10 Minute Yoga For Weight Loss And Transcendental Effects


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Yoga is a conventional form of a holistic workout. And mere 10 minutes of yoga for weight loss can result into complete body toning. This 10 minute yoga for weight loss session is a great strength trainer. It will not only transform your body, but will soothe and relax your mind and soul. Yoga is not just stretched asanas or breathing control, but emotional and spiritual integration. Yoga in a true sense is a way of life. Today it has a higher popularity compared to aerobics and gym workouts. From Beyonce to to Madonna to George Clooney, all swear by it.

10 Minute Yoga for Weight Loss Comprises 4 Asanas :


Begin with 3 minutes of surya namaskar or sun salutation as a warm up. Do 12 sets of surya namaskar 3 times. Proceed slowly for each set and finish in 90-100 seconds each. Then 2 minutes of Badhakonasana or cobblers pose or butterfly pose. After the butterfly pose take 10-15 seconds rest with shavasana. Then 3 minutes  of veerbhadrasana or warrior pose (1.5 minute each warrior pose I and II) After this sit cross legs and proceed 2 minutes of kapalbhaati Pranayama.

Step by step to 10 minutes of yoga for weight loss:

1- First warm up with 3 minutes of Surya Namaskar:

It is a sequence of 12 Yoga poses. These poses progress from one to other with controlled and rhythmic breathing. Each Sequence can boost our cardiovascular health, improves our blood circulation, helps to beat our stress and detox our body along with offering flexibility and strength. It begins with joining hands or NAMASKAR pose.

Surya Namaskar

Position 1:

  • Stand with your feet together
  • Fold your both palms in front of your chest (like Namaskar).
  • Close your eyes and chant the Mantra – Ommm Mitrayah Namaha (this is the first name of surya).
  • Then breathe normally.

Position 2:

  • Raise your arms and slowly bend over your head and shoulders with the palms touching each other and biceps touching your ears.
  • Stretch your abdomen as much as possible and lean backwards.
  • Inhale and chant Om Khagaya Namaha.
  • Hold a bit and then exhale.

Position 3

  • Bend forward and place your palms at the side of your feet.
  • Touch your knee with forehead and try to touch your feet by palms
  • Exhale deeply with chanting Om Suryaya Namaha.

Position 4

  • Take your leg one step back and place the other leg in the front with palms firm on the ground.
  • Raise your head
  • Inhale while chanting Om Bhanuvae Namaha.

Position 5

  • Bring the leg that was in front next to other one and keep the hips off the floor with both your hands supporting the body in a push-up position.
  • Exhale and chant Om Ravi Namaha.

Position 6

  • Lower your knees, chest and forehead with your palms slowly on the ground next to your chest and elbows bent upwards.
  • Hold your breath here and chant Om Pushnae Namaha.

Position 7

  • Lower your waist and raise your upper body.
  • Look upwards and keep your arms straight.
  • Inhale at a slow pace and chant Om Hiranya- Garbhaya Namaha.

Position 8:

  • Take your hips up and bring your head to the floor with eyes on the navel and heel on the floor. (like an inverted ‘V’).
  • Exhale and chant Om Marichiye Namaha.

Position 9:

  • Repeat the same posture of position 4
  • Inhale and chant Mantra Om Adityaya Namaha.

Position 10:

  • Same as the position 3.
  • Exhale while reciting Om Savitre Namaha

Position 11:

  • This stage is same as the second position.
  • Inhale and chant Om Arkaya Namaha

Position 12

  • In final stage form Position of Namaskar.
  • You have to breathe normally and recite Om Bhaskaraya Namaha.

2- Now comes 2 minute of Badhakonasana or cobblers pose or butterfly


  • This asana reduces fat on your inner thighs and strengthens your spine, muscles of the groin, knees and lower back.
  • It also helps intestinal and bowel movements.
  • It also helps relieve menstrual discomfort and improves digestion.

(Remember that the closer your legs are to your pelvis the greater the benefit of this pose. Do not push yourself, do as much as you can and your flexibility will improve with time)

 Steps in Badhakonasana

  • Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  • Bend your legs at the knees, such that the soles of your feet are facing each other.
  • Now with your hands pull your legs in so that your heels touch each other and they are as close to your pelvis as possible.
  • Move your thighs up and down, just like the wings of a butterfly. Do this as many times as you can.

Do not do this asana if you have injured knees.

3. Next is 3 minutes of Veerbhadrasana covering both the warrior poses:

This asana has two parts Warrior I and Warrior II poses. They both strengthen your back, arms, thighs, buttock and tummy. If proceeded firmly it can be great for obese or overweight people.

Warrior I steps (for 1.5 minutes)


  • Stand with your feet together and hands by your side.
  • Extend your right leg forward and keep your left leg extended backwards.
  • Gently bend your right knee so that you get into the lunge position.
  • Twist your torso to face your bent right leg.
  • Slightly turn your left foot sideways for support.
  • Exhale, straighten your arms and raise your body up and away from your bent knee.
  • Stretch your arms upwards and slowly tilt your torso backwards so your back forms and arch.
  • Repeat for other leg

To get out of this pose exhale and straighten your right knee. Now push off your right leg and come back to your original position.

 Warrior II Steps (for 1.5 minutes)


  • Follow the same steps as Warrior I, but face sideways.
  • Raise your hands to either side parallel to your leg.
  • Turn your head, eyes in the same direction as your right hand.
  • Repeat this posture for the other leg as well.

4- Lastly 2 minutes of Kapal bhati pranayam

  • This is a form of breathing exercise that helps to oxygenate your body.
  • It strengthens muscles of your stomach and abdomen.
  • It helps in giving you flat toned tummy.

It also improves digestion.Avoid doing this pose if you have high blood pressure, a hernia or heart disease.

  • Sit keeping your spine erect and your palms on your knees facing downwards.
  • Now exhale through your nose and pull your stomach in towards your spine.
  • When you loosen your stomach muscles you will automatically breath in.
  • Quickly contract your stomach muscles again and exhale. Your stomach muscles should be doing the work of pushing out and pulling in air.
  • Do this for 2 minutes

At the end of this 10 minutes yoga session relax with shavasana or warm down.


This 10 minute Yoga for weight loss must be done in the mornings and if possible outside.This power packed yoga can be done once a day or 5 times a week. Start gently and proceed as and when body gains strength and firmness. Weight loss will be stable and long term, if the routine is followed. Also for better results, keep check on the carbohydrates and fats in your diet.

Yoga for weight loss

Minu Manisha