banana peel is to restore the moisture instantly but it can brighten your skin, prevent and reduce wrinkles with frequent use. It lightens the scars as well as it has potassium and powerful antioxidants.

Ways to use it?

  • Simply apply the peel on your skin

8. Avocado


Avocado has a lot of weightage in beauty and skin care as it is enriched with vitamins A, D and E. These are essential vitamins that skin needs constantly. The natural oil in the butter fruit moisturizes skin by removing dryness and dead skin. People with dry to sensitive skin can go for avocado oil.

Another super benefit of using avocado for skin is UV rays defence. As the heat waves are harmful to your skin, consider using avocado to protect your skin from burns, rashes and infections.

Ways to use it?

  • You can use bottled avocado oil
  •  Facial massage with Avocado paste
  •  Lemon juice mask and Avocado
  • Avocado and turmeric mask

9. Buttermilk


When your skin is not well moisturized, the tone becomes uneven and texture goes dry. You need a gentle exfoliator to remove these effects of dryness. People with sensitive skin may not feel safe to use the market products, Of course, you have the promising skin care products that are expensive. So, treating your dry skin at home is a wise choice.

You can prepare some plain buttermilk and apply it to your skin. Leave it for a few minutes and then rinse it off. Lactic acid in buttermilk does wonders to your skin. Here are some other ways to use buttermilk to pamper your skin. Also consume buttermilk everyday for health skin.

Ways to use it?

  • Combine with orange peel and apply
  • Cleanse your face with plain buttermilk
  • Apply turmeric+buttermilk
  • Exfoliate with oatmeal+buttermilk

10. Yoghurt


If your skin is extremely dry then not to worry. You just need some small quantity to yoghurt to moisturize your dry skin. Yoghurt is the natural moisturizer for all skin types. If yours is oily skin then you must use it rightly with the safe combinations. Lactic acid and fatty acids in yoghurt dissolve the dead skin and peel off by itself.

You can even use yoghurt to soothe the skin rashes, itchiness. But remember to use plain yoghurt, unflavoured.

Ways to use it?

  • Apply along with lemon juice drops
  • Mix with honey and mask your face
  • Combine with olive oil
  • Yoghurt+strawberry face mask



People with oily skin skip moisturizer with a misconception of skin breakouts. Moisturizers that suit your skin never cause skin breakouts. You just have to choose a moisturizer that is gentle, light and non greasy. You have such an option in natural moisturizers and that is watermelon.

Watermelon contains more water content which hydrates your skin and helps in bringing back the lost moisture. You can use this remedy for summer days. For sure it is to beat the heat and its effects on your skin.

Ways to use it?

  • Refrigerate watermelon into cubes and apply on face
  • Apply watermelon and lemon mixed juice on face
  • Mask up your face with watermelon pulp



If you are looking for a gentle natural moisturizer then cucumber is for you. It feels light on your skin regardless of the method you use it. There are many known benefits of cucumber for skin. It promotes skin complexion, reducing dark circles, evens out skin tone and heals inflamed skin.

Cucumber has the excellent anti inflammatory properties which help relieve your skin from dryness. Moreover, it can be used as toner regularly.

Ways to use it?

  • Apply cucumber juice to skin
  • Rose water+cucumber juice
  • Mix cucumber juice with face packs

13. Chocolate


Dark chocolate is another natural moisturizer that helps repair your skin from dullness. You apply chocolate to your face and neck for glowy skin. It has various essential vitamins that retain moisture. Applying chocolate as part of your skincare regime can nourish your skin. It even aids in treating skin irritation. You can take it as a natural moisturizer for all types of skin.

Ways to use it?

  • Apply melted chocolate to your face
  • Chocolate and coffee scrub
  • Chocolate+organic sugar scrub

14. Vegetable glycerin

Vegetable glycerin

If you are looking for a moisturizing serum for your skin then you can make it at home. It is an easy way to moisturize your skin naturally without any harm. You need vegetable glycerin which is a popular natural moisturizer.

A study found that vegetable glycerin can even out skin tone and texture. It is an anti aging agent that you can include in your skin care regime. Also It has the ability to heal wounds and irritation. It can also protect your skin from irritants.

Ways to use it?

  • Apply glycerin+tea tree oil
  • Combine glycerin and rose water
  • Add glycerin to warm water bath
  • Use glycerin and lemon juice

15. Egg white

Egg white

Egg is a great remedy as they contain protein which removes the excess oil from your skin. If you are unhappy with your oily skin then this is a best method to treat it. Egg white is a natural moisturizer that conditions your skin without greasiness and removes the dryness.

You can use egg white to tighten sagging skin. It is recommended to apply on skin and neck for youthful looking skin.

Ways to use it?

  • Beat up egg white and add lemon juice
  • Beat up egg white and add honey
  • Mix egg white with vitamin E oil
  • Egg white and other essential oil

16. Milk cream

Milk cream

Milk cream is natural Moisturizers for skin, exfoliator and it helps hydrate your skin. It helps in removing dead skin and makes your skin soft, supple. It improves your skin quality with better complexion and flawless tone.

If your skin is suffering with dryness and any irritation then milk cream can help overcome these conditions. Here are some of the ways to use milk cream for your skin.

Ways to use it?

  • Gram flour and Milk cream
  • Lemon juice with Milk cream
  • Turmeric powder+ Milk cream

17. Kaolin clay

Kaolin clay

Do you think excess oil is the only cause for acne? Even dryness and lack of moisture can cause acne. One of the natural moisturizers for oily skin people is kaolin clay. It removes the impurities, toxins, excess oil and dead skin off your face and leaves your skin moisturized. It is a safe cleanser that you can use 2 times a week.

Ways to use it?

  • Mix clay water and apply on skin
  • Face mask- green tea and kaolin clay
  • Honey+ kaolin clay face mask
  • Mix avocado with clay for face pack

18. Rose water

Rose water

Rose water is more an astringent that a moisturizer for skin. But it plays a role of moisturizer for normal to oily skin people. You can use rose water to cleanse, nourish your skin on a daily basis. When there is a visibility of skin tiredness, using rose water can remove it all.

Using rose water on skin works for many- it removes excess oil by unclogging pores. It maintains the pH balance which keeps your skin enough moisturized and prevents your skin from over dryness.

Ways to use it?

  • Rose water+coconut oil
  • Cucumber and rose water
  • Cleanse skin with rose water dipped cotton
  • Rose water and glycerin spray

Looking for natural moisturizers skin is a sensible thought. Having these moisturizers handy and not using it can lead you to a blind game for market products. So, make the best use of the available methods which are simple to execute for your daily skin care routine. Here you have 20 natural moisturizers with different ways to each one.
