10 Smart Ways To Deal With A Mamma’s Boy – Be Peaceful And Try Your Way Out!


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Married to a mamma’ boy? Is it bothering you? Look at the greener side, if your husband knows how to balance the relationship between you and your mom although he is a mamma’s boy then what’s so bad about it? On the contrary if things aren’t working that way and you feel like you have no say then there are peaceful ways to work this out.

You always need to look at what is the story from the other side to understand in depth. Why do you think men are mamma’s boys? It must be either because their mom’s have been the single parent or it could be that your husband must be the only son or he has always been the good kid to his mamma and that is a part of his nature to take his mamma’s demands as the last command. It is good to make an observation.

Read through this article to understand what best you can do to be a good and understanding wife as well as be understood in terms of your views not getting dominated because your husband is a mamma’s boy. Try these ways of dealing with a mamma’s boy so that you can do justice to your marriage as well as not interfere in the mamma and son’s relationship unless needed.

Read: 13 Ominous Signs That You Are Dating a Mama’s Boy

10 Ways To Deal With A Mamma’s Boy – Be Mature And Deal With It!

At times it still pricks when you have to deal with a situation wherein you feel you do not have a say and your husband is favoring his mother too much and not balancing well between the two of you.

Yes that can be royally disappointing but that’s how relationships are, isn’t it? It would never be flawless in reality there is a lot that goes into making them, taking care of them and dealing with them even on petty things. The smallest gaps make room for the biggest problems.

Having said, always keep in mind that you are not here to create a rift between the two or bring in a crack in the mother and son relationship, you just need to understand how to be given equal importance by putting across your points as well. Here is what you can do to peacefully deal with your husband who is a mamma’s boy.

No 1 – Do Your Ground Work

Do Your Ground Work

Although your husband might be a mamma’s boy is he neglecting you or not giving you that value and importance? Or is it hampering your relationship in anyway? If he is not being biased with you then you should let him be.

Do your homework and see what are the effects of your husband being a mamma’s boy in your relationship. Start to observe your husband on little things so that you can then find out what is the exact problem or is it just your insecurity. You first have to do this in order to make sure you haven’t assumed way too much. Always get your facts right before taking a step to address your issue.

No 2 – Talk To Your Husband About How You Feel


This can be a tricky and a tough discussion to have with your husband because if he is attached to his mom and you tell him that you are a mamma’s boy he might feel hurt. That being said, you would still want to put your points across and you should if you think things are not going the way they are supposed to.

Probably you can just tell your husband what is bothering you about his behaviour and why is it that you have started to feel the difference. Communicating it openly can possibly resolve your problem, you cannot expect things to change immediately but at least he will know that you are feeling left out.

No 3 – You Do Not Have To Say A Yes Always


At times it can get challenging to live up to expectations, it is always better to be clear and talk about what you are capable of doing and what is too much to expect from you. This may happen that because your husband is a mamma’s boy he may want you to as well give into what he does for his mom, there is no harm but there are times when you might not be comfortable or for some reason it is not in your reach to do what he does for his mom. Make sure you are not rude but learn to put your foot down as well, if you cannot do it then just don’t. Be smart and sweetly refuse.

No 4 – Do Not Let Him Escape From Being Responsible

Being Responsible

A times your husband must be so used to being a mamma’s boy that he might forget that he has certain responsibilities towards his wife as well. Do not let him take your pampering as lenience to be able to forget and escape his responsibilities. Always draw that line between pampering him and what he is supposed to do. If you ignore this aspect then there could be problems between the two of you. Your husband might try his tricks to melt you, it is your duty on how to be strict where you have to be. There is a thin line between love and responsibility.

No 5 – Distance Is One Of The Best Ways To Value Relationships


It is not a wrong idea to stay together if your husband was not a mamma’s boy but if you know he already is then it is always better that you do not stay under the same roof. On the other hand, do not intrude between the mom and son relationship and your bond as a daughter in-law as well. A little distance is better for the two of you. Meet her once in a way and keep the bond good.

However, if you move in together chances are that your husband would favor his mom always and you would understand it too but you might not be in the right frame of mind to always be accommodating, this can cause disturbance in your relationship with your mom in-law and with your husband as well.

No 6 – Don’t Discuss Any Problem With Your Mom In-Law


Addressing problems to your mother in-law is not a good idea. What best you can do is talk to your husband about things that you feel are not going the right way.

You cannot expect your mother in-law to be understanding you, it is fair to expect that from your husband because you have married him and telling a mother that you as a wife feel insecure about her son can be really disappointing for her.

All you got to do is have a calm and peaceful discussion with your husband and let him know that you want his time as well. Let him know that you have no intentions to separate him from his mom but you want that alone time as a wife too. You have to be really nice to your husband while you demand his time, being rude will never solve any concerns. Express yourself in the most refined manner.

No 7 – Draw The Necessary Boundaries With Your Mom In-Law


Drawing boundaries does not mean that you keep distance with your mom in-law what it means that you do not allow your mom in-law to intrude too much in your personal life. That said, as your husband is a mammas boy his mom must be used to taking small decisions for him but you may not want the same to happen when it comes to you, instead? So from the beginning see to it that you do not give her that room to interfere too much in your life. When there are boundaries in a relationship it is always nice.

No 8 – Be Accommodating with Mamma’s Boy

Just as you have your side of the story where you feel that your husband is not able to make time for you. In the same way your husband will be having his side of the story as well, may be he will just need you to be a little more adjusting. Adjust in situations to accommodate yourself. It is really important because, she is your husband’s mom. Go with him whenever he wants you to come along, he would be happy that you are co-operating and understand you as well. It is always going to be a give and take. You cannot expect to be understood all the time unless you make an effort to understand as well.

No 9 – Silence Is Better That A Reaction


You might not like it that your husband is always a mammas boy at times because we all have our breaking point and we are not in a situation to stay calm always. Do your best and do not let out your frustration about anything that you dislike in mother in-law to your husband or to her. Just keep your calm and stay silent. Silence is the best to avoid nuisance.

Being harsh to your mom in-law is certainly not something you should be doing and you cannot always complaint about little things to your husband because he has so many things that he himself must be going through and no one likes to hear anything against their mother. When you cannot let out what you feel to your mom in-law and husband, don’t hold on to that pented up frustration, let it out to a friend and discuss what you feel with a reliable and good friend. They will never give you the wrong guidance and they would rather help you understand where you are going wrong.

No 10 – Ignorance And Acceptance Is Bliss


In the end, when you have expressed your concerns, discussed it with your husband and tried your best to sort things out. Just in case you feel that things haven’t yet changed, in that case you can simply ignore everything and for a fact accept that your husband will remain a mammas boy.

If you see that it is disrupting your peace of mind then just accept it that you have to ignore this and let your husband be what he wants to. At the same time, do not let your husband take your silence for granted. If he really values you and is smart and mature enough to be good to his wife as well as his mom, over the time things will change.

Taking everything into account a mamma’s boy, has to be dealt with patience, clear confrontation in the most refined way. Especially when your husband has lived his youth with his mamma. The problem of he being a mammas boy will never come into the picture if he is doing a great job in keeping his wife as well as mom happy.

Firstly, you have to understand him and make certain adjustments with him and his mom within the right boundaries. Secondly, you have to clearly speak up of what are your expectations from him that he is not able to live upto and always taking his moms side and thirdly , whenever you lose patience and want to let out your frustration you should talk to a friend about it. Relationships will always come with complications just pass through them in the most peaceful way.