What to Expect at 12 Weeks Pregnant


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12 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy is all about the extra hormones and their interactive imbalances which prompt sudden mood swings and roller coaster emotions. As mesmerizing as it can be, entire 40 weeks of pregnancy is filled with everything beyond expression. Especially at 12 weeks pregnant when you go ahead for your screening and Ultrasound. The 12-week fetus begins to show all signs of movement and sense. You even get to know the gender and the pictures and video from the scan

The first trimester is about to get over and all the morning sickness and the behavioral outbursts are beginning to subside. It’s time to enjoy and live up your pregnancy now. Food cravings and delightful recipes with some crazy additions are lined up ahead. And it’s time to bid adieu to the constant dizziness.

What does the fetus at 12 weeks look like:

fetus at 12 weeks look like

Baby at 12 weeks in the womb is showing rigorous growth and development. Its internal and external organs are shaping up, and some suggest even sense organs are coming in. Week 12 pregnancy is all about settling down and comforting self. Some of the fetus development at 12 weeks pregnancy include:

  1. Baby on an average weights half an ounce and is around 2.5 inches.
  2. Baby can open its mouth and wiggle its fingers and toes
  3. Nerve cells multiply rapidly, and brain development is progressing rapidly
  4. The head is now half the size of the rest of the body
  5. Salivary glands start functioning
  6. Amniotic fluid is now inhaled and exhaled
  7. Sex organs are now fully visible, so the gender reveal ultrasound takes place at around 12 weeks pregnancy
  8. An external doppler is now functional to hear heart beats clearly
  9. Spleen and liver remove old RBC and produce antibodies now
  10. Arms are proportional to more and more functional hands while legs still remain short
  11. Sweat gland is growing now along with body hair
  12. Muscles are maturing and so is liver and other internal organs
  13. Bone marrow is secreting WBC
  14. Pituitary glands are discharging hormones

Week 12 of pregnancy:

Week 12 of pregnancy

At 12 weeks pregnant you have done your first trimester, and you are in your third month of pregnancy now. At 12th week you have finished the 3rd month of pregnancy and are moving to second trimester now.

As most women would relate, this is the time when actually it sinks in, that the baby is just a few months away. All your anxieties are now more prominent and aligned with baby and fetus development. Your morning sickness and trips to the bathroom are about to get reduce for a while. Some common symptoms of 12 weeks pregnancy are:

1- Pale clear discharge increases:

At this time suddenly clear vaginal discharge increases as it protects the vagina from infection. Be sure to see your OB-GYN if you see pink, orange or brown discharge at this point.

2- Bathroom trips reduce:

The running to the bathroom may take a break in your pregnancy after 12th week for some time. Check for pregnancy induced incontinence and keep up with your kegel exercises routine. Since uterus is constantly expanding it puts pressure on bladder thus the frequent urination.

3- Headaches and migraine:

It seems like morning sickness has swapped with headaches and migraine. But anything to get rid of the dizziness and nausea for women at the 12th week of pregnancy. Hormonal swings, drop in blood pressure, dehydration and lack of proper sleep or rest are a main cause of headaches. Though these are normal but do inform your OB-GYN for more severe headaches

4- Increased salivating:

Pregnancy hormones bring about excessive saliva. As the increased activity or hormones trigger saliva production. Almost so much that you may even gag through your meal. Though it is harmless, you can not stop it. Just add mouth fresheners and make it a pleasant one

5- Excessive fatigue:

Now comes the time when a baby will start showing up out on the bump. Until 12 weeks you could have hidden it, but the baby now grows and expands causing immense weight to the body. Also, the hormonal activities are at high, and this causes excessive fatigue. The body also works hard to prepare extra placenta for the fetus. This causes channeling of all energy into developing placenta for the baby

6- Bloating and gas:

Weird gastric spasms and bloating are now a part of your day. It’s embarrassing and also displeasing. Progesterone hormone causes bloating, farting and burping due to increased gas pockets in the body. This causes smooth muscle tissue in the body to relax even at the gastrointestinal tract. Digestion also slows down, which places pressure on rectum hence gas pockets

Bloating and gas

7- Spotting:

Some women also see spot during the 12th week of pregnancy. It can be critical so must be informed to your OB-GYN immediately. Since the cervix is more sensitive spotting can just be a result of sex. Any blood spot which is heavy or with cramps must be immediately taken up to the emergency care

8- Dizziness:

Hormonal imbalances and blood pressure changes cause immense dizziness. All you need is to eat short snacks every hour or so and drink plenty of liquids.

How does 12-week pregnant women look like:

12 week pregnant women look

A 12-week pregnant belly is now more obvious. It may begin to get or already is apparent. This is the right time to begin capturing your belly pictures as it makes up for a step by step guide to how much body transformations occurred.

Ultrasound of 12 weeks fetus:

Now is the time for which all have been waiting, the big gender reveals ultrasound. At the prenatal check up after or at 12th week pregnant your OB-GYN will decide for an ultrasound. It also depends on your insurance cover whether or not the ultrasound can be proceeding at this stage. After the 12th week, the ultrasound reveals the gender whether it’s a by or a girl.

Genetic testing is also done at 12-week pregnancy which helps in establishing a diagnosis for congenital disabilities or any other ailments in the developing fetus.

Ultrasound of 12 weeks fetus

Diet post 12th week of pregnancy:

Continue your pregnancy diet and be sure to make right choices for more proteins and less fats. Cravings will be higher than in your first trimester where morning sickness made it difficult even to get a single full meal. Allow more fruits and vegetables and avoid junk and spices. Add more healthy carbs and pick your daily diet plan such that all essential nutrients are taken up. Be sure to continue your prenatal multivitamins. Skip fatty or acidic foods as they trigger bloating and vomits.

Check some super foods for pregnancy


Workouts during 12 weeks of pregnancy and later:

Now you can begin with more rigorous prenatal workouts as morning sickness has reduced. The second trimester is the easiest of all and this time you will enjoy being pregnant. Suddenly your body sees a glow, and you get nourished hair.

The workouts during this time can be a walk, swimming, yoga, gymming, Zumba, aerobics and more. Be sure to follow daily fitness routine without fail. The first trimester ends at 12 weeks of pregnancy and begins now, the second trimester where a baby will grow and expand at a faster rate. And your body will be better adjusted by now with the fetus in the womb

12 weeks of pregnancy and later

Read: How to identify and treat postpartum depression in new moms


The above compilation on What to expect at 12 weeks pregnant, is to help all the women in their first trimester to prepare for the wonderful and easier second trimester ahead. Ultrasound at past 12 weeks of pregnancy would assist in finding any discrepancy with the pregnancy and also ascertain the gender of the baby. Be sure to take 4D videos and pictures of this ultrasound. You will cherish this forever

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Minu Manisha