10 Best Ways And Tips To Apply Kajal Perfectly On Eyes


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kajal perfectly on eyes

Kajal is traditionally made with the help of Aloe Vera and Coconut oil naturally. This authentic kajal is good for eyes and cools the eyes. Kajal can also be used as an eyeliner but it’s completely different from eyeliner as kajal has more of a creamy texture. It is worn on the waterline of the eyes. But eyeliner is used on top of the eyes and it is mostly liquid or semi-liquid in nature, it helps to manipulate the eye shape. Kajal is the one make up product which is widely used, let it be for a beginner or expert make up artists.

Lets us first know what kajal is exactly…

What is Kajal?

Kajal is a cosmetic product which is used for the eyes. By applying kajal it helps to highlight your eyes and gives it a depth look. Kajal can be applied to your eyes in different ways depending on the shape and size of your eye. Kajal is this one product which is good for your eyes, it avoids the entering of dust particles into the eyes.

What is kajal
ImageSource: myhomeimprovement.org

How to Choose the Best Kajal For Eyes?

Eyes are an important part of our body, so while choosing what kajal to use, we must me very careful. You do not need to have the fairest complexion to wear a kajal, it suits anybody and everybody, just that you must know how to apply kajal for your eyes.

Here are few tips on how to choose the best kajal for your eyes –

  • It’s better if you choose a brand which is well reputed in your area.
  • That doesn’t mean it will always suit you. For every person, it’s different, so prefer to first try it out on yourself.
  • If the kajal makes your eyes water or feels dry then stop using that immediately.
  • While purchasing kajal see how the brush is – if it’s like a rough surface, do not buy.
  • If the liquid is too watery or more than semi-liquid, do not purchase it.
  • In case, a particular makeup kajal suits your friend, then it does not have to mean that it will suit you.
  • Avoid purchasing it from the roadside vendors as it is mostly made in an unhygienic condition.
  • If the makeup kajal brush breaks are spoils, replace it asap.
  • Prefer buying a reputed brand kajal.
  • Do not forget to check out the expiry date.

How to Wear Kajal On Eyes?

How to wear kajal on eyes
ImageSource: www.beauty-tips.net
  • Every women loves to highlight her best features, so we apply makeup but using kajal a make up product is almost doe by most of the women and its basic.
  • Wearing kajal in different ways is mostly a well practised work but applying kajal to eyes in the most simple way is easy and does not even take a lot of your time as well.
  • If you have oily skin, try using kajal which is smudge proof and long lasting.

There are different ways to apply kajal on eyes. Here are few –

1. Basic


  • Take whatever kajal you have with you in your hands and then slide it on to your waterline part of the eyes. If you have small eyes avoid applying kajal in the inner corner of eyes as it will make it look smaller.
Take whatever kajal
ImageSource: www.metromela.com
  • If you want to make it look darker, then you can apply an extra layer on top of the first layer. This layer helps to give you’re a proper beautiful shape.
  • If you have a flat brush, using that slightly smudge off the ends of kajal on eyes.
slide the kajal
ImageSource: www.dailyvanity.sg
  • Now, slide the kajal on the upper part of the eyes, i.e., the upper water line.
  • Darken this by putting another layer which touches the roots of your eyelash and makes them look thick.
putting another layer
ImageSource: www.sentidodemujer.com
  • And you’re done! Your eyes should probably look like this.
Your eyes should probably look like this
ImageSource: makeupandbeauty.com

2. Upper wing

Upper wing
ImageSource: www.makeupgeek.com


  • Follow the first basic steps as mentioned.
  • Now, draw an outer wing kind on the upper layer of the eyes.
  • Let it go from thick to thin
  • Now attach that wing to the bottom corner are and fill it.
  • Its done!

3. Cat eye

Cat eye
ImageSource: www.tendances-de-mode.com


  • Take the kajal and apply it on the upper waterline, only till a bit away from the corner.
  • Now, pull out a thin stoke upwards.
  • Join that top corner kajal area on the upper corner and fill it.
  • And you’re set to fleak it.

