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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersWe all have read those karma memes on graphic tees and wondered who are we actually cursing here. Well! For everything we know, Karma is a Sanskrit word that means our actions, deeds or works. It is a spiritual science and is based on the principal of cause and effect. For every action there is a consequence and it affects the future of an individual. No matter how hard you try, everything you do comes back in the form of future good of bad. Your bad intentions contribute to bad karma and sufferings and your good karma brings you happiness and prosperity.
Understand the 12 laws of karma that govern your life:
There are beliefs and religions which lay emphasis on karma and how to improve our actions and deeds for eternal happiness. Karma can be explained as a spiritual interpretation of Newtons 3rd law; to every action there is equal and opposite reaction. So it means all our negative energies will come back to bite us. Karma is not a punishment or a crime. For a more psychological significance, karma is educational. How to be a good person and use positive energy for making ourselves a better person. The 12 laws of Karma are:
1- The great law:

As you sow, shall you reap. This law is also known as the law of cause and effect. It simply implies, our thoughts and actions have consequences. Whatever you put into the universe comes back to you. If you want happiness, love, friendship, peace and care; you ought to give happiness, love, friendship, peace and care. This is the factual law of karma. Karma works like a boomerang. The consequences may not be immediate but eventually it comes back to us.
2- The law of creation:

What we desire comes through participation. That means life requires our participation to happen. It doesn’t happen by itself. We are blended with the universe, inside and out. Our inner state is defined by whatever we surround ourselves with. Be what you want to have around yourself, and that is how karma works
3- The law of humility:

Refusal to accept what is will still be what is. Accept the circumstance in order to change it. Acceptance is a virtue or a belief that makes us strong enough to participate and bring about change. If you just focus on negatives in a person that you are not focused on higher level of existence.
4- The law of growth:

Wherever you go, there you are. Spirituality means changing yourself rather than changing people, things or places around. We only have the power and control for ourselves, and that is the only thing given to us. We must first change who we are and then life follows eventually. Our growth is above any of our circumstances. Just make an effort and commit to change yourselves first, and only when your heart changes things will change around you too
5- The law of responsibility:

Our lives are our own doing , and nothing else. If there is something wrong in your life, its just because there is something wrong within you. To change your life first change your frame of mind and your surroundings. We reflect what surrounds us and whatever surrounds us reflects within us. Just take responsibility of whats in your life.
6- The law of connection:

Everything in the universe is connected. Even if you do anything inconsequential, it must be accomplished as everything is connected. Each of your step leads you further to the next step and life goes on. All the steps from beginning till the end are equally important to get the work done. Get the initial work done with the same courage as the end task. Your past, present and future are all connected.
7- The law of focus:

One cant direct attention beyond a single task. You cant grow spiritually if you have negative thoughts and actions. Direct your full attention to accomplish all your desired tasks. You cant have greed or anger if you focus on spiritual values.
8- The law of giving and hospitality:

Demonstrating our selflessness shows our true intentions. Our beliefs must manifest into our actions. Here we put all what we have claimed as our learning into practice. We cannot grow spiritually if you do not have selfless nature. We need to practice what we preach.
9- The Law of change:

History repeats itself unless it is changed. Stay committed to change and continue on a constructive path to direct positive energies towards you.
10- The law of here and now:

Present is all what we have. Stop looking at the past and plan about the future, as old thoughts prevent us from having new dreams. We need to live in the present. This will never let you move ahead in life. Live in the moment to enjoy and cherish it, as that is the only thing you have under your control.
11- The law of patience and reward:

All rewards stem out of initial toil. Nothing important of value can be created without a patient mindset. Toiling away cant be surrounded by wishful thinking. All your rewards can only be achieved through patience and persistence. And rewards are not your true results but true joy comes from knowledge of doing the right. You must know what you are supposed to be doing, for true joy.
12- The law of significance and inspiration:

One gets back from things they put in. The best reward is the one that contributes to the whole. Every bit of personal contribution is also a contribution to the whole. Loving contributions inspire the whole beautifully. Energy and intentions are the true components which define the significance of end results. Treat others how you want to be treated by others.
Karma is a lifestyle choice, you get whatever you put into it. Karma promotes positive energy as it reflects our deeds and actions. Adopt self reflection to resolve your problems in life. Learning and adopting karma can lead to freedom from all sufferings. The 12 laws of karma state, Correct all your actions and make your mind positive. Check out how yoga has transcendental effects, and adopt yoga and meditation to improve your lifestyle. Even if the action doesn’t look positive but if the mind if positive, that action is a positive one.
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