15 Amazing Weight Loss Foods For You


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weight loss foods

If you are thinking of getting rid of that extra paunch from your body, then you are at the right place. We have collected a list of 15 best weight loss foods. Whatever you do such as follow a proper diet plan, do yoga asanas, but all of these weight loss techniques won’t be helpful without those proper food items that can help you to shed pounds from your body.

A Collection Of Wonderful Weight Loss Foods

These food items will help you to achieve your desired measures.


Almonds are rich in fats and fibers. The fatty acids like omega 9, omega 6, and omega 3, contained in almonds, which helps in proper digestion and keeps a healthy bowel movement. It also contains a large share of mono- and polyunsaturated fats. So, if you want to lose your weight, then keep almonds handy. It reduces your cholesterol and helps you to achieve a slim figure.


Avocados contain vitamins (Vitamin C and Vitamin E), fats, and fibers. It helps in keeping your heart healthy. Consuming avocado can reduce your food cravings. Studies suggest that avocado eater has a slimmer waist than the ones who don’t eat avocados. You can use avocados to prepare a detox smoothie. This fruit is also capable of reducing the risk of cancers.


Blueberries are filled with antioxidants like anthocyanin. Vitamin C helps to improve your immune system, while Vitamin E fights against the signs of aging. It is one of the best food for the improvement in your body metabolism.

4Brown Rice

Choosing brown rice over white rice will help you to lose weight easily. Brown rice contains fat-burning starch. It keeps you filled with just adding a few of calories in your per day calorie scale. It also decreases the risk of cancer. You can also switch to black rice instead of brown rice as it is more beneficial with all the antioxidants and low-calorie property.


To keep your calorie level in control, switch to carrots. Carrots are rich in nutrients and fibers. They are good when it comes to keeping your immune system healthy and protected. They even improve your eyesight. Roasted carrots are more beneficial than the raw ones.

6Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is an enriched resource of antioxidants. It has the ability to stabilize your sugar level. It also helps to keep your food cravings under control. The fatty acids in dark chocolate help to improvise your metabolism.Eggs


Researchers have found that having eggs in your breakfast can limit your calorie intake for the rest of the day. One can lose twice of the weight when you begin having eggs in your breakfast. Eggs help to keep your metabolism working fluently.

7Greek Yogurt

Nonfat Greek yogurt helps you to lose weight without adding much of calories in your body. This food item is rich in carbohydrates and low in proteins. You can have it for breakfast. It will make you feel contained.

8Green Tea

This is the universally accepted beverage that helps you to get rid of your body fats. It increases the speed of your metabolism. The presence of antioxidants in green tea helps in the fat-burning process. A cup of green tea in the morning can help you to stay healthy and fit. You can also add lemon juice and honey in green tea to enhance its properties.

9Kidney Beans

Kidney beans, especially the red ones are filled with proteins. It helps you to reduce your calorie intake for the day. It also contains omega 3 and calcium which are good for heart health and bones.


Lemons are an enriched source of Vitamin C and antioxidants. When you use lemon with iced tea or green tea, it will just not flavor your beverage rather help in increasing the pace of your metabolism. A few experts believe that consuming citrus foods are good when you are thinking of losing extra weight from your body. Lemons are one of those food items which helps in speeding up the process of fat burn. Thus, making your tummy slimmer in a short period of time.


Most of us are aware of the wonders of eating oatmeal for your breakfast. Fiber is one of the major constituents of oatmeal. It is an amazing metabolism booster. Oatmeal is also capable of keeping your hunger under control. While having oatmeal in your breakfast, you can also add berries like raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries to enhance the functionality of oatmeal with the presence of antioxidants.


It is a perfect veggie whenever weight loss is kept in the account. It is high in fibers and low in calories. It keeps your sugar level stable. With all these benefits, pumpkin is also good for your skin. It helps in fighting the signs of aging like wrinkles and is also protects your skin from acne.


This one is best among all the green leafy vegetables. It is not only a great source of iron, but also has powerful antioxidants residing in it. Take to include spinach in your salad. It keeps track of sugar and insulin level, thus helpful in the weight loss process. Spinach helps you in losing your weight faster.


Drinking a plenty of water is an essential element in a weight loss program. Your body, sometimes get confused between thirst and hunger. So, keeping your body hydrated will also reduce your craving for food habit. We all know that water can fill us up and consuming water before a meal can help you to reduce your appetite. With all of this, water helps your body to remove all the toxic elements which are present in your body. Water helps in detoxification of your body.

Weight loss foods have always been helpful for maintaining your weight by several methods like by regulating your cholesterol level and keeping your food cravings in under control. Keep these super foods to stay healthy and fit.

Tiru Dehariya