Yoga and Pranayama for Glowing Skin


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Pranayama for glowing skin

Pranayama and yoga asana not only strengthen our body but also help in getting beautifully glowing skin. Many of these asana not only help in clearing the skin, but also prevent skin related deformities too. So here are some tips on yoga and pranayama for glowing skin, to help you prevent the harmful impacts of pollution and toxins. Yoga and pranayama are two most effective ways to keep your skin radiant and glowing all the time. The poses, gestures and movements aim at dealing with skin problems and bringing skin glow.

Benefits Of Yoga And Pranayama For Glowing Skin:

Yoga And Pranayama

  1. The soothing poses and movements from yoga specially pranayama help in relaxing mind, body and soul. They also reduce stress and anxiety which cause adverse effects on skin. Stress makes our skin appear dull and tired. Yoga and pranayama rejuvenate and revitalize our skin. They also prevent blemishes and pigmentation on the skin.
  2. Yoga and pranayama help in clearing dark circles and patches on the skin. By reducing stress and relaxing the body from within, they maintain proper blood circulation.
  3. Yoga and pranayama help in flushing out toxins from the skin, thus preventing and treating acne, pimples and dark patches. Signs of aging and stress are also reduced by regular practicing of these poses.
  4. Yoga and pranayama help in healing skin infections and allergies. Infections, pimples and boils occur due to skin allergies and yoga helps curing them all.
  5. Yoga and pranayama help in creating a strong digestive system. This helps in internal purification on the body and flushes out toxins from the body.
  6. Yoga helps in skin firmness and tightening. The signs of aging like wrinkles and loose skin can be cured by regular practice of asanas.

Yoga And Pranayama For Glowing Skin Include:

1- Kapalbhati Pranayama:

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati pranayama helps in detoxifying lungs and respiratory tracts. It purifies blood and improves circulation of oxygen in the body. This helps in enriching natural glow on skin. This rejuvenates and refreshes the mind and body. This breathing exercise helps in releasing toxins, stress and all negativity off our body. It also boosts oxygen in cells and thus purifies blood.


– Sit upright with legs crossed in padmasana; feet one over the other and toes facing upwards
– Take a deep breath and exhaling swiftly make a puffy sound
– Then focus on exhaling
– Move abdominal muscles inwards on exhaling
– Now quickly exhale by drawing your navel upwards
– Remember diaphragm must move in this asana
– Repeat 10 times

2- Anulom Viloum Pranayama:

Anulom Viloum Pranayama

Anulom viloum cures blood pressure and diabetes. It also improves concentration, patience and creativity. It increases oxygen supply throughout the body. This increases blood circulation in our body and thus gives naturally glowing skin. It makes our system healthy by fighting cold, blood glucose and cholesterol levels.


– Sit crossed legs with your back straight up
– Put your one hand such that your thumb rests on one nostril and ring finger near the other nostril
– Close index and tall finger
– Now press one nostril closed with your thumb and inhale
– Then take the thumb off and using your ring finger of the same hand close other nostril and exhale.
– Practice for 3-5 minutes.

3- Bhastrika pranayama:

Bhastrika pranayama

This asana increases oxygen in the blood thus giving a natural glow to the skin. It removes blockages in chest and nose. It also relaxes gut refluxes and improves appetite. It is believed to increase the life force.


– Sit cross legged in padmasana
– Put your hands on knee
– Relax and take a deep breath a few times.
– Expand your belly with every breath.
– Inhale and exhale forcefully only using your nose.
– Keep your spine erect and do not move while deep breathing
– Breath from your diaphragm
– Repeat 15 times

4- Kapal Randhra Dhouti:

Kapal Randhra Dhouti

This is a rejuvenating yogic facial massage. This stimulates the facial nerves and renders a natural glow over a period of time.


– Sit cross legged with spine erect
– Massage your forehead gently with fingers starting from the middle of your foreheads to temples.
– Now massage the area around your eyes in a circular motion
– Pinch your eyebrows along the length
– Massage your cheeks in an outward direction
– Look upwards and massage your neck with upward strokes
– Repeat 10 times

5- Yoni Mudra asana:

Yoni Mudra asana

This asana de-stresses and brings a glow to your face.


– Sit cross legged on the floor
– Place index finger on your eyes, small fingers below your lower lips, ring finger above your upper lips, middle fingers on your nostrils and thumbs on your ears.
– Just keep them all gently and do not exert pressure
– Keep elbows parallel to ground
– Now focus on your breathing
– Take deep breaths
– Repeat 20 times

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Tips for best utilizing yoga and pranayama for glowing skin:

  1. Practice yoga and pranayama at least 2 times a day
  2. Choose yoga poses that promote blood circulation to the upper part of the body.
  3. Pranayama is best practiced amid the nature, so always choose an open space with fresh air
  4. Begin with simple and gentle poses and then strengthen further. Warm up and warm down is important for these too
  5. At least 15 minutes of facial asanas must be practiced for quick skin glow
  6. Do no proceed with yoga and pranayama just after meals
  7. Drink plenty of water and keep the body hydrated by keeping your hands in varun mudra.

mudra balances

Varun mudra balances water element in our body. Incorporate it in the above breathing exercises. Just touch the tips of the little finger to thumb and straighten out the three fingers.

The above compilation on Yoga and Pranayama for glowing skin, is based on experiences and learnings over time. There have been some extremely magical benefits by following these regularly. Be sure to not over stretch yourself and practice them all as comfortable to your body.

For any skin issues check with your dermatologist and for all other preventive mechanisms follow the above without fear. As they are natural and safe without any side effects. Enjoy and healthy and beautiful skin with immense enrichments from the above asanas.

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Minu Manisha