4. Soft shade

Soft shade
ImageSource: www.topinspired.com


  • Wear the kajal on eyes however you need but as mentioned earlier use the upper wing.
  • Using a flat brush, smudge the upper wing slightly towards the inside of the eye which helps the kajal on eyes too look soft.
  • And its ready!

5. Thin line

Thin line
ImageSource: www.theyallhateus.com


  • Take the kajal and draw a thin line following the upper waterline.
  • If you want, take an upper wing but make it thin.
  • Natural look ready.

6. Gothic

ImageSource: www.annytude.com


  • Take the kajal and apply it on the eyes in a basic way.
  • Now, on the upper waterline apply the kajal in a thick curvy line.
  • If you want you can add a wing to it as well.

7. Stark Eyes

Stark Eyes
ImageSource: www.watchoutladies.net


  • While drawing the outline, gradually lift it up. Like a slanting lineNow make a straight wing
  • And connect the end
  • Now, fill the inside of it and it’s done.

8. Doe Eyes

Doe Eyes
ImageSource: www.teaandcrumpets.tumblr.com


  • With your kajal draw thin to thick outline for eyes.
  • When these 2 outlines meet in the outer middle corner, make a petal ending kind of outline.
  • Now, fill the inside are.

9. Double Winged Eyes

Double Winged Eyes
ImageSource: www.bl-on-de.tumblr.com


  • Draw a normal winged eye with your kajal.
  • Now draw the same wing in the low lash area
  • And it is done.

10. Thick and Dark Kohl

Thick and Dark Kohl
ImageSource: kristinkickass.tumblr.com


  • From the 1st corner to the 2nd corner draw a thick line following your eyes
  • Follow the same thing on the bottom.
  • Make sure both the lines are thick.

How to apply Kajal for small eyes?

If you have small eyes and want to make them look big, here is a simple and small tip for making small eyes look big by applying kajal.


  • Take the kajal, which one ever you have and apply it thick in your eyes
  • Don’t forget the Upper waterline.
  • Avoid applying kajal in the inner corner of the eyes
  • If you want, give it a small outer wing in the middle of both, upper and lower waterline.

If you apply kajal in this way on eyes, they will look a bit bigger and would highlight the eyes.

Cookie point: By shaping your brows in the shape of your eyes, eyes tend to look bigger.

How to apply kajal in eyes having dark circles?

If you’re a person who has dark circles and is hard to get rid of them, then follow this eye kajal tip:

  • Try not applying kajal on the lower waterline of an eye.
  • Prefer applying kajal on the upper waterline.
applying kajal on the upper waterline
ImageSource: www.makeupandbeauty.com
  • If you want to apply kajal on the lower waterline of eyes then, try to use a concealer which goes along your skin color.
apply kajal on lower waterline of eyes
ImageSource: www.marieclaire.com
  • Even if you wear kajal on an upper part of the eye, try using concealer for a better look.
kajal on upper part of the eye
ImageSource: www.makeuphall.net

Tips And Precautions:

  • You must always focus on the way you apply kajal on eyes. The technique is the first and foremost thing.
  • Always choose which kajal brand you’re going to buy wisely. Choose the brand which suits the most and perfect your skin.
  • Don’t ever leave it in the middle. Always try to finish the look you want.
  • If the kajal on eyes is symmetrical or identical, it would look more attractive.
  • You must always be ready for any situation. Keep the requires items in your bag and always carry one good kajal along with you.

Ways to remove kajal on eyes:

  • If you want, you can purchase a make up remover pad and just rub the kajal off on your eyes.
  • Coconut oil is also one of the best way to get rid of kajal on eyes.

It’s always good to remove your entire makeup before sleeping because it will help your skin to breathe.

In the end, I would love to say that every women is beautiful just the way they are, but it nothing wrong to apply makeup to make yourself feel more confident. If you do not prefer makeup, then eye kajal makeup is always the basic and on the go. Kajal could also be used to express your emotions and enhance them. Do not feel shy to put off the look to desire because by the end of the day, what matters for you is your happiness and personality. Keep smiling and have a cheerful day.

Cheers mate!

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